
Heavy! A big march broke out in Hungary! Because Prime Minister Orban is "pro-Russian"! Let the people be angry and dissatisfied

author:The red star shines all over the world

In the heart of Europe, in Hungary, an unprecedented political storm is brewing. The country, known for its long history, unique culture and relatively stable political situation, has recently become the focus of international public opinion due to a large-scale demonstration. The demonstrations not only challenged the long-standing authority of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, but also revealed deep social divisions and foreign policy controversies in the country, especially its relations with Russia.

Heavy! A big march broke out in Hungary! Because Prime Minister Orban is "pro-Russian"! Let the people be angry and dissatisfied

Thousands of protesters have gathered on the streets of Budapest, Hungary, holding signs and chanting slogans aimed at the current Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The march was initiated by former Prime Minister Peter Marki-Zay, who is worth noting that Majal himself was a political ally of Orban, and this change of status undoubtedly added a bit of drama to the event. At the heart of the march was dissatisfaction with the government's stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, especially Orban's criticism of showing excessive friendliness and support for Russian President Vladimir Putin, which seemed out of place within the EU and left many Hungarians angry and uneasy.

Heavy! A big march broke out in Hungary! Because Prime Minister Orban is "pro-Russian"! Let the people be angry and dissatisfied

Since being re-elected prime minister in 2010, Orban has won four consecutive elections and has been in power for more than a decade. Under his leadership, Hungary implemented a series of conservative and social welfare policies, which won the support of part of the population. At the same time, Orban is known for his hard-line nationalist stance and criticism of certain EU policies, advocating for the preservation of national sovereignty, opposing mass immigration, and economically pursuing an "open to the east" policy to strengthen relations with non-EU countries such as Russia.

Heavy! A big march broke out in Hungary! Because Prime Minister Orban is "pro-Russian"! Let the people be angry and dissatisfied

However, with the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022, Hungary's foreign policy has been tested like never before. Although Hungary, as a member of NATO and the European Union, formally supports sanctions against Russia, Orban's government has avoided directly condemning Russia and has repeatedly stressed the importance of maintaining energy cooperation with Russia for the Hungarian economy. This position has caused great controversy at home, and many Hungarians believe that the government should be more explicitly on the side of Ukraine against aggression.

Heavy! A big march broke out in Hungary! Because Prime Minister Orban is "pro-Russian"! Let the people be angry and dissatisfied

For the demonstrators, Orban's pro-Russian stance is seen as a betrayal of democratic values and a threat to national security. They fear that Hungary's international isolation could lead to damage to its position within the EU, which in turn would affect the country's long-term development and people's living standards. The march was not only a protest against the government's foreign policy, but also an expression of the public's lack of transparency and accountability for the government.

Heavy! A big march broke out in Hungary! Because Prime Minister Orban is "pro-Russian"! Let the people be angry and dissatisfied

From another point of view, the Orban government's position may be motivated by realist considerations. Hungary is highly dependent on Russian gas supplies, and cutting off energy cooperation with Russia would be a major blow to the Hungarian economy. In addition, Orban is trying to protect national interests by finding a balance between East and West, both maintaining relations with Western allies and not completely abandoning economic ties with Russia. However, this attempt at a delicate balance has provoked deep social divisions within the country.

Heavy! A big march broke out in Hungary! Because Prime Minister Orban is "pro-Russian"! Let the people be angry and dissatisfied

The march marked a build-up of opposition forces in Hungary and heralded the growing challenges facing Orban. Although Orban retains a relatively solid power base for now, persistent social discontent and external pressure may force the government to reassess its foreign policy strategy. In the future, how to respond to the people's demands for democracy, freedom and security while maintaining national interests will be a major issue that Orbán's government must face.

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