
As the saying goes, "a bowl of tea in the summer, no need to find Langzhong", make 4 kinds of tea for your family, nutrition and health

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

At present, although it has not officially entered the three-volt day, but in the face of steamer-like weather, many people have a sense of powerlessness, as the saying goes, "spring sleepiness, autumn lack of summer napping", and many old people often chant "a bowl of tea in summer, no need to find Langzhong", especially to the family to brew these kinds of tea, relieve the heat and nutrition and health.

As the saying goes, "a bowl of tea in the summer, no need to find Langzhong", make 4 kinds of tea for your family, nutrition and health

Chrysanthemum tea: For people who are easy to catch fire in the summer, chrysanthemums are a good match, especially for people with strong liver fire, there are dizziness and headache, tinnitus, chest tightness, chest pain, dry mouth, dry stool, poor sleep quality, poor diet and so on.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that chrysanthemums taste bitter, sweet, slightly cold, have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, dispelling heat and dampness, for office workers with excessive eyes, chrysanthemum tea can also alleviate eye fatigue and play a role in clearly nourishing the mind.

As the saying goes, "a bowl of tea in the summer, no need to find Langzhong", make 4 kinds of tea for your family, nutrition and health

In addition, chrysanthemums can also be combined with a variety of ingredients, such as goji berries, dates, mulberry leaves, mint, etc., and the health effect will be stronger. At the same time, we should pay attention to the fact that if special groups such as pregnant women, people with allergies, spleen and stomach deficiency are not suitable for drinking excessive chrysanthemum tea, to avoid causing a variety of discomfort to the body.

Walnut distraction wood tea: For the group that loves to eat walnuts, I believe that many people will throw away the middle layer of walnuts, in fact, this is the distraction wood of walnuts, also known as walnut clips, it is an ingredient that belongs to the homology of medicine and food, into the spleen, kidneys, antidiarrheal and other effects, can be used for frequent urination, diarrhea, dysentery and other uncomfortable symptoms.

If there are the symptoms mentioned above, you can also go to the hospital to buy, each time you can use about 3g of distraction wood, and then use 200ml of warm water to brew, at this time you will smell the fragrance of walnuts, but because the substance tastes expensive, everyone in the brewing or frying, you can also add the right amount of red date slices, guiyuan dried, is a very good way.

As the saying goes, "a bowl of tea in the summer, no need to find Langzhong", make 4 kinds of tea for your family, nutrition and health

Goji Berry Tea: Wolfberry, a plant of the solanaceae family, is not only used as an ingredient, but also as the only food recorded as a medicinal material in the 2010 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and is later used as an ingredient for medicinal and food homology.

In the daily health, we can also choose to eat the right amount of goji berries, there are red goji berries, black goji berries, compared to red goji berries, many people are more regarded as known as "soft gold" black goji berries, with antioxidant, anti-aging, cardiovascular protection and other effects.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is also believed that black into the kidneys, black goji berries also have the effect of tonifying the kidneys and nourishing the liver, and can be drunk with water every day. At the same time, we should pay attention to how to absorb all the nutrients of goji berries, even if they are soaked in water to drink.

As the saying goes, "a bowl of tea in the summer, no need to find Langzhong", make 4 kinds of tea for your family, nutrition and health

Honeysuckle tea: About honeysuckle tea, in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is mentioned that "long-term service is light, prolonging life", drinking in moderation every day, as well as preventing colds, dispelling fire and dampness, health care and other effects, and at the same time can also be matched with chrysanthemums, kapok, etc., and the health effect is good.

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