
As the saying goes, "ten pairs of medicines for a pork belly", what are the benefits of eating pork belly often? Three types of people should be willing to eat

author:Dr. Xu Xinghua, Internal Medicine

I believe that many people have heard of such a sentence "a pork belly ten pairs of medicines", then, is this really the case? Why is there such a thing?

Speaking of pork belly, I believe that most people are very familiar with it, in fact, it is the stomach of the pig, in line with the principle of what to eat, the older generation believes that eating pork belly can relieve stomach pain and prevent stomach diseases.

As the saying goes, "ten pairs of medicines for a pork belly", what are the benefits of eating pork belly often? Three types of people should be willing to eat

There is another story about this:

In ancient times, there was a concubine who had a bad appetite after giving birth, and the emperor saw that his beloved concubine was getting weaker and weaker, and he was very worried, so he decreed: If someone can come up with a delicious food that makes the concubine of love have a great appetite, then he will get a great reward.

Inspired by money and status, a chef thought of a trick, tucking the sliced pork belly into the cooked chicken belly, delicious chicken soup with crisp and tough pork belly, the wonderful taste immediately made the concubine's appetite open, and even ate a large bowl.

After being raised in this way for more than a month, the noble concubine's appearance was getting better and better, and her spirit was vibrant, and the emperor was very happy, greatly rewarding the chef, and this dish was also passed down.

As the saying goes, "ten pairs of medicines for a pork belly", what are the benefits of eating pork belly often? Three types of people should be willing to eat

Although there is no way to confirm the truth of this story, the practice of the pork belly chicken is real.

As the saying goes, "ten pairs of medicines for a pork belly" means?

This sentence refers to the emphasis on the conditioning effect of pork belly, which means that a pork belly can top ten pairs of medicines, but according to the current point of view, this statement is indeed exaggerated, but the methodical effect of pork belly still exists.

1, can make up for the weakness, for the physical fitness is relatively weak, weak and thin people, appropriate eating pork belly has a good effect of supplementing the weakness and enhancing physical fitness;

2. Be able to strengthen the spleen and stomach, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy, pork belly into the spleen meridian and stomach meridian.

For people with spleen deficiency and lack of food, loss of appetite, indigestion, and thin body, pig belly is appropriate to eat, and by nourishing the spleen and stomach meridians, it can improve the transportation capacity of the spleen and stomach, and then alleviate the above symptoms.

As the saying goes, "ten pairs of medicines for a pork belly", what are the benefits of eating pork belly often? Three types of people should be willing to eat

Pork belly has many benefits, but 3 types of people try to avoid it

For some people with obesity components, it is not even recommended to eat pork belly, because pork belly contains a lot of fat, and consuming too much cholesterol will aggravate obesity.

But also will increase the burden of blood vessels, causing the occurrence of induced vascular diseases, the body is very harmful, so this kind of person or stay away as well, do not covet a temporary profit, thereby damaging the health of the body.

For some people who have just recovered from serious illnesses, it is also not recommended to eat pork belly, because these people's organs are relatively weak, need to be actively adjusted, and the diet should be light.

As the saying goes, "ten pairs of medicines for a pork belly", what are the benefits of eating pork belly often? Three types of people should be willing to eat

However, the tonic value of pork belly is high, if you take too much, it will increase the burden on the body, which is not conducive to physical recovery, so for this kind of person, it is still appropriate to keep your mouth shut.

In patients with gout itself, due to the increase in the level of uric acid in the body, the induced uric acid hyperemia is then not controlled, and uric acid forms crystals in the body, accumulating in the knee joint and hand joints.

The substances contained in the pig's belly will make the condition of gout patients more serious, causing a certain burden on the body.

【Recommended Method】

● Pork belly soup with red jujube lotus seeds

This product is a kind of crock pot simmering soup in Nanchang, Jiangxi, which has the effect of tonifying blood and strengthening the spleen, and has a good tonic effect on people who are weak.

Ingredients: 1 pork belly (about 1 pound), white pepper, lotus seeds, cooking wine, red dates, 2 slices of ginger, salt, chicken essence.

As the saying goes, "ten pairs of medicines for a pork belly", what are the benefits of eating pork belly often? Three types of people should be willing to eat


1, first remove the pork belly from the dirty oil, then wash, cut ten centimeters from the edge, turn over the pork belly, rub the pork belly with 1 tablespoon of coarse salt and 1 tablespoon of vinegar until there is no mucus, then rinse with water, put it in boiling water for 3 minutes to take it out, scrape off the white dirt with a knife, wash and slice.

2: Fill 6 bowls of water in a pot, add pork belly, red dates, lotus seeds, green onion, ginger slices, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat and simmer for an hour and a half.

3: Finally, season with salt, chicken essence and cooking wine.

● Yellow pepper belly

Ingredients: pork belly, potato flour, enoki mushrooms, celery, pickled millet spicy, fresh green red millet spicy, yellow lantern yellow pepper sauce, pickled millet spicy, ginger garlic, pepper, cooking wine, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, white vinegar.

As the saying goes, "ten pairs of medicines for a pork belly", what are the benefits of eating pork belly often? Three types of people should be willing to eat


1. Wash and cut the pork belly into strips, add alkali noodles and soak for more than half an hour.

2. Rinse the water so that the pork belly is crisp and tender, drain the water, let cool and set aside.

3. Heat the pot with oil, soak millet spicy, ginger garlic and rice and stir-fry until fragrant, put down the fresh soup, boil the potato flour, enoki mushrooms, celery and boil the raw fishing out of the pot.

4. Then inhale the pork belly strips, stir in, pepper, cooking wine, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and white vinegar and put them in the pot.

5. Heat the oil pot to 50%, add sesame oil, green and red millet spicy and stir-fry on the pork belly.