
Put a potato in the refrigerator, it's too powerful, 10 pounds a week is not enough to eat, and it is on the table

author:Qingqing loves to cook

Every day a life tip, health and nutrition are all around. Potatoes, which are all too familiar to us, are also rich in starch, are the delicacies on our tables, and are used as one of the staple foods in some mountainous areas. Potatoes are native to tropical America, and after being introduced to China, they have been widely cultivated, and various ways of eating have also begun to spread, and they have been loved by people.

Put a potato in the refrigerator, it's too powerful, 10 pounds a week is not enough to eat, and it is on the table

Potatoes are also called potatoes, and potatoes everywhere also have their own characteristics, such as fixed edge potatoes, its adaptability is strong, the yield is high, the taste is sandy, and for example, the city mouth potato, his surface is smooth, the taste is delicate, the taste is slightly sweet, so there are some small differences in the taste between various types. Usually bought back potatoes, the common way to eat is to use to stew beef, stew ribs, but also cut it into thin wires, used to make vinegar slippery potatoes, delicious and rice.

Put a potato in the refrigerator, it's too powerful, 10 pounds a week is not enough to eat, and it is on the table

A few days ago, my nanny made a new way to eat potatoes, just a good friend came to play at home, served on the table for a while on the disc, eat crispy outside and tender inside, too fragrant. So I pestered her to teach me the secret recipe, and after learning, I finally learned this method, putting potatoes in the refrigerator, it was so powerful, every time it was served on the table, it was eaten, especially children love to eat. Eat so many methods of potatoes, you certainly do not know this method, there are children at home to learn oh!

Put a potato in the refrigerator, it's too powerful, 10 pounds a week is not enough to eat, and it is on the table

【Ingredient preparation】:Potatoes Edible salt Corn starch Pepper powder pepper salt powder

Step 1: Cut the potatoes into strips

Put the bought potatoes in a basin, the number of potatoes can be controlled by yourself, how much to eat and how much to do. We add the right amount of water to the basin, add a spoonful or two of salt and baking soda, they can play a role in disinfecting and cleaning, can clean the dust on the surface of the potatoes. After putting it in, stir it by hand so that the salt and baking soda can be fully melted, and then go to scrub the surface of the potatoes, wash it once, pour the water out, pour it into the water and wash it again, wash it and fish it out.

Find a peeling knife, use the peeling knife to peel the skin of the potatoes, then put the potatoes on the board, use the knife to cut into thick slices, and then change the knife to cut into about 1 cm of long strips, you can cut some thicker, so that the taste will be better. After cutting, put it in a clean bowl, sprinkle a little salt, add the water that has not been over the potato chips, stir it by hand, so that the salt can be fully melted, and put the potato strips into the brine to prevent oxidation from turning black.

Put a potato in the refrigerator, it's too powerful, 10 pounds a week is not enough to eat, and it is on the table

Step 2: Blanch the potatoes

Next put the pot on the stove, put in a large pot of water, boil the water on the fire, do not need to add anything to the water, and then pour the potatoes in, let the potatoes blanch for two minutes, so that the potatoes that will be made will not have the phenomenon of sandwiching.

After two minutes you can fish it out, put the potatoes into a large bowl, add a little cornstarch, bring disposable gloves to stir and mix, if the corn starch is not enough, you can also add it again, let the potato strips all wrapped with corn starch on it, do not need to wrap too thick, only a thin layer can be.

Put a potato in the refrigerator, it's too powerful, 10 pounds a week is not enough to eat, and it is on the table

Step 3: Place the potato strips in the refrigerator

The corn-wrapped potato strips are placed on a large plate, and they can be spread out slightly, not stacked on top of each other, which will prevent sticking between the potato strips. Then put the potato chips in the freezer of the refrigerator, freeze for two or three hours, after freezing, etc. It will not be easy to drop the powder when making.

Qingqing froze it here for three hours, and when he took it out, he found that the potatoes were already very hard and had not yet adhered together. Beat the frozen potatoes into a large bowl, add the right amount of pepper salt and pepper, stir them well with clean hands, if you want to add a little spicy, then add some paprika, but don't add too much, so as not to taste too irritating, add it and then stir it evenly.

Put a potato in the refrigerator, it's too powerful, 10 pounds a week is not enough to eat, and it is on the table

Step 4: Put the potato chips into an air fryer

After the seasoning is put in place, put the potato strips into the air fryer, and the bottom can be cushioned with a layer of oil absorbent paper, or the potatoes should be spread flat, do not stack together, so that when the air fryer is heated, the potatoes will be heated evenly. After putting it in, turn on the power supply, adjust the temperature to 180 degrees, and set the time to fifteen minutes.

After fifteen minutes, we can turn off the power, pour out the potato chips, and see the potato chips fried golden, yes, similar to the fries we usually buy outside. But the fries on the outside are fried in oil, and here we don't use oil, so it will be healthier, and it will be more crispy and sticky. Occasionally make such a plate of small fries, chase the drama dinner can be eaten, if there are children at home, it will be more popular, put on the table after a while will be eaten, the taste is not lost at all outside to buy, come and try it!

Put a potato in the refrigerator, it's too powerful, 10 pounds a week is not enough to eat, and it is on the table

The fries that come out of this way are delicious and healthy, and when cutting potatoes, pay attention not to cut too fine, the taste of the fried out will be better, and you must put them in the refrigerator for a few hours, so that the corn starch wrapped on it is not easy to drop the powder, this step is very important!

Put a potato in the refrigerator, it's too powerful, 10 pounds a week is not enough to eat, and it is on the table

Today's food is shared here, put the potatoes in the refrigerator, the food made is so powerful, every time it is served on the table, it will be discred, have you learned? If you also like today's sharing, remember to give Qingqing a like and forward, pay attention to Qingqing, and continue to share more food during the holiday.