
The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina. And two years before the World Cup was held, the junta led by General Videla,

author:Yifeng angle

The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina.

Two years before the World Cup was held, a military junta led by General Videla replaced Perón's government and ruled Argentina, beginning the so-called "process of national reorganization." In its campaign of State terrorism, the junta carried out a systematic purge of reactionaries, in which thousands of people were murdered, abused and kidnapped.

For the junta, the successful hosting of the World Cup is a form of display of the normal state of the country, and if it can win the World Cup, it will undoubtedly strengthen the legitimate status of the junta and the support of the people. At that time, no country gave up participating in the eleventh World Cup because it opposed the Argentine military government.

Behind Argentina's ability to successfully host the World Cup, there are many people and institutions that have made "contributions" to it. Among them was the then FIFA president, Brazilian João. Avilan fever. He had a crush on the Argentine military junta, and in order to ensure the smooth progress of the World Cup, he even appointed Carlos, the Argentine junta. General Lacoste is Vice-President of fifa's organizing committee.

Argentine football itself is not clean, and the then head coach Menotti, although identified as a reactionary leftist, did not want to give up the opportunity to raise the Hercules Cup on his doorstep. He said to the players, "When you come down from the grass, don't look at the boxes, look at the stadium audience, because the people are there."

For the junta, Menotti is not an enemy, but a protector, and in the first two months of the World Cup, the junta issued an order prohibiting any form of criticism of the national team and its head coach.

In this team, Menotti abandoned Maradona, who had already become famous in the World Youth Championship, and established the Argentine national team centered on Kempez.

After the start of the game, Argentina did not perform well. In the group stage, it beat Hungary and France 2-1 and lost to Italy, thrillingly moving on to the next stage of the match.

After that, he won Poland 2-0 and shook hands with Brazil 0-0. According to the format at that time, the first places in Group A and Group B could enter the final, and the Argentine team at that time and Brazil, who were also in Group B, had the same points, and the two sides needed to score a goal difference in the next game to determine the top spot, the match was Argentina against Peru, Brazil against Poland.

At this time, the famous scandal of the eleventh World Cup was born. Fifa violated the principle of impartiality and decided that Brazil's match against Poland would be held ahead of schedule so that Argentina knew how many goals they should win before they started...

Later in the final, Argentina won 3-0 over the Netherlands, led by Cruyff, to win the eleventh World Cup. For argentina's junta, this one title is undoubtedly a relief.

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#世界杯 #

The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina. And two years before the World Cup was held, the junta led by General Videla,
The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina. And two years before the World Cup was held, the junta led by General Videla,
The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina. And two years before the World Cup was held, the junta led by General Videla,
The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina. And two years before the World Cup was held, the junta led by General Videla,
The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina. And two years before the World Cup was held, the junta led by General Videla,
The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina. And two years before the World Cup was held, the junta led by General Videla,
The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina. And two years before the World Cup was held, the junta led by General Videla,
The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina. And two years before the World Cup was held, the junta led by General Videla,
The eleventh World Cup in 1978 was held in Argentina, and the championship was won by Argentina. And two years before the World Cup was held, the junta led by General Videla,

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