
#I did creation in headlines #Zhuge Liang did not have a family when he was 25 years old, and he was dismissive of all kinds of beautiful women. However, when the famous scholar Huang Chengyan recommended an ugly girl to Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang was pleased

author:Qing Zhi is shy

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Zhuge Liang did not yet have a family when he was 25 years old, and he was dismissive of all kinds of beautiful women. However, when the famous scholar Huang Chengyan recommended an ugly woman to Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang gladly accepted.

This ugly woman, named Yueying, is the daughter of Huang Chengyan. Because of his ugly appearance, his nickname was Ah Ugly.

Zhuge Liang married Huang Yueying, which caused a sensation at the time. People use this as a joke, and even circulate a saying: "Mo Zuo Kong Ming chooses a woman, just get a daughter who is ugly." ”

Why does Zhuge Liang have a special love for Ah Ugly, and does Zhuge Liang like ugly women? Of course not. It turned out that before marrying Ah Ugly, Zhuge Liang already knew About Ah Ugly.

Legend has it that when Zhuge Liang first visited the Huang family, two fierce dogs suddenly popped up under the porch. The fierce dog opened its teeth and claws at Zhuge Liang, looking very frightening.

A woman came out at the moment of the thousand guns, patted the forehead of the fierce dog with her hand, and the two fierce dogs immediately transformed into small sheep and stopped attacking. The woman twisted their ears again, and the two fierce dogs immediately obediently retreated.

Zhuge Liang took a closer look, and it turned out that the two fierce dogs were mechanical dogs made of wood, and I heard that it was the masterpiece of Ah Ugly.

The father Huang Chengyan is good at the formation, and the daughter Ah Ugly is good at making various machines, which is the best help for Zhuge Liang, who is determined to be in the world.

Sure enough, after Zhuge Liang came out of the mountain, huang Chengyan, the father-in-law, and his wife Huang Aqiu had been helping each other behind their backs. Legend has it that Zhuge Liang's wooden cattle and horses that came out of Qishan to transport grain and grass were transformed by ugly wooden dogs.

Good men don't necessarily marry the most beautiful women, but they do marry the best women for themselves.

The image comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted.

#I did creation in headlines #Zhuge Liang did not have a family when he was 25 years old, and he was dismissive of all kinds of beautiful women. However, when the famous scholar Huang Chengyan recommended an ugly girl to Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang was pleased
#I did creation in headlines #Zhuge Liang did not have a family when he was 25 years old, and he was dismissive of all kinds of beautiful women. However, when the famous scholar Huang Chengyan recommended an ugly girl to Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang was pleased
#I did creation in headlines #Zhuge Liang did not have a family when he was 25 years old, and he was dismissive of all kinds of beautiful women. However, when the famous scholar Huang Chengyan recommended an ugly girl to Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang was pleased

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