
Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

author: Travel encyclopedia courier

Burkina Faso, you may be unfamiliar with this African country, and even many people who study geography have heard about this country for the first time.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

Located in the landlocked country of west Africa, Burkina Faso covers an area of 274,000 square kilometers, which is a bit larger than the United Kingdom. The population is 20.3 million. Burkina Faso is one of the least developed countries in the world, with only one railway on its borders.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

Although Burkina Faso has no desert in its territory, it is next to the desert, and the western part is full of sandy soil, which is impossible to grow food, and there is very little arable land.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

Among the 197 countries in the world, Burkina Faso ranks 173rd in the Global Human Development Index, with a per capita GDP of 737 US dollars, local industry and agriculture are very poor, cotton is the main foreign exchange earning product, and the production of seed cotton is the largest in South African countries.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

The local under-five mortality rate is very high, with about 1,000 live births and 146 deaths.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

The poorer you are, the more you have to give birth, and the fertility rate is 5.1.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

The mortality rate for men aged 15 to 60 is also very high, with 298 deaths out of 1,000 men.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

The statutory minimum wage in Burkina Faso is 143 XFA francs per hour, equivalent to 1.5 yuan.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

Burkina Faso's name means "gentleman", the poverty rate of this self-proclaimed gentleman's country is as high as 43.7%, the illiteracy rate is as high as 64%, many people can not even write their own names, after all, every day when they wake up, they have to rush to eat a mouthful of food.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

More than 30% of the local people can not drink clean drinking water, water resources are routinely lacking, tens of thousands of people share the same well is a common thing, every household has the habit of storing water, who has more water tanks, the richer the family.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

Here is the typical poor are very poor, the rich are very rich, the rich class is mostly concentrated in the private villas in the capital Ouagadougou, the interior decoration is extremely luxurious and modern, and the furniture and appliances are not bad.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

Burkina Faso is a savannah climate, the number of people growing vegetables is very small, more dependent on imports, resulting in a very high price of local vegetables, 23 yuan per kilogram of cabbage, pork is cheap, equivalent to 2.4 US dollars a kilogram.

Burkina Faso has a large number of people, in order to have a chance to survive, most people choose to work abroad, Burkina Faso has become the main source of foreign workers in West African countries.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

Burkina Faso's yellow sand makes it easy to go out, and the local travel mainly relies on donkeys and motorcycles. So the locals are very incomprehensible about the slaughter of donkeys, which are not only their means of transportation, but also their means of making money.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

For those who are particularly fond of beef and mutton, Burkina Faso is paradise, the local general market does not provide pork but beef and mutton are very much, local specialties grilled chicken grilled fish, the taste is very delicious.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

Don't look at Burkina Faso's economic backwardness, but the film industry has not fallen at all, and a film festival is held every two years in the capital, called "Ouagadougou Pan-African Film Festival", which is one of the three major film festivals in Africa. Africa's first film archive was built in the capital Ouagadougou, and the highest golden horse prize for each edition is 10 million CFA francs, equivalent to 120,000 yuan.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

Burkina Faso, formerly known as "Upper Volta", had a former President, Sankara, who, when the country's name was changed in 1984, issued a set of stamps with Sankara's portrait, which was deactivated after Sankara's death.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

In this chaotic part of West Africa, Sankara was known as "the most upright man" whose short life inspired generations of people.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

Burkina Faso's international ranking is nearly 20 places higher than that of the Chinese men's football team.

Step into "Burkina Faso", a poor African country, and take you to see the real situation

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