
The beginning of the Qi state was the peak, and it was also the first hegemon of the Spring and Autumn Period, why did it not fight and surrender to Qin later?

author:Uncle Hai said spring and autumn
The beginning of the Qi state was the peak, and it was also the first hegemon of the Spring and Autumn Period, why did it not fight and surrender to Qin later?

In 1046 BC, King Wu destroyed Yi, and Zhou replaced Yin Shang, and the Zhou Dynasty was officially established. However, unlike the later Han, Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties, the King of Wu adopted a policy of sub-feudalism, and those princes who followed him in his crusade against Emperor Xin were rewarded, while Jiang Ziya was rewarded with the largest area of Qidi for his merits. This Qi state can not even match the Jin, it can be said that the beginning is the peak.

In addition, Qi was the first to complete the hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period. In 685 BC, the state of Qi passed to Xiao Bai's generation, and he overpowered him by reusing Guan Zhong. This Xiao Bai is the historical Duke huan of Qi, and he is also the first monarch to bring the state of Qi to the peak. Although Qi Huangong's name was Xiao Bai, he was not Xiao Bai at all, and he was even very shrewd. Duke Huan of Qi put forward the declaration of "Honoring the King", and then directly won the support of the outside world, and formally dominated in 679 BC, so Qi also reached the first peak of his life.

The beginning of the Qi state was the peak, and it was also the first hegemon of the Spring and Autumn Period, why did it not fight and surrender to Qin later?

The State of Qi occupies the land of Qilu in the Central Plains, the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is surrounded by natural dangers: it is bordered by the Taiyi Mountains in the south, the Yellow River and Jishui in the west, and the sea in the north and east. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, terrain was also an important factor affecting the development of the country, such as Qin taking advantage of Hangu Pass to smash the offensive plans of the anti-Qin coalition army many times. Qidi is easy to defend and difficult to attack, can be attacked, and retreat can be defended, which has an advantage over many powerful countries, plus their foundation is strong, so it has always been a strong country. However, what is more tragic is that Qi directly surrendered qin without a war when Qin destroyed the 6 kingdoms.

It should be known that from 230 BC to 221 BC, during the qin unification of the world, except for Qi, the other 5 countries all resisted, and only Qiang Qi directly knelt. So what's the reason for that?

There is a famous saying: "It is man who determines the victory of war." "Qi Neng's total loss of self is inextricably linked to their strategic approach. First of all, foreign policy, the State of Qi has made a fatal mistake. The "Chronicle of History" once said: "The queen and queen are virtuous, and the qin is sincere, and the princes believe." According to historical documents, at the end of the Warring States period, King Jian of Qi was very young, so the queen always presided over the overall situation, and she insisted on taking the pro-Qin route. This also led to the end of the Warring States period, the State of Qi has been living its own "small life", every day regardless of the development of the situation outside, until the Qin army soldiers approached the city, panicked, and finally surrendered.

The beginning of the Qi state was the peak, and it was also the first hegemon of the Spring and Autumn Period, why did it not fight and surrender to Qin later?

As mentioned earlier, the State of Qi did not help the other 5 countries to resist Qin and led to its own lack of good foreign aid, which also created a dominant Family of Qin. In addition, the State of Qi also had some short-circuits in some strategic events, and finally brought itself to the point of no return. Le Yi Fa Qi is a famous example of war in the Warring States period, And Brother Le Yi occupied 70 cities in One Breath and almost destroyed Qi. This battle also caused great losses to Qi Yuanqi. The source of Le Yi's attack on Qi was that Qi had fought Yan, and Qi had not eliminated Yan, which also led to the counterattack of the Later Yan State. In other words, Qi should not fight Yan, even if he attacked Yan Guo, he should also destroy the other party, but Qi was so perfect that he avoided 2 correct choices, thus incurring the disaster of Le Yi Fa Qi.

Summary: Qi itself is not weak, but sitting and watching the 5 countries being destroyed and losing good foreign aid, the wrong decision led to the country suffering from Le Yi And Qi, and at the same time blindly following Qin Chao, and finally made himself surrender without a fight.