
Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

author:Nagging little gossip

In the recent hit Korean dramas, "My Departure Diary" is definitely one of the best

Although several protagonists in the play have a very sad side

But underneath these boring lives you can still see hope.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

After the show aired, both word of mouth and ratings were very good

The most brilliant person in the play is Sun Xijiu

His actor's charm has also been infinitely diverged

Because it really does every look, every action is a drama.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

The contrast in the play

Sun Xijiu has many scenes in "My Departure Diary" that can "seal the gods"

Some of his micro-expressions also make the character more vivid.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

In the play, he was originally a person who escaped from his original life and said very little

Earn money by working in the "country"

But from the moment he came out, it was known that his identity must have been reversed

Sure enough, after that, he also returned to his original life

I became the boss of the "Cowboy Shop".

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

Under these 2 different living conditions and human settings

He also completely brought two very different lives to life.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

A hard-working helper who doesn't talk much, a ruthless character who collects money and debts

Two different states of life

But it also made Mr. Gu Zijing

(Now everyone affectionately calls him "Orange Essence").

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

The emotional line between him and Jin Zhiyuan in the play is also very addictive

These 2 people in love really don't want to be BE.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

Debuted at the age of 31, but has amazing acting skills

Although he is now 39 years old

But the real debut time is not very long

Because Sun Xijiu debuted as an actor when he was 31 years old.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

And his initial dream was to be a director

And because of the film film, it was discovered by the director of "Super Sense Hunting 2"

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

Thus he embarked on the path of an actor

Since then, his acting path has also begun.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

He has starred in many classic Korean dramas and movies

Although the debut time is not long

However, he has a lot of his own feelings about acting

There is no doubt about that.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

In addition to acting, his family history is also very good

There are Korean media reports

He has been working for his father's company

Sales reached KRW 5.5 billion

Such a family situation is also destined to allow him to pursue his dreams freely.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

So after I decided to become an actor

He can really be fully engaged.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

The new movie has a high box office, and the new drama is about to partner Choi Woo-sik

At present, his partner Ma Dongxi starred in the movie "Crime City 2" is being released

The current box office of this film is quite staggering

It has won the Korean box office for 7 consecutive days.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

The villain jiang Haixiang he played in it is also very interesting

The success of this film

It will also bring Sun Xijiu's acting career to a higher level.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

Except for the movie that is being released

His new drama is also in the process of being prepared

There is news that said

He may partner Choi Woo-sik to star in the new drama "The Murderer o Embarrassment"

Both sides are also under careful consideration.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

This work is a comic adaptation of Netflix

Choi Woo-sik will play the murderer, while Son Seok-kyu will play the role of a policeman

As soon as the news came out, it also made the audience very happy

After all, such a combination will definitely have a very different chemical reaction

The expectation value is also directly full

This film will start in September, and it is also hoped that the two can star.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

A good actor like Sun Xijiu really should be seen

However, with the increasing popularity

Some of his negative news was also pulled out

At present, he has taken legal measures

And said on social media that he had not bullied.

Mournful and handsome Sun Xijiu, does not rely on family lineage to rely on acting skills, the charm of the play is infinite

People red is not much

I still hope he can focus more on filming

There are more good works.

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