
June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

author:Gourmet petty official home

Introduction: June is coming, drink tea to remember the "two do not drink", drink the tea energetic, comfortable through the summer

June is coming, which also means that the hot summer gradually pours into our lives, the weather is sweltering, people are also dry, at this time everyone will try everything to cool off, drink mung bean water, eat cold noodles, drink tea and so on.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

Drinking tea is an ideal way to cool off, and the summer body is heavy with moisture, and more warm tea can not only dehumidify, but also improve the problem of wet and cold in the body. Drinking tea in hot weather is the ideal way to relieve the heat, but there are many taboos in drinking tea in the summer, and only drinking the right tea can have the desired effect. So June is coming, drink tea please remember "two do not drink", drink the right tea to be energetic, comfortable through the summer Oh.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

One does not drink: do not drink overnight tea.

Many people drink tea inevitably one-time bubble more, the day can not finish drinking, the next morning to get up to continue to drink, because most of the tea is less than a dozen pieces, expensive is thousands of pieces, some people are distressed, feel that the overnight tea poured out of the pity, in fact, this idea is wrong.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

Tea brewing time is long, not only the tea aroma will become lighter, the tea oil inside will slowly overflow after a long time, which is very bad for the body, and the overnight tea we can use to water the flowers is still very good.

There are more nutrients in the tea water, the summer temperature is too high, the nutrients inside the tea will be oxidized after a long time, and the tea will not be drunk for a long time will produce a large number of harmful oxidation substances to the body.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

In the high temperature weather, tea water is easy to ferment and deteriorate for a long time, especially overnight tea, after overnight brewing has basically deteriorated, and even the dissolved acid inside will become a very irritating substance, harming the body.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

Two do not drink: avoid drinking strong tea.

When drinking tea, do not brew too strongly, and do not drink too much at one time, the alkaline substances in strong tea have a sense of irritation to the stomach, making people's emotions become moody, irritable and other problems. Summer hot days should be appropriate tea drinking, it is best to drink some heat to relieve the heat, relieve the restlessness of the tea, so as to go to the body of the dry heat.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

Tea generally stays in the human body for three to four hours, and strong tea will stay in the human body for a longer time, mainly depending on the concentration of tea and the amount of tea drunk, we all know that tea is rich in theophylline, this substance once the amount of accumulation in the body is too much, the human regulatory system has a certain impact.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

Why it is not recommended that everyone drink tea too late is because theophylline stimulates the nervous system, and people will be more excited and have insomnia problems. Tea is rich in solution acid, after entering the body will also affect the metabolic function, strong tea drunk more, easy to appear constipation phenomenon.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

Under normal circumstances, adults drink 5-14 grams of tea per day is better, these tea leaves should be brewed twice, can not be brewed once to drink, the concentration is too large, generally brewed tea is not completely cooled when the drink is better.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

Tea is very good for the body, drinking tea can not only help the body detoxify, promote internal circulation, wake up the mind, make the energy more energetic, comfortable through the summer, after June, the weather will be officially warmed.

At this time, it is suitable for drinking some heat and detoxification, the tea to the fire is better, the summer is easy to be empty and exuberant, affecting the appetite, everyone can drink more chrysanthemum tea, quench the heat and quench thirst, which has great benefits for the body.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

This is a kind of chrysanthemum that is abundant in the hot soup of Mingyue Mountain, and the biggest feature is that the water source and soil are rich in minerals such as selenium. Chrysanthemums are nourished by organic minerals all year round, and they can also replenish the micronutrients needed by the human body when they drink.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

Because it grows at the foot of the mountain, it is not polluted by harmful chemicals, the planting method returns to the ancient method throughout the process, does not play any chemical pesticides, coupled with abundant rainfall throughout the year, sufficient light, so that the chrysanthemums are brightly colored, golden and dripping, the flowers are large and round, the flowers are thick and powerful, and they belong to 100% of the pure natural organic tea.

June is coming, drink tea with "two do not drink", drink tea energetically, comfortable through the summer

Because the flower type is huge, just take out a flower to brew a cup, after brewing can smell the original mellow aroma of chrysanthemums, tea soup color is golden, beautiful appearance, drink a refreshing and elegant, sweet and delicious. Soaking a cup when you are thirsty in summer can not only replenish the water needed by the human body but also remove the fire in the body.

The above is all the content of the article, if it is helpful to you after reading it, you may wish to share the forward to benefit more tea friends, we will see you in the next issue