
Sweating can lower blood pressure? The secret of blood pressure falling from 170 to 130, a zhongjing famous party, fast collection

author:Director of Cardiology Su

Headache? Body pain? Afraid of the cold? Cold limbs? Occasional fever?


You can lower your blood pressure by sweating! Because you belong to the cold evil coagulation type of hypertension!

What is cold evil condensation?

That is to say, your high blood pressure is because of the invasion of external evils, these cold evils gather near your meridians, the meridians will be tightened when they are cold, and the blood pressure will naturally rise!

Sweating can lower blood pressure? The secret of blood pressure falling from 170 to 130, a zhongjing famous party, fast collection

If the condensation of cold evil is more serious, it will also cause vein spasms!

You can imagine that the originally smooth blood vessels become wrinkled, the blood is naturally not smooth to walk, the blood pressure is high is a small matter, and even the formation of plaques and blood clots.

The meridians are cold and contracted, so the patient's pulses are generally tight; the meridians are convulsed and curled up, resulting in in impassability, so the pulse will stagnate!

Therefore, the pulse of patients who are cold and evil condensed is generally manifested as: the string is tightly stagnant!

Basic patients come to me, and I can see it when I look at it!

Before there was a 44-year-old patient, is november 24, 19 for the first time, hypertension history has 3 years, blood pressure can reach 170/110mmHg, usually light antihypertensive drugs have to eat four, blood pressure is barely controlled at 140/90mmHg!

About a month, you can stop the Western medicine!


Sweating can lower blood pressure? The secret of blood pressure falling from 170 to 130, a zhongjing famous party, fast collection

Quite simply, just let him sweat, but there must also be a way to sweat!

This patient, usually often feel dizzy, palpitations, insomnia and dreams, only take sleeping pills to ensure that sleep for 7 hours a day, check the ELECTROCardi is fine, but do head CT shows insufficient blood supply to the brain!

Look at his veins: the strings are tight, the tongue is light and the tongue is white!

It is a cold condensation pulse spasm, and if it is treated, it will be warm and cold to relieve spasm!

Prescription: Ephedra appendage fine spice soup with antispasmodic dispersion plus or minus!

Group: Ephedra, Guizhi, Fine Spices, Cannon Appendages, Zombie Silkworms, Whole Worms, Centipedes, Kudzu, Dried Ginger, Windproof, Ginger, Cicada Metamorphosis!

3 doses in total!

Sweating can lower blood pressure? The secret of blood pressure falling from 170 to 130, a zhongjing famous party, fast collection

Take a dose for 2 to 3 hours, drink with hot porridge, cover the quilt to sweat, sweat without sweating, and drink without sweating!

On the 27th, I came to follow up, my palpitations improved, I was still a little dizzy, and my stool was dry!

Pulse strings, tongue image is still very good, just add cistanche, and then open 14 doses, one dose a day, or sweat according to the above method!

On December 22, the third consultation, the antihypertensive drugs gave him a third reduction, except for the occasional slight dizziness, there was nothing uncomfortable!

Cut veins: dull and rigid, tongue can!

Add astragalus to the formula and take the medicine for another 10 days! Don't sweat this time! The reason will be told to you later!

On January 15th, I came to the fourth consultation, and this time the antihypertensive drugs were reduced by a third!

Sleep is still a bit poor, pulse image: stagnant small slip number. Blood pressure stabilized at 130/90mmHg, plus night cross vine and danshen, eat for 14 days, after eating, Western medicine can be stopped!

Sweating can lower blood pressure? The secret of blood pressure falling from 170 to 130, a zhongjing famous party, fast collection

You must have some doubts, how this medicine says stop and stop!

Did I say earlier that this kind of hypertension is due to the invasion of external evils, the gathering of cold evils leads to meridian contraction and even spasms, and the qi and blood are unfavorable, so there is a situation of hypertension!

So we have to warm the sun and dissipate the cold, and relieve the spasms!

Ephedra spice soup is a famous recipe in Zhongjing's "Treatise on Typhoid Fever", here take its effect of warming the yang to solve the table, and then add and subtract!

Fangzhong ephedra, windproof, ginger, publish wind, relieve the cold evil outside the meridians; kudzu root xin cool solution table, shengjin shengyang, so as to avoid excessive fever in patients!

Appendages, guizhi, dried ginger, warm and even warm yang, including the yang in the kidneys, blood qi likes temperature and cold, cold is stagnant, warm is smooth, blood flow is smooth, natural blood pressure can be controlled!

Sweating can lower blood pressure? The secret of blood pressure falling from 170 to 130, a zhongjing famous party, fast collection

And the fine spice, a bit amazing, «Materia Medica Justice» says that the fine spice: "The inner xuan vein is sparse and the hundred knots are sparse, and the outer line is directly to the skin.".

That is to say, Xiao Xin was able to send the cold evil buried in the body to the surface of the body, so that the cold evil inside and outside was expelled!

Antispasmodic dispersion is composed of centipede and whole scorpion two herbs, which have the effect of searching for wind and communication, antispasmodic and pain-relieving!

Because hypertension is easy to appear vascular lesions, and then further is the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, chronic diseases are easy to get sick for a long time!

In the hypertension stage, it is necessary to despasmodic and communicate to prevent future lesions!

Sweating can lower blood pressure? The secret of blood pressure falling from 170 to 130, a zhongjing famous party, fast collection

Coupled with cicadas and zombie silkworms, a wind and a loose wind, are good antispasmodic drugs, can strengthen the antispasmodic effect, as soon as possible to curl up together the blood vessel veins to smooth!

At the third diagnosis, let the patient no longer sweat, because after the first two sweats, the cold evil has gone, you can't sweat too much, otherwise it will hurt the yin!

Astragalus, into the lungs and stomach and replenish qi, walk meridians, replenish qi stagnation, can regulate yin and yang, accelerate the speed of blood vessel recovery and leveling!

Such a warm sun, cold dissipation, anti-spasm medicine are available!

Let the cold evil in the body drain out with sweating, the blood pressure is stable, and the antihypertensive drugs can be reduced or even stopped!

Sweating can lower blood pressure? The secret of blood pressure falling from 170 to 130, a zhongjing famous party, fast collection

Reminder, the square is after addition and subtraction, and it should be adjusted according to different symptoms and physique, so there is no universal dose!

I am @Director of Cardiology, your reliable TCM friend, the lonely and nameless pedestrian of the Great Doctor's Way!

#Hypertension##TCM##Lowering Blood Pressure##非常病例 #