
Let the potatoes not sprout back to the potatoes often sprout without paying attention, next time you can put the potatoes and apples together in the black garbage bag to try. 2. Cook fish soup with milk

author:Lucky Dream E

There is a magic trick at home

1. Keep the potatoes from sprouting

The potatoes bought back often sprout without paying attention,

Next time you can put potatoes and apples together in the black

Try it in a colored garbage bag.

2. Boil fish soup with milk

When making fish soup, add some milk to the soup to make the fish

The taste is fresher and the soup is whiter in color.

3. A great way to burn eggplant

Before sautéing the eggplant, blanch it in boiling water or marinate it with salt

water, so that it does not absorb oil. Put some when stir-frying

Vinegar, good taste, better color.

4. Add some vinegar to the stew

When stewing the pork rib soup, put some vinegar to help suck calcium


5. Steam the rice with white vinegar and oil

When steaming rice in a rice cooker, add a few drops to each of the rice

Oil and white vinegar, steamed rice will be grained one by one

Yes, more fragrant and delicious.

5. Cook the noodles with some oil

When cooking the noodles, add a tablespoon of oil slightly to the water,

The noodles don't stick together and prevent the noodles

The soup foamed and spilled out of the pot.

#Those little beauties of life# #跟着大厨来做菜 #

Let the potatoes not sprout back to the potatoes often sprout without paying attention, next time you can put the potatoes and apples together in the black garbage bag to try. 2. Cook fish soup with milk
Let the potatoes not sprout back to the potatoes often sprout without paying attention, next time you can put the potatoes and apples together in the black garbage bag to try. 2. Cook fish soup with milk
Let the potatoes not sprout back to the potatoes often sprout without paying attention, next time you can put the potatoes and apples together in the black garbage bag to try. 2. Cook fish soup with milk
Let the potatoes not sprout back to the potatoes often sprout without paying attention, next time you can put the potatoes and apples together in the black garbage bag to try. 2. Cook fish soup with milk
Let the potatoes not sprout back to the potatoes often sprout without paying attention, next time you can put the potatoes and apples together in the black garbage bag to try. 2. Cook fish soup with milk
Let the potatoes not sprout back to the potatoes often sprout without paying attention, next time you can put the potatoes and apples together in the black garbage bag to try. 2. Cook fish soup with milk
Let the potatoes not sprout back to the potatoes often sprout without paying attention, next time you can put the potatoes and apples together in the black garbage bag to try. 2. Cook fish soup with milk
Let the potatoes not sprout back to the potatoes often sprout without paying attention, next time you can put the potatoes and apples together in the black garbage bag to try. 2. Cook fish soup with milk
Let the potatoes not sprout back to the potatoes often sprout without paying attention, next time you can put the potatoes and apples together in the black garbage bag to try. 2. Cook fish soup with milk

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