
Chicken is a "vascular scavenger" that lowers blood pressure, is it true? How to eat chicken is the healthiest?

author:Dr. Xudong chats

There are blood vessels in all parts of human tissue, and the nutrients needed by this organ tissue and cells are transported through blood vessels, and if these blood vessels are connected into a line, the total length can be as high as 96,000 kilometers.

Blood vessels are the conduits for transporting blood, ensuring that all organs of the body obtain the required blood flow nutrients, maintaining the normal operation of the body, and realizing the exchange of substances between blood and tissue cells.

It can also be said that blood vessels are a lifeline of human beings, once the blood vessels are blocked, there will be the problem of ischemia and hypoxia, if the continuous lack of oxygen will lead to tissue necrosis, especially like the heart, the head carries these important organ tissues, once the blood vessels are blocked, it will induce myocardial infarction, lung infarction, cerebral infarction, serious threat to life safety.

Chicken is a "vascular scavenger" that lowers blood pressure, is it true? How to eat chicken is the healthiest?

As the saying goes, "people live with blood vessels". It means that the health of blood vessels is related to the length of life, and when blood vessels are old, it means the decline of life.

Chicken is a "vascular scavenger" that lowers blood pressure, is it true?

Some people have heard that chicken also has a substance that can help lower blood pressure, is it true?

Indeed, there is a substance called arginine in chicken, when this substance enters the body, it can be converted into nitric oxide, which stimulates the relaxation of smooth muscles, expands blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and then achieves a blood pressure lowering effect.

That is to say, if the body lacks this substance, it will affect the dilation of blood vessels, resulting in long-term high pressure on the blood vessel wall, which is easy to induce hypertension.

From this point of view, eating chicken does have an auxiliary antihypertensive effect to a certain extent.

Chicken is a "vascular scavenger" that lowers blood pressure, is it true? How to eat chicken is the healthiest?

Eating chicken often can also get these benefits

Chicken is a common meat food in life, many weight loss people will choose to eat chicken to supplement nutrition, because fat does not have to worry about obesity.

In addition to the substance arginine, which can help lower blood pressure, the records also contain other rich nutrients. For example, protein, phosphorus, iron, copper, calcium, zinc, taurine, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and other nutrients can ensure the body's nutritional supply.

For example, protein can help regulate human immunity, strengthen the body, and prevent the invasion of bacteria and viruses; B vitamins can relieve fatigue to a certain extent and improve sleep problems; Phospholipids and linoleic acid and linolenic acid and other components can also effectively reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein, reduce cholesterol content, and play a cardiovascular role.

Chicken is a "vascular scavenger" that lowers blood pressure, is it true? How to eat chicken is the healthiest?

It can be seen that chicken is a relatively high-quality ingredient, and eating it properly will benefit the body a lot.

Eating chicken is good for blood vessels, but regular treatment is the key to controlling high blood pressure

Although the hycin in chicken is good for blood vessels, it can help lower blood pressure. But it also only plays an auxiliary role, if you want to really control high blood pressure and prevent blood pressure from rising continuously, regular treatment is the key.

● Antihypertensive drugs can not be stopped, do not change the dressing at will

Many patients with hypertension have cognitive misunderstandings about drug treatment, believing that taking drugs for a long time will definitely produce side effects, after all, it is a three-point poison of the drug. Or after taking the drug for a period of time, it feels that the effect is not obvious, and it is considered that this medicine is not working, and it is necessary to change to other drugs.

It is precisely because of the results of this cognition that the condition is often aggravated. Therefore, when taking medicine, you must follow the doctor's advice, do not change the drug at will, even if it is a long time to take the drug will bring side effects, but it is far less than the damage to the body by high blood pressure itself.

Chicken is a "vascular scavenger" that lowers blood pressure, is it true? How to eat chicken is the healthiest?

Therefore, it is recommended that you do not stop and change the medicine at will, so as not to cause frequent fluctuations in blood pressure and cause harm to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

● Monitor blood pressure to better control blood pressure

Elevated blood pressure is affected by a variety of reasons, so for patients with hypertension, in addition to standardizing drug treatment, it is also necessary to regularly monitor blood pressure to help us understand the control of blood pressure in a timely manner.

● A healthy lifestyle is fundamental to vascular health

A healthy lifestyle is fundamental to vascular health. Now most people have problems such as staying up late to sleep, smoking and drinking, and eating uncontrollably, especially in patients with high blood pressure, even if they take medicine on time, but the blood pressure control effect is still not ideal.

Chicken is a "vascular scavenger" that lowers blood pressure, is it true? How to eat chicken is the healthiest?

Therefore, if you want to control blood pressure, in addition to taking drugs, you must also pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. First of all, we must change our living and eating habits, especially in terms of diet, try to avoid foods such as high fat, high fat, and high sugar.

How to eat chicken is the healthiest? These 3 areas are recommended to be touched less

Although the muscles are good and can also help lower blood pressure, not all chicken can be eaten, and some parts are recommended not to eat, otherwise it will endanger health.

1. Chicken butt

Chicken butts are not only high in fat, but also have multiple lymphoid tissues, which can be known to be a place for harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses. So for whatever reason, it's best not to eat your ass.

Chicken is a "vascular scavenger" that lowers blood pressure, is it true? How to eat chicken is the healthiest?

2. Chicken offal

Chicken offal, that is, chicken gizzards, chicken kidneys and chicken alveoli, such as chicken alveoli contain a variety of bacteria, especially thermophilic bacteria, even after heating, it is difficult to completely eliminate.

And chicken gizzards and chicken kidneys should also eat less, many harmful substances, are to be metabolized and decomposed through the liver, and excretion requires kidneys, it is easy to leave harmful substances.

3. Chicken neck

Chicken neck is a glandular accumulation of parts of the pathogen may also have some pathogens that can not be decomposed in time and metabolic waste consumption is too much, causing health impact.

Therefore, when eating chicken neck, it is recommended not to eat chicken skin, and at the same time, the small meat lumps visible to the naked eye should be removed, so as to ensure the safety of eating.

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