
The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

author:First Battlefield Dismantling Officer

On July 7, 2021, a shocking news spread through the major news media:

The residence of Haitian President Moiz was attacked by a group of unidentified armed men in the early hours of the same day, and the president was killed on the spot by 12 shots, and the president's wife, Mattie, was also seriously injured and sent to the United States for treatment.

As soon as the news was exposed, it quickly attracted widespread attention from the global media, and also made haiti, a small and unknown country, on the front page of major media.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

You know, in everyone's impression, the official residence of a country's president should be heavily defended or even heavily guarded, how can it be so easily breached by militants?

In the history of the world, there are not a few presidents who have been killed, for example, in the United States, their presidents Lincoln and Kennedy were openly assassinated by thugs in public, but it is still rare for a President of Haiti to be directly attacked at home.

With the swift attack of the Haitian police and the arrest of some of the militants involved in the attack, more details about the president's assassination have also been revealed.

According to the description of the Haitian police, the number of militants is about 28 people, many of whom are professional mercenaries and professional killers, equipped with various types of light weapons, in the early morning of the 7th, they disguised themselves as personnel of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, infiltrated the residence of President Moiz and caused this appalling assassination.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

Judging from the results of the police investigation, this is obviously an organized and premeditated "beheading", and the reason for the assassination of Haitian President Moiz is also a matter of opinion in the media, some media believe that it is because of the interests between Moiz and colombian drug lords, and some media believe that it is because Moiz will promote a constitutional referendum in Haiti in September.

Soon after, Haiti's former "first lady" Heidi also released her own public statement in the United States, in her view, the assassination of her husband Moiz was because Moiz had been committed to improving the living conditions of the people since becoming president, thus touching the interests of certain groups in the country, and this assassination was carried out by these people who hired mercenaries.

Leaving aside the controversial reasons for the assassination, there was another anomaly in the assassination of Haitian President Moiz that caught the attention of the media: the president was shot and killed under the eyes of the guards!

But surprisingly, apart from the president and his wife, the soldiers and policemen in charge of guarding the residence that night were all unharmed.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

In fact, discerning people can see from the above information that the assassination of the President of Haiti is not simple, you know, being president in Haiti is a high-risk profession, counting the presidents in the history of Haiti, assassinations, coups d'état, exile is almost like a common thing.

In the years leading up to Moiz's assassination, Haiti had changed seven prime ministers in four years.

At present, Haiti is the poorest country in the entire Central American region, the entire country is poor, and the national politics is even more corrupt and chaotic.

When it comes to Haiti, I believe that the vast majority of people in the country have the impression that they come from junior high school history textbooks, in history, Haiti was the first country to get rid of French colonial rule and establish a black independent sovereign state, and the image can be described as very positive.

But how did this "positive" Haiti fall to where it is today?

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

In fact, looking back at the history of Haiti's development since the declaration of independence, there are three main reasons for the dilemma it has become today.

The first is the overly radical national policy. This begins with the history of Haiti's independence.

In fact, Haiti's path to independence was not smooth, and at first, Haiti's black independence leader, Toussan Louverture, took the initiative to unite with France against Britain and Spain.

After driving out the Spanish and British colonists, the French, convinced that they had achieved a full-scale colonization of Haiti, made Toussaint Louverture the Governor of Santo Domingo (Haiti's old name).

But to the surprise of the French, the well-fledged Toussaint Louverture soon chose to break directly with the French colonists, unilaterally declared independence, and created the first sovereign state in history for black slaves.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

It should be known that France at that time was the time when the famous war maniac Napoleon was in power, and the French emperor, who was invincible and invincible in the European battlefield, after learning the news of Haiti's declaration of independence, was furious and sent his own henchmen to lead an expedition to Haiti.

Soon, under the mighty offensive and intrigue of the French army, Toussaint Louvertur was secretly captured by the French army using peace talks as bait, and the famous black independence leader was imprisoned and killed by the French, never to return to Haiti.

The French retaliation was much more than that, and while secretly arresting and imprisoning Toussaint Louvertur, it also began to attack the local leaders of the black national movement, the most notorious of which was the French army's repeated tactics, inviting more than 100 local black national movement liberals to a banquet to discuss peace negotiations.

But when the black leaders arrived at the scene, they found that this was not a singing and dancing restaurant, but a hell of senluo, and more than 100 black leaders were all slaughtered on the spot.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

Similar things were done by the French army at that time, which undoubtedly provoked a strong resistance from the local blacks and laid the groundwork for the extreme ethnic policies after Haiti's independence.

Because of the deep grudge with the French army, in January 1804, after a painstaking effort to finally drive out the French colonists, the Haitian leader at the time, Desalin, directly ordered a frenzied retaliation against the white immigrants in Haiti, and on January 1 alone, nearly 3,200 white people were bloodily slaughtered.

In the next two months, almost all of the more than 5,000 whites who had previously lived in Haiti were slaughtered, and all the remaining whites managed to flee Haiti, which is the historical outline of the famous "Massacre of Haiti in 1804".

After a protracted confrontation with whites and frenzied massacres, the Haitian government began to enter an almost insane nationalist state, and in order to distinguish itself from the whites, Haiti began to de-Westernize in all directions, and even the export trade of plantations on which the country used to survive was abolished.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

Before independence, Haiti was the richest French colony on the Caribbean coast, and the tobacco and sugar grown in its location once provided France with nearly a quarter of its national treasury revenue, and it can be said that the overall living conditions of Haitians were much higher than those of neighboring countries at that time.

However, after Haiti's true independence, on the one hand, forced by the economic blockade of France and other colonial countries, and on the other hand, because of its radical ethnic policy, Haiti directly abolished all the plantations in the country, and also stopped the cultivation of export-oriented cash crops such as tobacco and sugar, and instead developed traditional agricultural cultivation in a limited land.

Although this move may have some reluctant implications, it is undoubtedly a move to self-destruct the Great Wall, after years of farmland development and vegetation destruction, Haitians have found that due to the special geographical environment, it is not suitable for the large-scale cultivation and production of traditional crops, and the yield of grain cannot keep up with the growth rate of the domestic population.

What is even more fatal is that at that time, in order to reclaim farmland, a large number of non-renewable primary forests were cut down, causing irreversible damage to the local water, soil and ecological balance, which is why Haiti's economy has not been able to develop since its founding.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

Secondly, Haiti's ongoing natural disasters is also a cause of its continued poverty. Because it is located in the Pacific Rim seismic belt and is located in the world's famous hurricane-prone area, Haiti will encounter a variety of natural disasters almost every year, which is almost a fatal blow to Haiti, which is a small country.

In the case of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred near Puerto Au prince, the capital of Haiti, in 2010, the earthquake alone killed more than 300,000 people, and the direct economic loss reached a staggering $14 billion, which is almost equivalent to the total GDP of Haiti for a whole year.

In each specific season, hurricanes that hit Haiti are as frequent as a common thing, and these recurring natural disasters have made the livelihood of Haiti's already fragile people even worse, and later, the Haitian government even chose to lie flat, basically pointing to the United Nations relief fund to survive.

Finally, the root cause of Haiti's continued poverty is the long-standing chaotic and corrupt political ecology in the country.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

Despite its small size and poor resources, Haiti may still have a chance to develop if it is politically enlightened and the government is sincerely working for the welfare of the people, but the Government of Haiti is a corrupt government with all five poisons.

Due to its location in the Caribbean, its proximity to the United States, and the impoverishment and political corruption of its people, Haiti has been a transit point for Colombian drug lords to traffic to the United States and even Europe for many years.

And because of the huge profits of drug trafficking, Haitian government officials and even the army and police also want to get a piece of the pie, so there is a very ironic phenomenon in Haiti, the army and the government openly act as a channel and umbrella for drug traffickers, almost become an open secret, and even gradually formed an interest group with drug trafficking as the core.

The whole country of Haiti is under the rule and control of this core interest group, and in the eyes of this interest group, the president and prime minister of the government are just puppets, the things they can replace at any time, and if any leader dares to disobey, he will immediately be subjected to crazy retaliation.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

In the case of former President Moiz, who was killed at the beginning of this article, he was able to rise from a banana and fruit merchant to president of a country because of his unclear interests with the previous Haitian president, Michel Martelli.

When Moiz was elected, the reason why he was able to get the full support of the previous president was because he used his fruit export trade chain to act as a pawn for domestic political interest groups to sell drugs and transport drugs for a long time, accumulating enough wealth and discourse power.

According to the Haitian opposition, Moiz's rise to power was the result of a back-and-cover operation by corrupt officials in the government, and for this reason, a protracted electoral fraud case confrontation broke out between the opposition and Moiz, which was not finally approved by Haiti's Supreme Electoral Court until Moiz's victory in 2017.

But Moiz's move to reconstitute the army by amending the constitution after coming to power undoubtedly touched the cake of certain interest groups, you know, as early as 1994, Haiti abolished the army, leaving only the police as the only armed force in the country.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

Because of this, the Haitian police almost have the ability to reach the sky, and even successive presidents need to look at the faces of the police, and with the big cake of drug trafficking in front, if the two sides can maintain a delicate balance, maybe the two sides can still be at peace with each other.

But Moiz's move to rebuild the army has undoubtedly greatly stimulated the sensitivity of the police, and perhaps Moiz formed the army to limit the strength of the police through checks and balances.

But it may be that he overestimated his political ability, since the establishment of the army, he has often fought with the police over drug trafficking and the distribution of benefits, and sometimes even to the extent of knife and sword fighting, coupled with the continuous disturbance of the domestic opposition, it can be said that the domestic politics has been stirred up to the sky.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

More importantly, in the absence of absolute control, Moiz still wants to seek re-election in his presidential term, and has even moved the idea of amending the constitution again to modify the presidential term.

This is why moiz was assassinated at the beginning of this article, and it is reasonable to explain why the president and his wife were shot several times on the night of the attack, but the police officers in charge of the perimeter vigilance were unharmed.

The long-term corrupt and chaotic political situation in the country has also made some local underworld organizations and various gangs in Haiti flourish by helping some politicians and interest groups to act as thugs.

Sometimes, angry Haitians, when they can't bear it, will choose to strike and protest or march in the streets, but because of their long-term extremely weak position, these revolts are undoubtedly not worth mentioning in the eyes of the rulers.

The details of the Haitian president's assassination were exposed: the corruption of the country has rotted to the bone

During a mass demonstration in 2018, President Moiz directly ordered local gangsters to shoot at the marching crowd, causing hundreds of casualties on the spot.

Today, Haiti has ranked last in the numerical statistics of governments under the United Nations for 10 consecutive years, and it is one of the countries with the highest government corruption values in the world, which also confirms that Haiti's corruption is rotten to the bone.

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