
India has the hottest wave in 122 years, seven stars and pearls to change the earth's magnetic field, causing the earth's disaster?

author:Guangxi agricultural dolls

India has the hottest wave in 122 years, seven stars and pearls to change the earth's magnetic field, causing the earth's disaster?

India has the hottest wave in 122 years, seven stars and pearls to change the earth's magnetic field, causing the earth's disaster?

Every time we look up at the sky, we are always attracted by the blue sky. If we look up at the stars at night, we will also be attracted by the stars in the starry sky. Whenever I think of this, everyone is full of interest in the sky and wants to know what strange "celestial phenomena" will appear in the starry sky in 2022.

When it comes to celestial phenomena, some people may feel that the weather in the past two years is a bit strange, especially this year, India has ushered in the hottest wave in 122 years. When I first heard the news, everyone still had some doubts in their hearts, the weather in India has been quite hot, why can't I stand the heat this year?

India has the hottest wave in 122 years, seven stars and pearls to change the earth's magnetic field, causing the earth's disaster?

In fact, this is related to the overall temperature, since March this year, India has entered a very hot state. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, March this year was the hottest March in India in the past 122 years. In addition to March, April and May in India are also very hot, and the average temperature is higher than last year.

In the face of this situation, everyone thinks of this year's weather, is this year really weird? Or to indicate that some strange celestial phenomenon is going to appear this year. If there is any strange "celestial phenomenon" this year, it can only be "seven stars and pearls".

India has the hottest wave in 122 years, seven stars and pearls to change the earth's magnetic field, causing the earth's disaster?

Seeing the so-called seven-star beads, everyone may think of some stories, but in fact, the seven-star beads are a rare celestial phenomenon, and it is not a very strange thing. In simple terms, the seven planets in the solar system are lined up in a line, which looks like 7 beads connected together, so there is the title of "seven stars and beads".

If you have a telescope at home, you can see Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Uranus and Neptune in a line. However, at first, there were only five stars in front, and the next two stars were discovered by modern scientists, so the ancients could only see "five stars and pearls".

India has the hottest wave in 122 years, seven stars and pearls to change the earth's magnetic field, causing the earth's disaster?

Nevertheless, they were also very much in awe of this matter, and even felt that it was an auspicious omen given by God. Therefore, whenever there are five stars and pearls, the ancient people always think that the wind and rain will be smooth in the coming year. However, since the use of telescopes, scientists have discovered Uranus and Neptune, which later evolved into seven stars.

Since predicting that there would be seven stars, scientists have tried to observe the planets, so they speculate that the planet will appear on June 16. Because no specific time is predicted, the approximate range can only be determined in the morning. If you want to observe the seven stars, you can prepare the telescope in advance.

India has the hottest wave in 122 years, seven stars and pearls to change the earth's magnetic field, causing the earth's disaster?

When there is no telescope at home, you can also use the naked eye to observe, but the naked eye can only see 5 planets, and the last Uranus and Neptune are not very clear. After all, these two planets are too far from the sun, and the light reflected by themselves is also very weak, so it is difficult for humans to see clearly with the naked eye.

Since they knew that this kind of celestial phenomenon was going to appear, some people began to worry, they always felt that the seven stars and pearls would have an impact, or some kind of meaning. In fact, there is no need for everyone to be so entangled, although this matter looks very magical, but everything can be explained by science.

India has the hottest wave in 122 years, seven stars and pearls to change the earth's magnetic field, causing the earth's disaster?

From a scientific point of view, this is just a change in the universe, and it will occur about once every 77 years, so there is no need to worry about it. As for the temperature change in India, this should be related to the overall warming of the earth. Under the influence of human beings, the earth has suffered countless traumas, and the environment in which we humans live is getting worse and worse.

Under the influence of this situation, glaciers began to melt and arctic temperatures began to rise, which indirectly affected the weather conditions in India. However, this is also a warning from the earth to mankind, if human beings do not know how to restrain themselves and continue to destroy the earth, it is not as simple as the temperature rise.

India has the hottest wave in 122 years, seven stars and pearls to change the earth's magnetic field, causing the earth's disaster?

Once things continue to develop, and the overall environment of the earth continues to change, eventually human beings will have to taste the bitter fruits they have planted. It is precisely because of this that we hope to start from everyone, and everyone can take good care of the earth and not destroy the ecological environment on the earth.

Only in this way will there be no extreme weather on the earth and will not affect the normal life of our human beings. Therefore, we must hurry up and start to act, otherwise the final outcome must not be what we humans want. At that time, there is a high possibility of causing a big earth disaster, and we regret it too late.

India has the hottest wave in 122 years, seven stars and pearls to change the earth's magnetic field, causing the earth's disaster?

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