
There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

author:Centennial History

There are 4 great gods in the history of the mainland, each of which is a mysterious figure, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

First place: Oniguzi

According to historical records, Oniguzi was a figure in the Warring States period, but miraculously, the legend of the deeds of Oniguzi in history spans more than a hundred years.

There are many disciples of Ghost Guzi, from Su Qin to Sun Zhen to Zhong Wuyan, and even some people say that Bai Qi, Li Mu and others are closed disciples of Ghost Guzi.

If someone asks what exactly will happen to Oniguzi, it will be even worse.

The reason why Oniguzi is full of magic is because he is a world-class wizard, who arranges troops, fortune telling and divination, alchemy and cultivation, and knows astronomy and geography, without the knowledge that he will not know.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

It is said that he has already seen through the heavenly opportunity and calculated that Qin Shi Huang will unify the six kingdoms, but this is not the most magical legend on the ghost valley, and the allusion of "throwing beans into soldiers" in Chinese history is said to be ghost valley.

One day, Oni Guzi called his apprentices Pang Juan and Sun Zhen to the front and said to them, "Now that you two have learned something, I will teach you to line up and deploy troops today." ”

After saying that, OniGuzi led them to a table, only to see that there was only a bowl of soybeans on the table, and the two of them muttered in their hearts, where are the soldiers and horses?

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

At this moment, Oni Guzi grabbed a handful of soybeans, recited the words in his mouth, and then threw the soybeans out, only to see that at this time, something magical happened.

As soon as the soybean landed, he immediately turned into a living soldier, and the voice of the people and the roar of the war horses shocked the two people.

These legends have been thousands of years now, and there must be a deified element in them, just because the legends on the ghost valley are too bizarre, so many people think that there is no ghost valley in history.

However, when later generations studied the "Records of History", they rejected this statement, because the figure of Oniguzi appeared in many materials, and the events were also recorded in detail.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

Therefore, another statement has been proposed:

Oniguzi is not a person, but a sect, so it can run through the history of a hundred years, this statement seems to be explainable, but so far there is no documentary record to confirm this statement.

The historical records only record many legends about oniguzi, but do not record his final ending, many people say that he has been feathered and ascended to immortality, perhaps this ending is the end of people's ideals.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

Second place: Xu Fu

Xu Fu's "big fool" is known to everyone in history, but have you heard where he ended up going?

Xu Fu was an alchemist of the Qin Dynasty, and it is rumored that he was also a disciple of Ghost Guzi, who was also erudite, proficient in medicine, astronomy, and navigation, and had a very high status in the hearts of the emperor and the people.

It is recorded in the "Records of History" that Qin Shi Huang had been searching for the elixir of immortality, so he sent Xu Fudong to cross Yingzhou, which is now Japan.

If you want to say why Qin Shi Huang sent him to Yingzhou and not to other places, it is because Xu Fu wrote to Qin Shi Huang, saying that there is a fairy mountain called Yingzhou on the sea, inhabited by gods and immortals, and he can find the art of immortality for him.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

So Xu Fu led thousands of boys and girls to set off, but Xu Fu led these people on a parade for several years without finding the sacred mountain, and was afraid of being punished by Qin Shi Huang after returning.

In the end, he simply stayed in Yingzhou and was stationed, where these people multiplied and grew, and it is said that these people were the ancestors of the Japanese.

In the historical records of Japan, it has also been mentioned that Xu Fu once arrived in Japan, which shows that Xu Fu is not a legendary figure, but a real person.

However, japanese records are somewhat different from Chinese folklore, before Xu Fu arrived in Yingzhou, there were already people living here, Xu Fu only stationed here, and intermarried with the locals.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

There are also some folklore that Xu Fu became the first emperor of Japan, and there is still a statue of Xu Fu in Japan!

There are still many records about Xu Fu in the past dynasties, and even now there are many cultural teams specializing in xu fu in the world, and people are very recognized by him.

In the history of Xu Fudong's crossing to Yingzhou, we can see his role in promoting Chinese culture, and he is also the first person in the history of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges.

However, only one thing has never been guessed, and there is no mention of his whereabouts in history, and although there are still many Japanese people who claim to be descendants of Xu Fu, it is impossible to test whether it is true or not.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

Third place: Zhang Sanfeng

Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of the Wudang school of Taoism in China, was born in 1247 AD, during the Southern Song Dynasty, but outrageously:

In related legends, during the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang also invited him out of the mountains many times, at this time it was already 1369, and Zhang Sanfeng was more than 120 years old.

But this is not the end, it is said that he can walk through the mountains and stones, lay clouds and snow, and walk thousands of miles a day, which is undoubtedly over-deified, so many people believe that he is a god.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

According to records, when Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Sanfeng once came to the aid of Hongwu in the twenty-fifth year, that is, in 1392.

There is also a legend that Zhang Sanfeng went to Yunnan to escape the world, and since then he has lived in seclusion in the mountains, if Zhang Sanfeng may still be alive when he was more than 120 years old, but in 1392 he was 145 years old.

Later, Shen Wansan offended Zhu Yuanzhang and met Zhang Sanfeng on the way to being assigned, and he soared to immortality because he got Zhang Sanfeng's elixir.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

What is even more exaggerated is that it is said that he had met the Yongle Emperor in 1416, when he was already 170 years old, if it was true, had he not already broken through the limits of human life?

This is obviously a bit outrageous, not to mention where Zhang Sanfeng finally went, and now even how long he lived has become a mystery.

Because the legends on his body are too bizarre, some people have questioned whether he really exists, but according to the existing historical records, there should be a person, but some deeds are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

Modern historians have studied that the Taiji department should have been founded by Zhang Sanfeng, but the Taijiquan we are learning today should change in the process of transmission.

True or false has not yet been proven by evidence.

The last record of Zhang Sanfeng is probably in the "Ancient and Modern Taijiquan Genealogy and Origin Of The Secret", it is said that he died in 1458 at the age of 212.

But this is only based on the relevant information speculation, and this statement is obviously not convincing, so how long the real Zhang Sanfeng in history lived, and where he finally went, has not yet uncovered the mystery.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

Fourth place: Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu's name, Li Er, was the founder of the Taoist school and still has a great influence on China, but have you ever wondered where Lao Tzu ended up?

He was born in the Spring and Autumn Chu Kingdom, and even Confucius revered him as a "teacher", and every word and deed of Lao Tzu in his life had a great influence on China, and in the mystery of his disappearance, it is inseparable from the Tao Te Ching.

In 518 BC, Lao Tzu returned to the Zhou Dynasty after mourning for his mother, and it was during the reign of King Jing of Zhou, when civil unrest broke out in the Zhou royal family and King Jing of Zhou was also captured.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

Originally, the great chaos in the world could not be attributed to one person, but Lao Tzu was implicated, and he was punished for dereliction of duty.

After this incident, Lao Tzu was discouraged, and he did not want to participate in these sinister and cunning worlds, so he rode a green cow and traveled to the Qin Kingdom on his own.

On the way he traveled, he saw that there were broken walls and ruins everywhere, the countryside was destroyed, and everywhere he saw were the roar of war horses, and the people were not happy.

This scene made Lao Tzu very sad, so he said this sentence:

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?
"After the great soldiers, there will be a fierce year." There is a way under the heavens, but it is a dung, and if there is no way under the world, the horses are born in the suburbs. Rong Ma was born in the suburbs, and the country was in chaos. ”

In the legends about these four gods, only the deeds of Lao Tzu are still normal and have not been over-deified.

It is said that there was an official named Yin Xi in Hanguguan, who was proficient in astronomy since childhood, and one day he was watching the stars at night, and suddenly felt that the purple qi was coming from the east, and there must be a saint passing by here.

Sure enough, soon after, he saw an old man with white hair like snow riding a green bull, and in the discussion between the two, Yin Xi was very impressed with Lao Tzu.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

In the end, he couldn't help but plead with Lao Tzu: "Sir is a great sage, why don't you write your holy wisdom into a book?" I am willing to pass it on for future generations for my husband and benefit all generations. ”

Lao Tzu saw that he was sincere, so he promised this matter, which gave birth to the Tao Te Ching and benefited thousands of generations.

This is the last record of Lao Tzu, after he left Hangu Pass, there is no more record, and the length of his life and where he eventually went are unknown.

However, in the theories of some Taoist texts, it is believed that Lao Tzu finally became an immortal and became a heavenly Taishang Laojun, an innate god created by all things.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

This has obviously reached the category of myths and legends, and the authenticity must be counted in everyone's mind, and one thing is certain that there is indeed a person like Lao Tzu in history.

It is only because of the age and the lack of many materials that people cannot find his traces, so in the circulation of future generations, he has become a heavenly god.

One of the common denominators of these four gods and men is that they are all real people in history, but because they eventually lost their tracks, they were deified.

There are four great gods in history, and finally they all disappeared inexplicably, do you know who they are?

So do you still know who in history has disappeared inexplicably?

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