
Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

author:Hear something new

When it comes to Yuan Shikai, many people think of various historical events related to him.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Yuan Shikai was known as the "great thief of the country", which can be described as infamous. Today, we want to talk about Yuan Shikai from another angle, that is, "food".

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

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Yuan Shikai likes to eat ginseng, deer antler velvet and other supplements, and eats very "rough" - he will chew a lot of it.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

In addition, he also drinks human milk every day (because he thinks human milk is very nourishing), so the Yuan family also hired a nursing mother who specializes in providing human milk.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

He got up at five o'clock every day, drank a bowl of ginseng soup, and waited until six o'clock to eat breakfast.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Yuan Shikai's breakfast is basically chicken shredded noodles, and the noodles are Huangchuan tribute noodles (Gwangju tribute noodles) from Huangchuan, Henan.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

In addition to the chicken noodles, there are also white steamed buns and eggs.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

In addition to Chinese, there are also Western-style biscuits served with coffee or tea.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

His staple food is mainly noodles and steamed buns, and sometimes there is porridge, such as mung bean paste made from mung beans.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Yuan Shikai liked to eat ducks as much as Cixi, and in fact he deliberately "followed" Cixi to eat.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Yuan Shikai likes to eat stuffed ducks, and this duck is fed with mashed deer antler velvet mixed with sorghum.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Yuan Shikai also likes to eat steamed duck, especially the skin of the duck.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

He also likes to stew fat duck, the duck is washed and devisted, like the eight treasure duck, the stomach is stuffed with glutinous rice, ham, mushrooms, kohlrabi, bamboo shoots, wine, ginger juice, etc., and then put into a porcelain jar, and then put into a pot containing chicken soup, steamed over low heat, this steaming process takes three days, the taste of chicken soup also seeps into the duck meat, the duck meat also becomes soft and rotten, chopsticks lightly clip it out.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

It is said that on Yuan Shikai's table, the order of dishes is also fixed. His favorite steamed duck must be placed in the middle, the leek fried meat shredded meat on the east side, the braised meat on the west side, and the pig's trotters.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Shredded pork with chives and braised pork are both from the hands of the fifth aunt.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

The method of stir-frying shredded pork with leeks is: cut the peeled pork belly into coarse strips, stir-fry in the pot, add minced green onions and noodle sauce and fry, then add cooking wine, soy sauce, leek yellow segments, put salt, hook, and then drizzle with pepper oil to get out of the pot. Yuan Shikai's favorite thing to eat is fried with steamed buns and leeks.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Braised pork is cooked until semi-cooked, then sautéed in a pan to make sugar, then add pork belly and cook until golden brown. Use iron chopsticks to skewer the pork belly, put it in a frying pan and fry it for a minute, wait for the skin to bubble up and then fish it out, cut it into strips four centimeters long and one centimeter thick. Put the shallot and ginger ingredients in a middle bowl, then put the braised pork on top, add salt and cooking wine, steam on the pot, and finally buckle in the plate, you can serve.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Speaking of braised pork, I have to mention Yuan Shikai's "superstition". He believes that "Hong Xian" and "Hong Xian" are homophonous, so his diet has a lot of red-related foods, such as braised pork, braised fish, red shrimp, red crabs, etc., and there are fresh ham silk arranged as "Long live Hong Xian" on the table.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Not only the fifth aunt, but also the third aunt also has a good dish. That's smoked fish.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

The method of smoking fish is to fry the carp until golden brown, add shallots, ginger, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, etc., then wrap it in flour and brown sugar, and finally put it in an iron pot to smoke.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

In fact, Yuan Shikai is very fond of eating fish, especially the Yellow River carp. Another dish related to carp is the Henan cuisine soft boiled carp noodles.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

He also likes to eat roast crucian carp, which he eats Qihe crucian carp shipped from Qi County, Henan. The method of transporting crucian carp is neither live water nor frozen transport, but by placing the crucian carp in lard (liquid), and the fish will naturally suffocate to death. Then the lard condenses, and the air inside and outside is isolated and can be shipped.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Yuan Shikai also likes to eat snacks, such as paste skin Zhengxiang bean. This bean requires a lot of seasonings and ingredients, common salt, green onions, large ingredients, cinnamon, fennel, in addition to licorice, white root, angelica, shellfish, schisandra, these and chicken, duck, lamb and luminous sand wu stir-fry together. Bean black butter bright, cracked, shaped like tiger skin, it tastes crisp but not too hard, fragrant, endless aftertaste.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Many people know the story of "Lantern" and Yuan Shikai.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

It is said that one day, Yuan Shikai went to Eat at Dashilar and suddenly heard someone shouting and selling the Lantern, because the shouting of "Yuan-Lantern" sounded very much like "Yuan-Elimination", which made the superstitious Yuan Shikai very unhappy, he first let people arrest the vendors who sold the Lantern, and then ordered that no one was allowed to mention the "Lantern" again, but changed it to "Tang Yuan".

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

A similar story is the southern pan-fried balls.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Originally, Chinese balls were all round, but Baoding's southern pan-fried balls were flat and round. At that time, Yuan Shikai was the governor of Zhili, and at the official banquet of Zhili, the chef flattened the round balls in order to avoid the word "Yuan (Yuan)", and from then on, Baoding's southern fried balls were born.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

There are also some regional cuisines related to Yuan Shikai.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

When Yuan Shikai was serving as the governor of Zhili, in order to please him, the local officials offered him a special sea cucumber dish, stuffed with Zhuozhou gongmi in the sea cucumber, and simmered with green onions, ginger, vinegar, pepper, egg skin and so on. Yuan Shikai really liked it, and named this dish "Zhili Sea Cucumber", which has since become a famous dish in Hebei.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

There is also a famous Dish in Henan, "Iron Pot Egg", which is also related to Yuan Shikai. In fact, this dish was originally made of copper pot, but Yuan Shikai mentioned that the tin in the copper pot was not good for the body when he was eating at the Henan Restaurant, and the owner switched to using an iron pot to make this dish, and the name also became "iron pot egg".

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Finally, the familiar dog ignores the bun. Yuan Shikai, who was in Tianjin at that time, fell in love with the dog and ignored the bun, so he dedicated the dog to Empress Dowager Cixi, and Cixi was also satisfied. With the praise of the empress, the dog ignored the bun and became famous.

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

In fact, it can be found that Yuan Shikai's diet has a strong Henan color. This is because Yuan Shikai is a native of Xiangcheng, Henan, so he is also known as "Yuan Xiangcheng".

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

Most people, even if they leave their hometown, will still be obsessed with their hometown food, and historical celebrities are no exception.

Guess who the next celebrity food article we are going to talk about is about?

Yuan Shikai's "Eating Tao": Starting from the delicacies that Yuan Shikai loves to eat

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