
Shaorong Sister 30th Anniversary Festival

author:Purple Shell, New York

Today, August 20, 2021, is the 30th anniversary of the death of Shaorong's sister, and I would like to express my longing for this article.

Shaorong is my only sister's name, and my family and I are used to calling her Sister Rong.

The bad news of sister Rong, I only learned about it a week after her death, when I received a letter from Brother-in-law Jigu. At that time, I was really like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and I didn't believe it was true anyway. How could it be, during the Spring Festival that year, I took my girlfriend (now my wife) back to my hometown, visited my parents and family, and my sister Rong rushed back overnight to meet us and celebrate.

But, it's true. On August 20, 1991, due to a sudden illness, sister Rong left us forever in the farm hospital close to home.

A thousand words can not let go of my heartbroken heart for the death of my sister Rong, and the thoughts and remembrance of her have always accompanied me across the ocean and traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers.

At this moment, fragments of memory keep popping up in my mind, lingering...

Once, when I was probably a few years old, I didn't remember what was wrong, and at night the adults were ready to sleep, and I was still hiding in the depths of the bamboo forest and didn't dare to come out, it was sister Rong who found me and quietly took me home, ate and took a bath, and spent an unforgettable night with me.

When I was in elementary school, it coincided with my sister's marriage. At that time, although the countryside was still in the Cultural Revolution, the marriage ceremony was quite distinctive, and it was normal to set up a banquet and read Mao's election to worship Marxism, Leninism, and Mao, and even invited a few folk musicians to play trumpets and beat gongs and drums. But what I remember most is that on the day of my sister Rong's marriage, at the moment when she was about to leave home, I cried, very sad and sad to cry, I couldn't help myself, I really didn't want my sister To leave the house.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 1979, just after the first day of the Spring Festival, I was already like an arrow, and I couldn't wait to go back to Wenchang Middle School to review and prepare for the college entrance examination that year. Shortly after dawn, I arrived alone at the station on the polder, ready to take a long-distance bus that runs once a day to the county seat. After waiting for a while, the car had not yet arrived, but I saw Sister Rong coming from a distance. She was worried that I was not finished in the year, and she was going to leave home and study alone. When I was about to get on the bus, Sister Rong forced me to give me 5 yuan, saying that she let me go to school to supplement nutrition. Even from the numbers alone, this is not a small New Year red envelope. You know, at that time, in school, the monthly food cost was only about 2 fast money (the cost of a meal ranged from 5 cents to a dime, and the meal was solved by bringing rice from home). Along the way, I was full of emotions, and the trend of thought could not be calm. Deeply aware of the difficulty of making money between Sister Rong and Brother-in-law Satoru and the difficulty of supporting a family, the scene of Sister Rong selling sugar cane at the door of the ice room of the farm still appears in my memory. I can only secretly resolve that I must redouble my efforts to study, do my best, strive to achieve good results in the college entrance examination, realize the dream of "crossing the ocean to study, leaving the countryside to the city", and never live up to the support and love of my sister Rong and my parents and family.

Since I came to Guangzhou to study, the contact and reunion with Sister Rong has naturally become less and less, but whether it is after reading or working, as long as I go home to visit my relatives, Sister Rong must be the first person to "go back to my mother's home" to visit me, one is to visit my parents, the other is to talk with me about the past, to understand my study and work life in Guangzhou, to care about what friends I know and make, to ask long questions and short questions, and to be cared for. It can be seen how happy Jie Rong is that I can pass the college entrance examination and the title of the gold list, realize my dreams, and get rid of the agricultural brand, and I am very happy in my heart. And she herself, although she does not read much and her education is not high, she values readers, looks favorably on intellectuals, and yearns for knowledge and beauty. I feel incredibly warm and touched to have such a sister, which is the honor of my life.

Sister Rong, you left too soon. I still don't have time to see you, to see you, to send you, to repay you..., even if it is the last, the last time.

You have only been in this world for 38 short years, and I have not even left a complete photo (let alone a color photo), and it is too late to take pictures with me, which is my eternal regret.

Fortunately, your kindness and warmth, your diligence and wisdom, your uncomplaining and hard work, your virtuous wife and mother and accumulation of virtue and good deeds... have been well preserved and carried forward, which is the most precious spiritual wealth you have left us.

At the same time, it is worth taking comfort that I have not lived up to your expectations, and wherever I go, I will continue to improve myself and strive to be the best.

Sister Rong, although you have been dead for 30 years, I have never forgotten you for a day, and your voice and smile will always be engraved in my heart. You will always be the most important source of strength on my life path, and your love will always accompany me and warm my heart.

Sister Rong, please rest in peace!