
How long can the so-called quasi-EU member Montenegrin passport last?

author:Qiming Jian Xi immigrants
How long can the so-called quasi-EU member Montenegrin passport last?

  Montenegro's investor program, which was previously scheduled to expire until 31 December 2021, was officially extended to 31 December 2022 on 18 January 2021.

  The economic plan will be implemented for 3 years from 2018, with a global quota of 2,000 people, and there are still places today, which shows that it is a minority.

How long can the so-called quasi-EU member Montenegrin passport last?

  Although Montenegro is not currently a member of the European Union, the European Union has long promised Montenegro to join the European Union in 2025, and officially for this reason, Montenegro can enter the vision of people around the world.

  At present, if you want to obtain a small country status, there are not many options on the market, in previous years, European passports and Cyprus, but in china, there are still few applicants. Today, turkey, Vanuatu in the South Pacific Ocean, and several small countries in the Caribbean. At present, the only european choices are Montenegro and Malta, compared with Malta, Montenegro's application conditions and investment amount are simpler and cheaper.

How long can the so-called quasi-EU member Montenegrin passport last?

  As a passport for a small country, as a so-called quasi-EU member state, Montenegro's threshold is still relatively low. If the Montenegrin Economic Citizenship Program is implemented until the end of 2022, it is now the beginning of June, and the application materials are prepared, the time to apply will be only a few months.

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