
Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

author:The little beast that can't be defeated 12138

1. The Kingdom of Bahrain( Abbreviated as Bahrain) is an island country adjacent to the west coast of the Persian Gulf, Bahrain Island is bahrain's largest island, Saudi Arabia is located in the west of Bahrain and can be connected by the King Fahd Bridge; Iran is located in the north of Bahrain; the Qatar Peninsula is located on the southeast side of the Gulf of Bahrain.

Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

Bahrain has an area of 780 square kilometers, a population of 1.5 million (2021), and 55% of foreigners; Arabic is the official language.

85% of the population is Muslim, Shia Muslims make up more than 75% of the population, and the rest practice Christianity and Judaism.

3. Bahrain is the birthplace of the Dilmen civilization, and in 628 AD, Bahrain became one of the first regions to convert to Islam.

4. Bahrain is divided into 5 provinces, namely the Capital Province, Mukharak Province, the Northern Province, the Central Province and the Southern Province.

5. Bahrain is the third smallest country in Asia, with only the city-states of Singapore and the Maldives being smaller.

Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

6. Bahrain was the first Persian Gulf country to enter the post-oil economy.

7. Bahrain has a high human development index (ranked 44th in the world) and has been recognized as a high-income economy by the World Bank.

8.In 2001, Bahrain became a major non-NATO ally, and the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet Command was stationed in Manama, monitoring the Persian Gulf and the opening of the ocean at any time.

9. Manama, the capital of the country, is the location of large financial institutions at home and abroad, with an area of 30 square kilometers, is the capital of Bahrain, the largest city in the country, the national economic, transportation, trade and cultural center; it is also an important financial center, an important port and trade transit station in the Gulf region, enjoying the reputation of "Pearl of the Persian Gulf".

10. The flag of Bahrain is rectangular in horizontal shape, with a length-to-width ratio of about 5:3. The flag is composed of red and white, the side of the flagpole is white, accounting for about 1/5 of the flag, the right side is red, and the red and white junctions are jagged.

Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

The flag of Bahrain is the only jagged flag in the world.

11. At the center of bahrain's coat of arms is a shield painted with the national flag, surrounded by beautiful decorative leaves in red and white. The top of the coat of arms, once painted with a crown symbolizing royal authority, has been abolished.

Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

12. Bahrain is a dual monarchy emirate whose head of state is hereditary from the Khalifa family and holds political, economic and military power.

12 Bahraini Dinar, or Dinar for short, is the country's common currency.

Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

13. Bahrain is an air transport hub connecting East and West with 5 airports.

14. In 1932 the first oil well of the Arab states in the Persian Gulf was in Bahrain.

15.Bahrain is the largest per capita consumer of electricity in Asia and the third largest demander on the planet, after Iceland and Norway.

Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

16. A 400-year-old tree in the Sakhir Desert of Bahrain, also known as the "Tree of Life", is a famous tourist attraction.

17. The Bahrain World Trade Centre was the first skyscraper in the world to incorporate wind turbines into its design.

18. Bahrain is home to the world's largest underwater theme park - Bahrain Dive Park. The park covers an area of 100,000 square meters and has a 70-meter-long Boeing 747 giant jet completely submerged in the water.

Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

19. Houda Ezra Ebrahim Nonoo, a Jew, is Bahrain's Ambassador to the United States, she is also the first Jewish Ambassador to the Arab Countries of the Middle East and bahrain's first female Ambassador to the United States.

20. Chicken Machboos is Bahrain's national dish.

21. Bahrain, from arabic, means "two waters, two seas".

22.Bahrain attaches great importance to education, with free education for all, with a youth education rate approaching 100 per cent, making it the country with the highest average level of education among citizens in the Middle East.

Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

23. Bahrain in the barbaric era is a paradise far from danger, able to live and work in peace, so many people thrive here, generation after generation of people died, leaving more than 170,000 graves in Bahrain, layered, like forests, so Bahrain Island is also known as "the island of ten thousand graves" and "dead island".

24. There is a cross-sea road bridge between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, the King Fahd Bridge, which connects the two countries with a total length of 25 kilometers, making it one of the longest bridges in the world.

Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

25. Bahrain built a Chinese town in the area, which was filled with Chinese goods.

26. Bahrain unconditionally gave China the right to use a piece of one ton of oil in the country, and it is reported that the value of this oil field is as high as 80 billion.

Known as the "Pearl of the Persian Gulf", Bahrain how much do you know? Bahrain Cold Knowledge

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