
Yang Mi is 35 years old, 1 child, divorced Zhao Liying 34 years old, 1 child, divorced Yang Ying 33 years old, 1 child, divorced Zhang Yuqi 34 years old, 2 children, divorced twice

author:Painted entertainment

Yang Mi is 35 years old, 1 child, divorced

Zhao Liying is 34 years old, 1 child, divorced

Yang Ying is 33 years old, 1 child, divorced

Zhang Yuqi is 34 years old, has 2 children, and has been divorced twice

Tong Liya is 38 years old, 1 child, divorced

Big S 45 years old, 2 children, divorced

Looking back, I found that among the popular stars, the married female stars basically all left, and some of them left more than once. What can be thought of now is that Tang Yanluojin, Liu Shishi Wu Qilong, Chen Xiao Chen Yanxi, Zhang Ruoyun and Tang Yixin still maintain a marriage relationship and have been living happily ever since.

And it is not difficult to find that these female stars who choose to divorce are all career-oriented women, whether it is before and after marriage, filming, endorsement, variety shows, basically none of them have fallen, and these unrepresented female stars seem to have appeared in front of the screen often, presumably the focus is more inclined to the family, and the sense of career is not so strong.

Big S seems to be more special, just divorced Wang Xiaofei not long ago, he re-contacted his ex-boyfriend Gu Junye, the two quickly continued the frontier, and quickly registered for marriage. But at present, everyone generally feels that Gu Junye is not like a person worthy of trust, and I don't know how long Big S's second marriage can last?

Yang Mi is 35 years old, 1 child, divorced Zhao Liying 34 years old, 1 child, divorced Yang Ying 33 years old, 1 child, divorced Zhang Yuqi 34 years old, 2 children, divorced twice
Yang Mi is 35 years old, 1 child, divorced Zhao Liying 34 years old, 1 child, divorced Yang Ying 33 years old, 1 child, divorced Zhang Yuqi 34 years old, 2 children, divorced twice
Yang Mi is 35 years old, 1 child, divorced Zhao Liying 34 years old, 1 child, divorced Yang Ying 33 years old, 1 child, divorced Zhang Yuqi 34 years old, 2 children, divorced twice

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