
A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

author:New Europe
A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

Of all the marine life, the whale is undoubtedly a magical being, it is a mammal, it breathes with its lungs, although in Chinese, whales are often referred to as "whales", but whales do not belong to fish.

In the large family of whales, the blue whale is the largest, it is also the largest animal on the earth, the largest blue whale is more than 24 meters long and weighs more than 177 metric tons!

There is also a kind of whale called a killer whale, and from the name alone, it can be seen that this whale is not an idle person. Killer whales eat not only small fish and shrimp, but also seals, sea lions, walruses, sharks or other cetaceans.

A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

The largest adult killer whale is 9.45 meters long and weighs about 9524 kilograms, and although it is not as large as the blue whale, it is at the top of the ocean food chain and is the king of the ocean.

The world is so strange that mammals reign supreme in the ocean.

Perhaps because cetaceans have so many distinctive characteristics, it has a great appeal to some extremely adventurous people.

A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

In order to satisfy people's curiosity, many coastal cities have developed so-called "whale hunting tours", in which a group of people take a big boat or small boat to the depths of the sea in search of the legendary domineering whale.

Different people's "whale hunting trip" harvests differently, and lucky people do find whales, and when they see the whale's dorsal fin blazing across the water, or the moment they see the whale leaping from the water, they cheer and rejoice, happy to be lucky to see such a spectacular scene.

A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

People with bad luck may have participated in many "whale hunting tours", but have not seen this magical animal once.

How would you feel if you were told now that there was a whale in the Seine?

It sounds incredible, but it's the real thing!

Since April 5, authorities and experts have observed a male killer whale at the mouth of the Seine, a killer whale about 4 meters long just a few dozen kilometers from the coast.

A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

Just as humans want to visit the ocean, where whales live, this killer whale intends to visit human colonies.

It swam along the coastline, swam to the mouth of the Seine, and then it entered the river in a vacuum.

By now, it had penetrated deep into the French land and reached the location shown in the figure, between Yanville and Barneville-sur-Seine, not far from Rouen!

A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

The Seine is the second largest river in France, with a total length of 780 km, originating in the Burgundy region, the Langle Plateau 30 km northwest of Dijon, the capital of the Province of Codore, flowing through Troyes, through the center of Paris, through Rouen in Normandy, reaching Le Havre into the sea and flowing into the Strait of Ramands (known in English as the English Channel).

A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

In other words, the whale is swimming against the current, and it is drifting away!

Experts can't explain exactly why the whale entered the river.

In general, killer whales move in swarms, and single killer whales are rare. This time, the killer whale entered the Seine alone, either out of curiosity or by a herd of seals living off the coast of Normandy.

The killer whale just accidentally broke into human territory, and experts couldn't force it back into the sea.

A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

It was too far from the coast for people to intervene using boats or ultrasound. Using a boat to drive it can put pressure on it, while using ultrasound can affect the whale's health and put it at risk anyway.

The only thing to do is to wait quietly, hoping that it will "get lost" and find its way back to the ocean. In the face of such a lost "child", human beings really have no way at all!

A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

To make matters worse, the whale is now "very weak", it spends much less time underwater, it is thin, and its body appears to be infected with fungi. What's worse is that the longer it stays in fresh water, its condition will continue to deteriorate.

But even so, the killer whale doesn't seem to want to turn back, it still has to swim forward...

A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

In order to protect this "ocean overlord", experts advise everyone to try not to disturb the animal, because any pressure is fatal to it.

This is reminiscent of last year's "elephant escape" incident, humans forced the animals to nowhere, when these animals in turn "invaded" the human "territory", humans can only watch, give way to the animals, helpless.

Perhaps they are just the advance troops of the animals who swear sovereignty, living together in the global village, why are humans called "the masters of all things"?

In the future, I am afraid that such things will be more and more.

A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

In any case, I still hope that this "lost" killer whale will find its way back to the ocean as soon as possible, after all, there is not much food in the Seine, and it is a freshwater river, which is really not suitable for its survival.

The elephant "traveled" around the human settlement and returned home satisfied, hoping that the whale would also return home safely.

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A killer whale appears in the Seine! Animal kings "invade" human territory in various ways

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