
The secretary of the municipal party committee sent a message to the young cadres: It is not better than the treatment of officers, and it is not better than dedication than positions

author:Beijing News

According to anhui Suzhou News Network, on the morning of May 23, the main class of the Party School of Suzhou Municipal Party Committee in the spring semester of 2022 and the opening ceremony of the Xi Jinping Seminar on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era were held at the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee. Yang Jun, secretary of the Suzhou Prefecture CPC Committee, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a special report entitled "Daxing's "Six Winds" Strive to Be "Six Cadres" to Greet the Victory of the Party's Twenty National Congresses with Practical Actions and Outstanding Achievements." Li Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, and secretary general of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the opening ceremony, and Li Li, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and executive vice president of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the ceremon

The secretary of the municipal party committee sent a message to the young cadres: It is not better than the treatment of officers, and it is not better than dedication than positions

Yang Jun made a special report scene (Source: Suzhou News Network screenshot)

Yang Jun stressed: "Loyalty to the party is the most important political quality of communists," and the vast number of cadres, especially young cadres, should vigorously promote the trend of "aligning with the standard" and ensure that they have politics in mind. It is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to wholeheartedly support the "two establishments" and faithfully practice the "two safeguards", to reflect in the actions of implementing the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, in the actual results of performing their duties and doing their own work well, in daily words and deeds, to continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and resolutely achieve "the general secretary has orders, the party Central Committee has deployments, Anhui has seen actions, and Suzhou has seen results".

Yang Jun pointed out that "officials shouldering responsibilities is where the responsibility of cadres lies, and it is also where the value lies, and the vast number of cadres, especially young cadres, should vigorously promote the trend of "really grasping solid work" and ensure that they have a responsibility on their shoulders. We must bear in mind that the post is the responsibility, and when we are on the post, we must fulfill our responsibilities, compete with ourselves, strengthen the state of "fighting", take the initiative to put the work into the horizontal coordinates of the whole province, the Yangtze River Delta, and even the whole country to examine and measure, enlarge the pattern, relax the field of vision, self-pressure, and take the initiative; take efficiency as the first, establish a sense of "fast", enhance the sense of urgency of "doing nothing in one day, difficult to be safe for three days", move according to orders, act vigorously, and work quickly; speak with results, create a "real" atmosphere, discuss heroes with actual performance, and use cadres based on actual performance. The degree of implementation and the quality of development are truly tested through the results.

Yang Jun stressed: "Bringing benefits to the people is the greatest political achievement," and the broad masses of cadres, especially young cadres, should vigorously promote the trend of "serving the masses" and ensure that the people are in their hearts. It is necessary to regard being needed by the masses as a kind of happiness, go to the masses, make more friends with the masses, learn more from the masses, observe the people's feelings with the attitude of "going into the heart", warm the hearts of the people with the temperature of "comparing hearts to hearts", benefit the people's livelihood with the strength of "doing it well", truly regard the masses as their own families, regard the things that the masses want to do as what they want to do, focus on the people's livelihood work such as education, medical care, old-age care, and childbirth care that the masses are generally concerned about, make practical moves, do practical things, and seek practical results, so that the masses' sense of gain, happiness, and security will be more fulfilling. More secure and sustainable.

Yang Jun pointed out: "Apply what we have learned, promote learning, and learn to use each other's strengths." The broad masses of cadres, especially young cadres, should vigorously promote the practice of "diligent study and good thinking" and ensure that they have good policies in their hands. It is necessary to improve the ability of "good at learning," always reflect on the shortcomings in knowledge and the weaknesses in ability, uninterruptedly and continuously "recharge and empower," and strive to become a specialized expert and a knowledge expert who reads a lot of books; it is necessary to improve the skill of "good strategy," persist in standing tall and seeing far, clearly recognize "time" and "potential," distinguish between "danger" and "opportunity," and make clear thinking, accurate paths, and grasp the truth; we must improve the skill of "good work," enhance the overall awareness and overall vision, and learn to coordinate the relationship between all aspects and all aspects. It is necessary to improve the ability to "do good deeds," make bold attempts, not be afraid of failure, break the "old-fashioned" thinking, break through habitual thinking, and consciously walk in the forefront of reform and innovation.

Yang Jun pointed out that "security and development are two wings of one body and two wheels of driving," and the vast number of cadres, especially young cadres, should vigorously promote the trend of "thinking of danger in times of peace" and ensure that there are risks in their eyes. It is necessary to further tighten the strings of thinking, firmly grasp the bottom line thinking and extreme thinking, think of everything in detail, enhance the sensitivity of identifying risks, grasp the small things early, enhance the accuracy of analysis and judgment, earnestly compare the truth, enhance the linkage of emergency handling, resolutely guard the territory and the position, and truly cultivate the hard skill of "not panicking in case of trouble and handling things well."

In conclusion, Yang Jun stressed: "Being honest and honest is a blessing and greed is a curse," and the broad masses of cadres, especially young cadres, should vigorously promote the practice of "being upright and frank" and ensure that there is a defensive line under their feet. It is necessary to unswervingly adhere to the main tone of strictness; with the sobriety and persistence of always being on the road, strictly abide by the red line of party discipline and state law, grasp the line of "pro- and "clean" and measured, build a solid line of defense for self-cultivation and self-righteousness, resolutely overcome the idea of privilege, compare officials with no treatment, dedicate more than posts, compare performance with pomp and pageantry, and compare work style with style, always maintain the style, integrity, and integrity of communists, and go all out to promote work to strive for excellence and add color to the best.

According to the official website of the Party School of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee, Li Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the Suzhou Municipal CPC Committee, director of the Propaganda Department of the Suzhou Municipal CPC Committee, and secretary general of the Municipal CPC Committee, stressed in his presidency that Secretary Yang Jun's speech was far-reaching and in-depth and simple, and not only had a profound analysis of the current economic and social development situation in our city, but also had forward-looking thinking on future development prospects, which had a strong pertinence and guidance, and pointed out the direction of efforts for everyone's future work and study. He demanded that all trainees must conscientiously comprehend the spirit of Secretary Yang Jun's speech, give full play to the role of the special course learning platform and the student exchange and interaction platform set up by the party school for everyone, conduct in-depth thinking and serious discussion on the content of this special topic counseling report, earnestly carry out the spirit of the speech throughout the entire process of study, and transform the results of the study into local and departmental work ideas and work measures. It is necessary to do a good job in laying out the "basic skills" of theory, persistently taking the party's advanced theory as an ideological armament, and then as the precursor of practice; it is necessary to take the "guiding signs" of problems well, sort out the difficult problems in development in work in a timely manner, consciously seek theoretical solutions in training, and be targeted; it is necessary to strengthen the "foundation of one's life" of party spirit, further enhance political judgment, political understanding, and political execution through receiving education in party spirit and revolutionary traditions, and consciously be a person who understands politics and is honest. It is necessary to correctly handle the contradiction between work and study, and realize as soon as possible the change from family life to collective life, from work status to study state, and from leading cadres to ordinary students. Earnestly achieve learning and thinking, thinking and gaining, and getting useful.

Yang Jun has repeatedly made demands on party members and cadres.

In April this year, when the Suzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision visited and investigated, it asked the discipline inspection and supervision organs and the vast number of discipline inspection and supervision cadres in the city to persevere in grasping major issues and ensuring implementation, focus on the main responsibility, strengthen political supervision, ensure that the central work is deployed wherever it is deployed, and the supervision and effectiveness are followed up, and ensure the smooth flow of government decrees with iron-faced and selfless discipline. It is necessary to persevere in grasping work style and creating a new style, thoroughly implement the "one reform, two to five achievements," continue to exert efforts on correcting work style, and at the same time rationally use the fault tolerance and exemption mechanism, guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to take the lead in doing solid work, immerse themselves in hard work, and vigorously guard against formalism and bureaucracy. It is necessary to persevere in grasping supervision and plugging loopholes, continue to deepen the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system, make good use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, especially strengthen the education and supervision of young cadres, and promote the integration of supervision within the party and other types of supervision. It is necessary to persevere in grasping anti-corruption and strong deterrence, adhere to the main tone of strictness without wavering, promote as a whole that we do not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt, and continue to optimize the political ecology for the better. It is necessary to persevere in grasping the contingent and forging the iron army, take the lead in giving play to the exemplary role of honesty and self-discipline, and make the supervision and discipline accountability more confident, tough, and authoritative.

Also in April this year, Yang Jun stressed during his visit to the Organization Department of the Suzhou Municipal CPC Committee that it is necessary to pay close attention to the strong foundation at the grass-roots level, solidly carry out the standardization and standardization of grass-roots party organizations, and the construction and upgrading of party branches, and continue to vigorously grasp the grass-roots level, consolidate the fundamentals, make up for shortcomings, and strengthen and weak points, and build party organizations at all levels into stronger and more powerful. It is necessary to firmly guide the strong contingent, improve and make good use of the "horse racing" mechanism, persist in discussing heroes with actual achievements and using cadres on the basis of actual achievements, pay attention to the actual achievements of cadres in taking on the role of cadres in the grass-roots masses, in the reputation of enterprises, and in emergency response, so that more young cadres can climb and roll in and increase their abilities in tough posts and important posts. It is necessary to recruit talents and attract wisdom and strong support, adhere to the principle of party management of talents, formulate talent strategies from the height of the overall development of Suzhou's undertakings, focus on the actual introduction of talent teams in the city's industrial development and enterprise needs, and accelerate the creation of a talent highland with important influence. It is necessary to strengthen ourselves in a strict and down-to-earth manner, give prominence to strict management of the department and strict management, further raise the benchmark of work, enhance the level of ability, improve the state and style of work, and create a model organ that is loyal and clean and takes responsibility.