
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

author:Blue and blue astrology
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

(Source Network)

Maybe it is a rare thing to meet people and things you like, and applaud you for daring to hold hands with beautiful things, to feel the sweet and sour process, until the moment when the building falls. Even if you lose the ability to love him, you know that the beauty you have experienced is real.

Perhaps, the love that is no longer the same makes you feel that the world is upside down, but the painful experience in the middle is like a baby in the womb, waiting to be born into a colorful world, and one day, there is a new path that will unfold to you and let you encounter higher-order feelings.

And sometimes, we may not be discouraged by our feelings, but some things have not yet been understood, some decisions have not yet been made, at this time, it is better to look at your own life from a different perspective, just like the "Awakening" wrote, you can also be awakened by those beautiful things -

Take your eyes to see the sea and see the rain

Look at the moon and stars in the night

Even the plane trees at the entrance of the alley are not spared

Even if a flower withers, it can be seen

Wait until I've fed my eyes

My soul reawakened

Come, draw cards to see how our cosmic energy will be displayed this week - every time before starting to draw tarot cards, we are looking for a quiet place to meditate and visualize, and ask for the guidance of cosmic energy, after quiet meditation, after shuffling, cutting cards, drawing cards, after a set of processes, the emotional luck of the 12 constellations is revealed...

Feel the energy of this week's tarot cards, more people will draw big cards, which means that you may face some more important things, or have deep feelings, such as ending certain relationships, or saying goodbye to feelings that cannot be put down; such as overturning the past to meet a new identity, may enter marriage, may have children; or will fall into some indescribable emotions and so on.

(Tips: Tarot, like other astrological discs and Chinese six-fold triumphs, follows a resonance pattern of cosmic synchronicity, and for what you want to know, meditate on induction and draw cards to give corresponding answers.) As a kind of public lottery, involving a lot of energy, and feelings are more of a personal feeling, you can give priority to referring to the sun sign, followed by the rising sign. )

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

(Face of the card @Blue Astrology)

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Deck: Temperance Card Positive

Keywords: Maybe get to know each other more deeply


The right-in-place temperance card implies a reconciliation of relationships. This week, many single Aries have good interpersonal relationships, you can try to interact with others, communicate, and maybe recognize potential emotional objects.

In addition, this card also implies the tendency of yin and yang to complement each other, which means that some Aries may have the opportunity to find a partner with you, and some Aries may "purify" interpersonal relationships to screen out more suitable objects.

And some Aries in an ambiguous state, feelings are like the birth of a diamond, from the rough to go through different processes to polish it will glow its unique brilliance, you may also be from the first acquaintance to understanding, to this moment to run better.

At this point, the relationship between the two of you may deepen further, or find a deeper resonance with each other. Part of Aries, your feelings are like doing the final finishing work, waiting for it to blossom and bear fruit.

People with partners

This week's relationship is more harmonious and healthy, if you have any ideas, or want to pour out some emotions, you may wish to find a leisure day, everyone sit down and open their hearts, you will understand each other more deeply, and for some different ideas from each other, you will also find a sense of peace of mind to seek common ground while reserving differences.

Some Aries may work with their partners to accomplish certain things, such as conceiving children.

In addition, some Aries who face separation and long-distance partnership status may find consensus on differences in their relationships, and some Aries may have information about long-distance travel.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Deck: Judgment Card Upright

Keywords: Just like I didn't like to eat bitter melon before, now I suddenly fall in love


The judgment plaque hints at a subversive transformation, like a scene of a person walking in the desert in a dream, suddenly transforming into a boulevard, which is a completely different landscape.

Some Taurus may go from being single to getting married or even conceiving a baby in a short period of time, and their identities have undergone multiple changes. Some Taurus's view of feelings may have changed dramatically, like when they didn't like bitter melons and now suddenly fall in love.

And some Taurus in an ambiguous state, the decisions you make at this time may have a greater impact on your future life, so if you want to make a decision for this relationship, you can think about it and then act.

For example, some Taurus may not only regard the other party as a love object, but even silently identify the other party as a married partner in their hearts, once they have their own ideas, Taurus can be said to not hit the south wall and not turn back.

People with partners

The right judgment card is like a sudden enlightenment, such as you suddenly think about something, in fact, it may be the superposition of your years of experience and reflection, at this moment it is just reaching a peak, and it is like water slowly falling in a glass, at this moment you have the opportunity to overflow, and some of your thoughts are pouring out like that water.

There are also some Taurus who may want to change their lives, such as deciding to return to the workplace after a long time of unemployment, such as wanting to have children and so on.

In addition, some Taurus who face separation and long-distance partnership status, forgive the past or overturn the past, and your feelings will get a chance to turn the page.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Deck: Magician Reverse

Keywords: In feelings, it is easy to talk about it


The retrograde magician hints at some erratic energy, like the little bird without legs that won't stop for anyone.

This week, many single Geminis may want to play the game more and have fun in a mixed environment, such as attending some parties with many people, some of whom you know and some of whom you don't know, but this does not prevent you from provoking interest in you at the party.

Perhaps, many people want to keep the clever you, but your mind changes so fast that before the other party has time to react, you have slipped away.

And some Geminis in an ambiguous state may have multiple ambiguous objects, and sometimes you feel that you just think of each other as friends to chat with, or feel fun and want to know more possible development objects.

In addition, some Geminis may be prone to rhetoric, and some promises you may not be able to keep, but you can't help it at the time, so you easily blurt them out.

People with partners

This week, some Geminis with partners may have some confusion - there are too many things to deal with at home, making you a little confused; the words you think are a set, the words you talk to your partner are a set, or it is easy to express your own thoughts; or because of some wrong ideas, leading to some wrong behaviors; such as good things are not done, and so on.

Some Geminis may get into some ambiguous relationship.

In addition, some Geminis, who face separation and long-distance partner status, have some problems that have not been clearly thought out, or some efforts have been in vain.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Card: Scepter 2 Orthostatic

Keywords: will open up a new situation


This week, most single Cancerians will be full of courage and energy, like the spring that symbolizes the beginning of the four seasons, this will be a strong start, you can act boldly and confidently, your personal stage is ready to be completed, and you can start your wonderful personal show at any time.

Some Cancers can try to actively seek out emotional opportunities, such as going on a blind date. Some Cancers may get new feelings.

In addition, some Cancers in a state of ambiguity, if you are eager to do something, it is right to act immediately, and the right scepter 2 will give you full motivation and courage, and perhaps you will open up a new situation, inject more possibilities into the relationship, and let each other rub a stronger spark of love.

At the same time, the right scepter 2 also means that this may be a new relationship that is different from the previous one, or that the relationship will have a better development.

People with partners

The feelings of the two people this week may be somewhat different, such as being together for a long time, love has gradually become family affection, but now there is a sudden feeling and impulse of love rekindling, and love is as new as a bud.

In addition, some Cancers may be more frank and straightforward in their relationships, or you have something you want to say in your heart, something you want to do, you can try to confess this week, and boldly release.

And some Cancerians who face separation and long-distance mate status may have some new twists or opportunities in their relationships.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Card: Holy Grail 7 Reverse

Keywords: Saury will expire, meat sauce will expire, and feelings will actually expire


There is a classic line in "Chongqing Forest" that reads, "I don't know when it will start, there will be a date on every thing, saury will expire, meat sauce will expire, even plastic wrap will expire." I began to wonder if there was anything else that wouldn't expire. ”

Expired cans, put over time will gradually decay, just like some of the feelings you desperately want to grasp, gradually become crotch, single Leos, maybe you should try to get yourself out.

For some Leos in an ambiguous state, love is often a sweet enjoyment, like eating a delicious donut, but when you have too much expectation and imagination for feelings, the desire for control will also arise, and the donut may become bitter, just like some people hope that feelings can develop as they expect, if this can not be achieved, it may lead to some dissatisfaction, fear and other negative emotions.

In some Leos, the emotional shadow of the past may affect you at this time.

People with partners

The Holy Grail card is an emotion card, an emotion card, and sometimes it is judged by the facts in front of you based on your own feelings.

And the inverse Holy Grail 7 reminds you that what you feel, will it be the fact that you see? When you feel abandoned, betrayed, or have a deep sense of insecurity, don't rush to sentence the other person, think about whether it is his fault that caused you to be uneasy, or whether you are blinded by your emotions.

Finally, Leo, who is partially facing separation and long-distance partnership, looking back at past emotional pain may help you find a way to face the sad emotions in your relationship at this time.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Deck: Moon card In place

Keywords: It's like opening Pandora's box


The moon card is like opening Pandora's box, and the fear and uneasiness of feelings lurking in the heart will emerge one by one through dreams and reality.

This week, some single Virgos may have been prone to dreams lately, and the content of the dream may not make you happy, such as dreaming about an ex, such as dreaming of a more dog-blooded relationship story, and so on.

Other Virgos may be affected by their environment, such as seeing more unhappy feelings and becoming afraid of them.

In addition, some Virgos in a state of ambiguity, when you look at this relationship, may be like looking up at the moon under the clouds at night, it is hazy, full of mystery, and brings out a sense of the unknown.

This means that some Virgos may be a little confused about what the other person is thinking at this time, or the relationship seems to have a deep uncertainty. Some Virgos may get caught up in some ambiguous relationship.

People with partners

The moon card suggests that when you spend time with your partner this week, you may have a feeling that is difficult to explain, or you may not feel safe about the feelings, such as the other person's behavior and words will trigger your mood swings, or you can't help but doubt and guess the other person.

Some Virgos may perceive some hidden information in a relationship, but it may take a while to see the truth.

In addition, some Virgos who face the state of separation and long-distance partnership, the relationship is still chaotic, and various complex emotions are floating and sinking.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Deck: Grim Reaper Card Upright

Keywords: end and death, also mean purification and rebirth


The Death Card represents death and end, as well as purification and rebirth, and has recently been a time slot for sorting out past feelings.

Some single Libra can try to clean up some feelings that can't be let go but have no results, to bury and mourn their past selves, to try to throw away some things that can arouse your emotions, they seem to have a lot of emotional weight, but they may not be suitable for you now.

Some Libras may be afraid to develop new feelings.

And some Libras in a state of ambiguity may be counting down to feelings, time passing by second by second, which may represent the end of things, or you are waiting for a new beginning.

There are also some Libras who may have recognized the inadequacy of the two, or because of other factors, ready to say goodbye to each other. There are also a few Libras who feel that they are almost ambiguous and should try to enter the relationship.

People with partners

The feeling of death is like a fresh fish with only fish bones left, and some Libras may be quite disappointed in their partners and even think about ending the relationship.

Some Libras may love and hate each other, like the shining point of your deep love for him, and at the same time jealous that he has something you don't have, this love is both deep and full of struggle. Be careful to avoid using love as an excuse to control and snoop on each other, it will only make the relationship worse.

In addition, some Libras, who face separation and long-distance partner status, try to face up to and deal with the problems left over from the past, and the relationship may be newly developed.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Card Face: Scepter Knight In place

Keywords: active energy like volcanic lava


As a court card of fire within fire, the Scepter Knight hints that many single Scorpios this week feel a restless desire to express, or full of active energy, like an erupting volcano.

Some Scorpios can go to certain hormone-filled places, such as the gym, where you can fully unleash your charm and confidence, and perhaps attract an equally energetic other.

In addition, some Scorpios in a state of ambiguity, this week's row represents a fast-burning energy, which means that the relationship between the two of you may have some moments of burning passion, or get a quick advance.

The energy at this time comes from deep desires, without thinking and analysis, some Scorpios may follow the heart, take the initiative to attack, maybe you are eager to take down the other party, but it is recommended to control your impulses.

People with partners

This week, some Scorpios with partners may be full of energy and conquest, and some secret desires are now bursting out, and you may want to lead the other person and do something you have always wanted to try, such as a trip that can enhance your feelings.

It should be noted that too much fire energy is also easy to cause violent, angry, impulsive emotional reactions, and this week you should pay a little attention to your temper.

And some Scorpios, who face separation and long-distance partnerships, are prone to doing certain things with enthusiasm or too impulsively, or the other party rushes for you.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Deck: Lover's Card Is in place

Keywords: ideal partner


This week's emotional fortune is good, change into the coat of the community cow rush to rush, try to communicate with the people around you, or join some group chats, more bubbling, or more to go outside to move around, maybe you will be shot by Cupid's love arrow, meet a person who can talk to you, and look at each other.

Some single Sagittarius may get help from their elders, or people who are a little higher than their social status and a little stronger than themselves will come to you.

And sagittarius, who are partly in a state of ambiguity, may want to understand what the relationship really means to you this week, or you will analyze the fit of the two to come up with an answer, in short, there will be a process of analysis and sorting.

Importantly, some Sagittarius may make some clear decisions after thinking clearly, such as determining that the other person is the ideal other half, or deciding to be with the other person.

People with partners

The right lover card implies that this week your relationship is relatively good, at least you can listen to each other's words, you can understand and support each other, if there is any problem in the relationship between the two, you can also get help from elders or third parties, in general, it seems that people around you are very optimistic about you.

In addition, some Sagittarius who are not yet married may get married. Some Sagittarius have a chance of getting pregnant.

And some Sagittarius who face the state of separation and long-distance partnership, for some things in the relationship, try to empathize, may have a different understanding.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Card: Holy Grail King Right

Keywords: like roses blooming wildly in a garden


The court card of the Holy Grail King is a superposition of earth and water elements, which means that some single Capricorns may get a good opportunity for affection this week, which is rooted in material or deep sense of stability, like a rose blooming in a garden, not a floating dandelion with nowhere to rely on.

There are also some Capricorns who can try to open your heart to the outside world, let others peek at the soft corner of your heart, without worrying about being hurt, you are safe and protected at the moment.

And some Capricorns in an ambiguous state, this week's emotional energy is more stable and gentle, the Holy Grail King contains emotional elements, perhaps it is your liking for ta, so that you, who rarely take the initiative, carefully take the 99th step out of 100 steps.

For you who are slow and hot, your feelings are slowly infiltrating and merging, which seems to be in line with your cautious style. Some Capricorns may experience a sense of spiritual fit in some moments.

People with partners

The righteous Grail King conveys an atmosphere of peace and joy, which means that the relationship between the two is not bad this week, and perhaps they will feel each other's spiritual connection in daily life, such as saying the same interesting thing to each other, such as both of them thinking that something looks good, and the tacit feeling makes you satisfied.

Some Capricorns may have certain romantic moments about each other and the future.

In addition, some Capricorns who face separation and long-distance partnerships may feel warmer and try to trust their instincts to respond with love.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Deck: Demon Card Positive

Keywords: more pragmatic approach to feelings


The Demon Card represents a dark, lustful aspect of human nature and its nature, or he has seen all the vicissitudes and has very mature experience and wisdom.

This means that some Aquarians may tend to see the pragmatic, social part of the relationship when looking at feelings, such as talking about feelings for the sake of financial status and having children.

Perhaps for some Aquarius, treating feelings like career goals may be easier to motivate.

And some Aquarius in a state of ambiguity, the emotional development may be relatively slow this week, like a goat climbing on a cliff, it must walk carefully to ensure its own safety.

From the side, it also reflects that some Aquarius may still have concerns and worries about their current feelings, such as fearing that they have taken the wrong step and chosen the wrong person, such as worrying that the other party is not trustworthy. Some Aquarians may want the relationship to be within their control.

People with partners

The right-seated demon card suggests that the desire for control and control in the relationship this week may be highlighted, whether using explicit or dark means, one party will want to control the other, such as forcing the other party to follow their own plans and ideas.

Some Aquarians may feel pessimistic about their feelings or feel that relationships are rigid and suffocating. There are also a small number of Aquarius who will have certain creative energies, such as having children.

In addition, some Aquarius who face separation and long-distance partnerships, whether attracted by material money or external conditions, even if they want to break free, it is difficult to escape the relationship.

"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"
"Emotional Horoscope Knows In Advance" 0528-0603 Weekly Emotional Horoscope: "When I feed my eyes, my soul will reawaken"

Card Face: Queen of the Scepter Reverse

Keywords: For certain feelings, it may be easier to get started


The Queen of Scepters is a superposition of the elements of water and fire, and there may be some emotional opportunities to get you on this week.

In addition, the Queen of Scepters can maturely control her desires and behaviors, and this week the Queen of Scepters is in a state of inversion, and some single Pisces may have more desires and impulses for feelings, such as suddenly turning on someone, and then imagining a lot, or instinctively doing some more abrupt behaviors.

"Smart hunters often appear as prey" Is a good description of pisces in an ambiguous state, you know how to hook each other, and this week, you want to play the role of hunter, like a giant white shark, to chase the target prey.

This means that you may be more proactive in unleashing your charms, or generously serving the other person, changing your usual attitude of restraint.

People with partners

Maybe the dominance of the family is in your hands, obviously you have become the one who can decide between the two of you, and on weekdays you keep everything in order, such as taking care of the emotions of your partner/family, reconciling the relationship between each person, and dealing with the big and small affairs of the family, but you will also be discouraged, the reverse scepter queen hints that this week you may be prone to act according to your temper and instincts, such as who provokes you, you will fire at whom.

In addition, some Pisces who face separation and long-distance partnership status may want to make yourself more independent.

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