
Poetry Review 丨Li Yang: Voices Hidden in the Depths of the Earth

author:Red Net
Poetry Review 丨Li Yang: Voices Hidden in the Depths of the Earth
Poetry Review 丨Li Yang: Voices Hidden in the Depths of the Earth

Lin Xue: A sound hidden in the depths of the earth

Text/Li Yang

I know my writing, write a little broken line is OK, let me connect to write, I really don't know where the next sentence will be written.

As one of the representative figures of obscure poetry, Lin Xue has been low-key hidden in the bottom of life. Not ostentatious, even a little cautious. Facing Lin Xue, facing "The Sunflower of the Earth", I have been silent and thinking. Think about what kind of mission the poet carries, and what kind of person can wear the crown of the uncrowned king.

The shawl's hair was slender, soft and fluffy, half-covering a poetic face. The camel-colored cotton jacket has a placket with a high open neckline, a shirt with a wide brim of ruffles as white as snow, and a pair of white jeans, which looks casual and warm. Lin Xue spoke without a high voice, the tone of his voice was gentle and delicate, like a flower, a flower, and another snow that quietly fell on the eaves, so quiet, so slight, and like a returning swallow, in a surprise to Yan Mother said the first sight outside the mountain, not like saying, not like chirping, but moaning. Lin Xue loves to laugh, it is the kind of idyllic, relieved laugh, it is the kind of cloud floating to the mountain, in appreciating whether it is like a cute hat like a smile, laughing lightly, laughing softly, laughing really, her laughter is rarely accompanied by laughter, the corners of her eyes and cheeks are smiling, often in the language and eyes to communicate with you. ("A Piece of Snow Drifting in the Forest- Impressions of the Famous Poet Lin Xue" Qinling)

With such an appropriate language as Qin Ling, I thought I might be able to save the pen and ink to describe Lin Xue's temperament. Or back to the heart of this article. The name "Hetuala" undoubtedly gave more life and meaning to Lin Xue's pen, and the hometown sound and nostalgia became the endless source of the poet. That source contains the poet's happy childhood, the poet's beautiful memories. But I found a deep resonance in it, that is, the attachment of the tree that cannot forget the roots, that is a trace of gloom when I look back. My ancestral home is Tai'an County, Anshan, Liaoning Province, where almost all my relatives live. Especially after Lin Xue arrived in Tianjin, he almost became my only family member, and Luo Zhenya's eldest brother who was later transferred to Tianjin.

In the strange world, there will always be some people who feel a lot, either to people, or to each other. Dialects are lonely throughout the world, in any corner of the world, looking for lonely dependence.

Repeatedly read a collection of poems called "Sunflowers of the Earth". Maybe to know something, or to know something, or to find some deep in the soul, some memory of words that you can't open, or to find your roots in poetry. Despite the differences in age, gender, and experience with the author, I still found a voice hidden in the depths of the earth in the middle of the work. It was the love that made the tears flow, and that love left me speechless, even fidgety.

"Father: One day, I was eating at your grandmother's house when someone outside called for the door. I put down my rice bowl and went out to see a woman, who seemed to have come from far away, standing outside the door and said, "Big brother, poor poor boy!" I haven't eaten in three days. As soon as I saw that the girl was so pitiful, I said, "Come into the house!" Your grandmother didn't have much grain at home, but we still made a lot of rice, ah, pork stew noodles, white noodle steamed buns, and rice. I said to your grandmother: Girl! Eat it! Eat a little more! The girl cried. After a full meal, quietly say to your grandmother: Big lady! I'm not gone... This person is your mother. ("Life" Lin Xue)

These stories are nothing short of miraculous for today's younger generation, and these things are simply unimaginable to them. Because they feel that they can't imagine sacrificing their own happiness for the appetite that they can't mobilize every day. They feel that romantic love is their legend. Only diamonds, roses, luxury cars and villas are their happiness. My ancestors, my ancestors, who have experienced suffering, in order to escape the disaster that fell from the sky, they migrated, drifted and displaced, so their flesh and bones were scattered, and some branches were never heard because of the distance. Some branches re-opened and scattered, so there was us. And a bowl of rice, a thick bread can become a turning point in life. These are the indelible traces that history has left for us.

A fatal question in my "separation-reunion" narrative for our family besets: Who was born to me? Who is my birth mother? Is it my current mother? I sometimes think yes, sometimes I don't. When she loved me, my doubts vanished; When she rebuked me and criticized me, my suspicions grew. Once, because my 3-year-old brother always grabbed my pencil, 6-year-old I was in a hurry and broke his head with a pencil. My mother was very angry and hit me with a bamboo board for 5 strokes, but only hit my brother once. When I was done, my mother asked me to write a review. I wrote. As she watched, I said, "Mom, I want to ask you something. I've wanted to ask about this for a long time. ”

"What?" Mom asked rhetorically.

"It is, it is."

I gulped, "Are you my stepmother?" ”

A few days later, in front of the only store in Dongzhou, a little girl of five or six years old cautiously walked up to several women selling popsicles and asked quietly but clearly one by one: "Are you my mother?" ("Life" Lin Xue)

We always had too many doubts about our mother's answer. Because when we get love, we only know contentment; When we are reprimanded and criticized, we always have to think of some strange thoughts. Questioning the origin of life, questioning where we came from, asking us all the first questions. Although these are all in vain, it may be these interests that give us the ability to think and feel.

The world is so vast, and we are so small. Sounds, those clean children's voices; Those confusions before the period of voice change, those shadows of youth rise and fall in our minds, always gently unfolding the fences of the past. "Sunflower of the Earth" is such a collection, she is the voice hidden in the depths of the earth. She is the line of footprints that the poet leaves to the reader.

"I started to get a fan of the word 'details'. Sometimes, I'm lucky enough to catch one of the most detailed and bright parts. More often, in some chaotic, unclear writing state, the word is like a cunning cat's claw, and when you get it, you have to pay itch and pain. ("10 Keywords Related to Writing Poetry", Lin Xue)

Details are a problem that no craftsman can avoid, and the slightest difference will be thousands of miles away. A friend emphasizes the details countless times. This reminds me of another saying: "Attitude determines everything, and details determine success or failure." Lin Xue is a person who can occupy her own time for a work that is flawless, even at the expense of a short work, she is unique in the era of the flood of garbage words on the Internet, and her uniqueness is also worthy of our admiration and respect.

"It is also today that I know that my eighth goddess of literature and art is no longer the kind of nobility, heroism, and elite, but the ordinary and ordinary people in daily life, and those ordinary things. They are not heroes, no adventures, no special charm, no importance. Perhaps this is the poet's self-examination before his conversion, and a remarkable poet is not concerned with how the art of poetry matures, but with whether the essence of poetry can live forever. Maybe this is off topic, but I think it's true.

“...... Focus on the global issues of truth, justice and the tastes of the times." One of the good virtues of a good poet, "is the ability to pursue an independent and free life." ("Good Poet: Focusing on Truth More Than Narcissism" Lin Xue)

Lin Xue's works see more of a good combination of poetry in narrative lyricism, a proper grasp of musical rhythm, the condensed elasticity of language, and the linguistic core of compassion.

"In this collection, I have tried to write ordinary, touching sentences, to write ordinary and sad truths, to write my own quiet, whispered love. In this collection of poems, this love has a symbol, a carrier, from the Hetuala Mountains, to the hills of Fushun, to the Liaoshen Plain, to the entire motherland. ("Good Poet: Focusing on Truth More Than Narcissism")

Poetry is undoubtedly the treasure of the soul for any poetry writer. Reading and perceiving, going deep or arriving, these are the inevitable results of presentation. The thick, deep low voice is undoubtedly difficult for some people who do not breathe well or do not have enough vocal range. Anyone can pretend to make a few muffled noises and chant weakly. I have also mentioned this in other texts. A love, perhaps an impulse; A lifetime of love can indeed be eternal.

"For me, the poet is not only an offering to poetry, and writing poetry has never meant merely the practice of language, not only for the betrayal of classical poetic sermons, but more importantly, in the process of writing poetry, have I consciously explored the possibility of rebellion due to continuous persistence, and created new meanings of poetry as the technique matured?"

"I'll keep writing this question. In daily life, I hope to see my spirit in the loss of ordinary things, still not losing poetry and patience, there are still some things that produce light in wear and tear" ("Good Poet: Paying Attention to Truth Is Greater than Narcissism" Lin Xue)

Because of the pressure of survival, that year, I did not accompany Lin Xue on his trip to Tianjin. Several short contacts are in restaurants and hotels, if someone says that their life is not good, come to see Lin Xue's poetry, if someone says that they are unhappy to see Lin Xue, because she has a loving heart, because she has a voice hidden in the depths of the earth. A glossy bass.

(Originally published in Hezhou Literature, No. 1, 2022)

Poetry Review 丨Li Yang: Voices Hidden in the Depths of the Earth

Lin Xue, female. In 1988, he participated in the 8th Youth Poetry Club of the Poetry Magazine. In 2006, she won the National Top Ten Young Female Poets Award of the Poetry Journal in the New Century. The poetry collection "Sunflowers of the Earth" won the Fourth Lu Xun Literature Award. Published several poems such as "Light Blue Star", "Blue Love", "On the Side of Poetry", "Lin Xue's Poem" and so on. Essay collection "Flames Under Deep Water", poetry appreciation collection "I still like love" and so on. His works have won the "Star" Poet of the Year Award, the China Publishing Group Award, the Most Influential Poet in China in a Hundred Years, and the Top Ten Contemporary Poets Award.

Poetry Review 丨Li Yang: Voices Hidden in the Depths of the Earth

Li Yang, formerly known as Wang Liping, a native of Nehe, Heilongjiang, now lives in Chengdu, Sichuan. He has published works in more than 200 newspapers and periodicals at home and abroad, won several awards, and his works have been selected into a variety of anthologies. In 2003, he won the silver medal of the "China Gold Horn Award" in Tianjin Division, and from 2005 to 2006, he won the gold and silver awards of "China Century Style". From 2007 to 2008, he won the first prize for small novels and the second prize for poetry in Tianjin's "Culture Cup". In 2016, he won the Chuandong Literature Award, in 2017 he won the Bashu Literature Award, and in 2021 he won the Gonggashan Literature Award. Published a collection of works "Chengdu Vocabulary - The Plain Writing of The Walker" and "Ninety-Nine Roses After Valentine's Day".