
A number of wild animals protected by the former national "three haves" have been upgraded to wildlife under national key protection

author:Bright Net

Protecting Wild Animals [A Batch of Wild Animals Under National "Three Haves" Protected Wild Animals Upgraded to Wildlife under National Key Protection] Shenyang On March 1, the Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources issued an announcement that the "Directory of Wild Animals under National Key Protection" was promulgated and implemented on February 1, 2021. A number of wild animals protected by the former national "three haves" have been upgraded to national key protected wild animals: the yellow-breasted bunting (grass flower finch) has been upgraded to a national first-level key protected wild animal; the red-faced embroidered eye (white-eyed), lark, thrush, wren brother, red-throated songbird (red dot chin), blue-throated songbird (blue-spotted chin), northern suzaku, red-billed finches, hong geese and other birds have been upgraded to national second-level key protected wild animals. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wild Animals and the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, where wildlife under key national protection and their products are sold, purchased, utilized, transported, carried, or delivered without approval, the law enforcement organs will confiscate the wildlife and their products and illegal gains, and impose a fine of not less than two times but not more than ten times the value of the wild animals and their products; In order to avoid violating the criminal law and causing serious consequences to individuals, do not sell, buy, use, transport, carry, send and raise wild animals under key national protection, and within one month from the date of this announcement, voluntarily hand over illegally held wild animals to the competent departments for natural resources of the territory, and the competent departments will give lenient or mitigated punishments. Where birds under key national protection are illegally traded within the time limit, the public security organs shall file a case and investigate them in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources, March 1, 2021

A number of wild animals protected by the former national "three haves" have been upgraded to wildlife under national key protection
A number of wild animals protected by the former national "three haves" have been upgraded to wildlife under national key protection

Source: Shenyang Evening News

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