
He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

author:Historical Tale Day

Most of the athletes in the Olympic arena fought for their country and defended the dignity of their homeland with their own gold medals.

But at the 1994 Hiroshima Asian Games, He Zhili, a former Chinese table tennis player, represented the Japanese team and beat three mainland athletes on the field, including the widely known Deng Yaping.

He Zhili was originally Chinese, and after each victory, he would arrogantly shout "Yo Sai!" in Japanese. "Such a move made many Chinese very dissatisfied after seeing it."

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomoru Koyama

Everyone does not understand why, as an excellent athlete, why did she do such a betrayal of the motherland, she not only joined the Japanese nationality and represented the Japanese team, but also humiliated the players of our Chinese team in this way?

At that time, He Zhili had changed her name to Tori Koyama, after this incident, what changes had taken place in her life? Does He Zhili now regret her traitorous behavior?

Disobeying the coach's arrangement, he was hidden by the Chinese team

As an outstanding athlete in China, why He Zhili did not develop her career in China well, but to be loyal to the Japanese, all this has to start from He Zhili's birth and a special experience.

He Zhili was born in Shanghai in 1964, she has liked sports since she was a child, so her parents deliberately cultivated her in sports, and He Zhili also lived up to expectations, has always achieved good results in sports, and later after entering a professional sports school, the level has gone up to a higher level.

It is precisely because He Zhili was born with a very good sports talent, so she became an excellent female table tennis player by relying on her years of hard work as an adult.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Chiri Koyama when she was young

He Zhili is very hard and hardworking, but she has a pride in her, and in every game, she vows to play the best result. However, such a personality is not suitable for the national team, because the coach of the national team must not only consider the development of each athlete, but also consider whether the Chinese team can achieve good results in the world.

He Zhili's thinking inevitably has some personal heroism in it, but at the beginning it was not valued by the people around him, and everyone thought that He Zhili, like all athletes, could accept that the national team should focus on the overall situation, thus sacrificing the unspoken rules of personal gains and losses of an athlete.

He Zhili's table tennis level at that time was also far ahead in the national team, and her playing style was often surprisingly successful, even surprising to the coach.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomoru Koyama holding a trophy

Of course, it is undeniable that He Zhili's excellence also contains her own efforts, so after she has paid a lot, she hopes to let the world see her excellence in every game, rather than being quietly buried.

Such a thought is understandable, but she did something without permission, but the national team disappointed her, and even hid her, and did not give her the opportunity to compete, which made her feel very painful, so it also led to her later making a decision that was unbelievable and made her regret herself for the rest of her life.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomori Koyama poses with friends

He Zhili is good at playing table tennis, but she is not good at handling interpersonal relationships, and she does not know how to not only offend people, but also make herself famous, so she made a mistake and let the national team have an opinion of her.

At the 39th Table Tennis World Championships in New Delhi, India in 1987, Ho Hadli had previously lost to South Korea's Leung Young-ko.

Therefore, the coach did not intend to let He Zhili play Liang Yingzi directly, but let He Zhili deliberately give the ball to his teammate Guan Jianhua in the semifinals with his own people, so that Guan Jianhua would play against Liang Yingzi after winning.

Originally, the coach's idea was to increase the probability of winning the Chinese team through such private manipulation, but He Zhili was only 23 years old at the time, and he had a newborn calf that was not afraid of tigers, and he was not willing to give up a chance to fight with Liang Yingzi.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Chiri Koyama when she was young

So although the coach told her to concede to her teammate Guan Jianhua before going on the court, He Zhili still defeated Guan Jianhua and personally played against Liang Yingzi.

At this time, the coach felt both angry and worried, angry that He Zhili, as an athlete, actually disobeyed his own arrangements, worried that He Zhili was not skilled, if he really lost to Liang Yingzi, the impact would not only be her alone.

The coach felt seven up and eight down in her heart, but He Zhili was calm and self-assured on the field, and she played at her best level, defeating her opponent Liang Yingzi and winning the championship for the Chinese team.

However, because He Zhili violated the coach's plan, her victory not only did not meet the praise of the coach, but made the coach feel that she was not a good manager and did not have a sense of the overall situation, so she decided to punish her after the game. He Zhili also apologized to the coach for this matter, but the coach has always ignored it.

Married a Japanese man and changed his name to become a Japanese citizen

After this incident, He Zhili was basically marginalized by the Chinese national team, and she was no longer eligible for many competitions.

He Zhili fell into a deep self-doubt, she understood the coach's so-called sense of the overall situation, but she felt that she obviously won Liang Yingzi, she should not be treated differently by the coach, but no one patiently listened to her explanation, she was doomed to lose a lot of opportunities that belonged to her later because of that self-assertion.

Just when He Zhili felt depressed, a man broke into her life, allowing her to see a light in her gray life.

This man is a Japanese, named Hideyuki Oyama, born in a famous Japanese family, he chose to work as a table tennis coach when he became an adult, because the content of the work is close, so although he and He Zhili come from different countries, they still fall deeply in love with He Zhili.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomori Koyama's wedding

He Zhili was stagnant in the development of the national team at that time, and she also wanted to change the environment in her heart, so after falling in love with Hideyuki Oyama, she quickly agreed to Hideyuki Koyama's request to let her live in Japan.

Accompanied by Hideyuki Koyama, He Zhili slowly stepped out of the shadow of being "hidden" by the national team, and even wanted to develop her own table tennis career in Japan after marrying Hideyuki Koyama.

As a Japanese man, Hideyuki Oyama's thinking is still relatively traditional, and he hopes that He Zhili can follow him back to Japan and completely accept everything in Japan.

On the one hand, He Zhili was angry with the national team, and on the other hand, out of her liking for Hideyuki Oyama, so she went to Japan and chose to join the Japanese nationality.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomoru Koyama took a group photo with the head of the Table Tennis Association when she returned to China in 2005

When He Zhili joined the Japanese nationality, in order to completely break the line with her past, she also changed her husband's surname and named Ituri Oyama.

If Tomori Oyama had stopped doing something extreme in the future, her life might have calmed down, lived like a Japanese woman and a husband and son, and fully integrated into Japanese society.

However, Tomori Koyama is not an ordinary woman, she has always wanted to be a world champion in her heart, and she is young and vigorous, believing that she is the so-called awareness of the overall situation of the Chinese national team, suppressing her original talent.

Therefore, even if she married into Japan, she still wanted to make a career in table tennis all the time to prove that she was strong.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomori Koyama poses with friends

Tomori Koyama's idea is very narrow, she forgets that China is the homeland where she raised herself after all, even if the national team focuses on the overall situation and ignores Tomori Oyama's personal feelings, it cannot be a reason for her to complain about the motherland.

At that time, Tomori Koyama did not expect so much, but was bent on one day representing the Japanese team and defeating the Chinese team.

At first, the Japanese also attached great importance to Tomori Koyama, because they knew that Tomori Oyama's own strength in table tennis could help them win on the field.

More importantly, as a former member of the Chinese team, Tomori Oyama is more familiar with the Chinese team's play style than the Japanese, and her joining the Japanese team undoubtedly increases the odds of winning on the field by quite a few percent to the Japanese team.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomori Koyama, who is playing

Tomori Oyama finally waited for the opportunity to be able to play as a member of the Japanese team's table tennis team, and in the face of such an opportunity, she began a long-planned action to represent the Japanese team to win the Chinese team, but the result of this made her bear an unexpected price.

Winning three Chinese female players in a row, they were scolded by the Chinese people

At the 12th Asian Games in Hiroshima, Japan in 1994, Tomori Oyama competed as a member of the Japanese team.

Because she originally had an extreme thought, she did not show any mercy to the Chinese team's players when playing, but instead fought hard against the Chinese team, and finally defeated three female players in China, including Deng Yaping.

Although Tomori Oyama won the victory, her performance on the field made many Chinese people disgusted her to the extreme, because as a Chinese, she not only represented the Japanese team, but also performed extremely proudly after defeating the Chinese team, which made the countrymen angrily condemn her as a traitor.

In particular, in her interview, Tomori Koyama used Japanese throughout the interview, and it was obvious that she had long forgotten that it was the motherland that had trained her to be a good athlete, but she was doing things that made the motherland and the people feel sad.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Middle-aged Tomoru Koyama

The domestic media also did not have a high evaluation of Tomori Koyama, feeling that her original encounter in the national team was not enough to raise the contradiction to the dissatisfaction with the entire national team, ignoring the national righteousness that she had as a Chinese.

He Zhili herself did not say anything in the unexpected world at that time, but had a different kind of pleasure, in the face of the attack of others, she also wanted to do everything possible to defend herself, in a vain attempt to say her inappropriate behavior, a little more grandiose.

Chinese will not forget the arrogance she showed when she put on the Japanese team's match suit, nor will she forget every "Yo Sai" she shouted, so her explanation seemed so pale and weak that it could not convince anyone, but only made people feel that she was very hypocritical.

After that competition, the Japanese people insulted her, and although Japan said that it used her on the surface, it thought of her ruthless betrayal of her motherland and had a certain opinion of her character in her heart.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomori Koyama instructs children to play ball

Tomori Oyama has since been working as a table tennis coach in Japan, and at first she felt an inexplicable freedom and ease after leaving the national team.

However, after a long time, Oyama found that in the eyes of the Japanese, she did not have the high status she imagined, but was just a tool person who could be replaced at any time, a coach who taught their athletes to win awards.

After Finding out all this, Oyama was very distressed, but she could not turn back the clock, she could no longer return to the Chinese national team, but she could never really integrate into the Japanese camp, because in the eyes of the Japanese, she was still a Chinese, and would not give her too high status and too much right to speak.

Tomori Oyama may have regretted it at this time, but it was too late for anyone to forget how she was when she competed as a Japanese, nor did she have a chance for China to accept her again.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomori Oyama represented the Japanese team

Tomori Koyama could only bury the pain in her heart, the road was chosen by herself, and all the bitter fruits could only be swallowed by her alone.

She could not complain about anyone, only that her original choice was so hasty that she was now in a very dilemma, and could only stay on Japanese soil and face an embarrassing life.

After encountering a marriage change, he lived alone

Tomori Koyama did not live a long time of peace, and her life was shattered by a disaster like a bomb.

In these years in Japan, the aura on Tomori Oyama's body gradually faded in the eyes of her husband, and for her husband Hideyuki Oyama, she was an ordinary woman, and she abandoned her motherland, and now she can only live under her own protection, so she is no longer crazy about her.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

A newspaper that publishes the news of Tomori Koyama

Hideyuki Koyama himself is also a more popular man, just in the training and a young and beautiful trainee rubbed a spark of love, Oyama Hideyuki disregarded his identity as a married man, openly and his lover in pairs, without the slightest consideration of Oyama's feelings.

Tomori Koyama is a very strong woman in her bones, and after hearing that her husband had cheated on her, she was not willing to swallow her anger at all, so she filed for divorce with her husband Hideyuki Oyama.

Because Hideyuki Koyama already had a new love, he did not have too much nostalgia for Hideyoshi Koyama, so he went through divorce procedures with Tomoyuki Koyama.

After divorcing her husband, Oyama Zhili's mood was extremely painful, and she felt that she was very unfortunate, not only making the motherland and the people disgusted her, but even love left her.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Middle-aged Tomoru Koyama

However, Tomori Koyama was always strong, she went to Osaka to buy a house, also bought her own car, and also took her brother to Japan to study, and later helped his brother have his own small home in Japan.

After experiencing a lot, Tomori Koyama's state of mind is very different from before, and she regrets that she once dissatisfied with the irrational behavior of the motherland's table tennis team.

However, there is no regret medicine to take, she can only swallow the bitter water into her stomach, and continue to work as a table tennis coach at a club in Japan to support herself.

What made Tomori Oyama feel very excited was that at the 2005 World Championships, she still received an invitation from the Chinese Table Tennis Association, and looking at this invitation, she felt that her heart was mixed.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomori Koyama returned to her homeland to visit

The invitation letter was to let her return to China as an overseas envoy, thinking that she had once been a female player in the Chinese national team, but now she could only return to the motherland in this capacity, her heartache was impossible for others to appreciate, but she also had to accept such an arrangement.

When Tomori Koyama returned to China to participate in exchange activities, she saw that the development of the motherland was almost beyond her imagination, and learned that although most of her teammates have now retired, others have not made the wrong choice like her, so they all have a peaceful life.

Tomori Koyama felt very regretful and sincerely apologized to the head of the association for her excesses.

The person in charge of the Chinese Table Tennis Association naturally will not say anything more to Oyama Zhili, but it is enough to make her feel painful and sad, she thought that she was originally a very good table tennis player, if it were not for the fact that she was too competitive and competitive, destroyed the sense of community, so that the Chinese team almost lost the championship, her life would not be rewritten.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Middle-aged Chiri Koyama

She did not have to endure the overwhelming pressure of public opinion for many years, so that she had a heavy mental burden.

In particular, to see that today's China can forgive such a faulty athlete as her, which makes her feel very ashamed. Today, Tomori Oyama still lives in Japan, but in the depths of her heart, she will never be able to forgive her mistakes.

In the process of pursuing self-development, everyone will inevitably encounter some situations where self-development and collective interests conflict, but in this case, we should also face the rules rationally, maintain a sense of the overall situation, rather than making up our own minds to break the rules.

As an athlete, although He Zhili finally defeated Liang Yingzi by strength, the coach's consideration was also to select a better athlete to compete, and did not intend to suppress He Zhili.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Tomori Koyama signs a ping-pong racket

Different people have always had different views on He Zhili's incident, but in any case, as a Chinese athlete, she later represented Japan in the competition and even defeated our Chinese team.

Although she realized her mistake later, everything came too late to change the fact that it was a foregone conclusion.

After the Incident of He Zhili, our national team also made a certain degree of adjustment, no longer letting the athletes designated by the coach play, but letting the athletes decide the victory and defeat by their own strength.

Some people do not understand why Oyama, who has divorced her Japanese husband, should not change her original name, or return to China, but stay in Japan all the time.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen 28 years ago and defeated Deng Yaping shouting "Yo Sai", is now what?

Old photo of Tomori Koyama

However, for He Zhili, it is no longer important where to stay, what is important is that she has always repented of her mistakes caused by her irrationality at that time, and she will also secretly shed tears for her choices every night in the middle of the night.

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