
There is no such thing as a long night

author:Zhang Dongcao

#Cross-Strait Cultural Treasure Hunt # When our group was guided into this 3,000-acre Konglin forest, which covers an area of more than 3,000 acres, I didn't know why "Konglin" is not called "Kongling". This is the largest surviving clan cemetery in China, because of the famous "Dacheng Most Holy Ancestor" Confucius, the surname of Qufu Kong who has died in the past, even the name of The Chinese Kong, is proud to be buried here, which is essentially a cemetery. The trees in the cemetery are lush and dense, even the blue of the sky is obscured, and there are many graves, and the Chinese has always been reborn and afraid of death, so the atmosphere is a little dark and heavy, there are not many tourists, sparse, there are few people in the ground, and under the background, it is even more frightening. And there are many kinds of trees, there are many trees I can't even name, fortunately there is a local guide in Qufu, constantly introducing the general situation in the cemetery. "The tomb has been a thousand years old, and the forest is cold in late autumn", in this autumn afternoon, it should be warm and melting, but I even felt a trace of cold here. There are now more than 100,000 trees in Konglin, and it is said that after Confucius's death, "the disciples planted them with four strange trees, so there are many different trees, and the Lu people have been incompetent for generations", and to this day, some trees in Konglin are still unable to be named by people. Among them, cypress, juniper, tulip, elm, locust, Kai, Park, maple, yang, willow, sandalwood, Privet, Wuwei, cherry blossoms and other large trees, intertwined roots, leafy; Hundreds of plants, such as wild chrysanthemums, half-summer, chaihu, prince ginseng, and ganoderma lucidum, also compete for glory according to the times, and greenery is frequent. Since the Han Dynasty, successive feudal rulers have rebuilt and added 13 times to Konglin, so as to form the current scale, with a total area of about 2 square kilometers, the surrounding forest wall is 5.6 kilometers, the wall is more than 3 meters high, and the thickness is 1 meter, in addition, of course, it is inevitable to plant widely forest trees, and logging is prohibited, so Konglin has formed today's grand scale. Contemporary cultural master Guo Moruo once said: "This is a good natural museum and a chronicle of the Kong family. "Konglin is a cemetery, but also worthy of a natural botanical garden, from this point of view, the name of "Konglin" is also appropriate.

"Broken monuments are deep in the trees, and there is no way to see." I love calligraphy, and what surprises me is that in the forest of holes covered with green trees, there are many road monuments, inscriptions like forests, and they are scattered in the forest. The guide said that in addition to many famous Han stele, there are tombstones personally inscribed by Famous Ming and Qing Calligraphers such as Li Dongyang, Yan Song, Weng Fanggang, He Shaoji, and Kang Youwei in the forest. Seal, Li, Kai, Xing, Grass, Zhen and other books are complete, dazzling, beautiful, breathtaking, that stands in the middle of the Forest of Confucius, next to the merit stele, Shinto stele, I don't know how many calligraphy treasures are engraved, compared to the stele forest in my hometown of Jiangjiao Mountain, it is also not inferior. The chronicle of the Kong family was written in a magnificent history of Chinese calligraphy, which really complemented each other and was a perfect match. Kong Lin is not only a forest garden, but also a forest of steles. The name "Kong Lin" may be a combination of the two.

Finally came to the tomb of Confucius, this is the core of Kong Lin, without this, there is no Kong Lin to speak of.

The tomb is not luxurious, and it is far from what is speculated. The tombs of Confucius's father and son are on both sides, and the tomb of Confucius is in the middle, and the guide said that this is called hugging children and grandchildren, which is a funerary that seems very peculiar in modern times. Looking closely at the tomb of Confucius, although it is larger than the tomb of ordinary small people, it is more peculiar, this tomb resembles a raised horse's back, commonly known as the horse mane seal. The ring around the tomb is a red wall with a circumference of Li Xu. In front of the tomb, there is a huge stone seal engraving "Tomb of King Dacheng Zhisheng Wenxuan", which is the huang yangzheng book of the eighth year of the Ming Dynasty (1443), using the seal calligraphy. Because the world can not be two kings and Chen, so there is a stone instrument in front of the tomb, just to cover the word "king", the grass on the tomb is green, the old cypress on the side of the tomb is green, the birds are singing in unison, chirping endlessly, adding a touch of interest and vitality to this originally obscure cemetery. "The phoenix sometimes gathers jia trees, and all the birds dare not nest in the deep forest", these many birds, I have already regarded them as phoenixes in my heart, because they inhabit the cypress of the Kong Tomb.

What made me feel most peculiar and most shocking was that in front of the tomb of Confucius, a short table was erected as a way to bow down to the tomb of Confucius.

Confucius, who is a good king, I have visited the Ming Xiao Mausoleum of Zhu Yuanzhang, who drove the Xingming Dynasty to restore China, the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum of Sun Yat-sen, who opened the republic as the public, and the Yue Wang Mausoleum of Yue Fei, a national hero who is loyal to the country, as for other large and small mausoleums, I can't say it clearly, there are Ming Jun, there are famous Confucians, there are martyrs, there are good ministers, there are huge wealth, with the size of China, there is no mausoleum before daring to place a few dwarfs for people to prostrate, this unknown number of cemeteries, perhaps there is no such self-confidence at all. Some of the graves of the many popular figures written by the historian have long disappeared in the smoke and rain of history, leaving no trace in the world at all, where would they think of offering people to worship? The large and small tombs in the forest of Confucius, the tombs that exist in the tomb of Confucius, are even less like this.

"The World Has No Zhongni, The Long Night of Eternity", this is the handwriting of an unknown Song Ru in an equally unknown inn, but it is enough to survive to this day, and Confucius's lofty position in the history of Chinese thought is difficult for any thinker in ancient and modern China to reach. The respect for Confucius is even more unattainable by the emperors of previous dynasties. Confucius's body has long been decayed, Confucius's thought is not only in the Chinese world, but also in the entire human race is exerting greater and greater influence, in East Asia, but also has the title of "Confucian cultural circle". Isn't the Analects, known as the Bible of the Chinese, still the norm of behavior for The Chinese people today? The famous sinologist Shi Huaci said: "What is China? In the region, the glory of culture! "China is China, Confucius is indispensable!" My generation was born in Situ, bathed in The Wind, and in terms of cultural significance, I am the beneficiary and heir of Confucius. If you choose the unique logo of Chinese civilization, I think "Confucius" is enough to have no doubt and no objection.

A piece of loess buried the founder of Chinese culture. Confucius was lonely before his death; Behind Confucius, it is brilliant, and in the end, the historical value of a person is still the mouth of many ordinary people, and the feudal emperors who built their own tombs with the strength of the country have ever thought of this. The many imperial tombs in the world, in this autumn dusk, may have long since collapsed, unattended, noisy and noisy, and barren grass. Shepherd boys harvesting, farmers farming, starting with loess to end in loess, it is really a busy time, and the emperors who have dreamed for thousands of years can not defeat Confucius of the Master of The World. Thinking of this, in the twilight of the sunset, I wanted to bow down to the tomb of King Wenxuan of Dacheng and look closely at the short one, the leather had long been worn, and I did not know how many Chinese had kneeled on it to salute. At this time, there are many prostrators, and I don't know when I will be sorted, and I can only bow deeply to it in the afterglow of autumn, and I know that I will come here again and pray to it for a long time! For the sake of it, I'm Chinese! Chinese who grew up bathed in the Confucian culture founded by Confucius! I think that I hope that there will be more and more Chinese who worship here for a long time, the etiquette of the monarch and the subjects has gone away, and the teachings of the self-cultivation qi family are still in the ears, all of which are gifts from Confucius!

When our group returned home, I suddenly felt that the originally gloomy Konglin was full of sunshine and warmth.