
Column 丨Jiang Feng: The Ancestor of the Founding Mountain - The Shore of the Water (1)

author:Red Net
Column 丨Jiang Feng: The Ancestor of the Founding Mountain - The Shore of the Water (1)
Column 丨Jiang Feng: The Ancestor of the Founding Mountain - The Shore of the Water (1)


——ShuiShui Berth (1)

Text/Jiang Feng

Born and raised on the edge of the water.

When I was young, I wanted to hike the River and didn't find a companion, and this dream was not realized. Not long after working in Changsha, I rode a bicycle from the Xiang River to Ningxiang Huangcai in the upper reaches of the Huang River; and then rode from Huangwu to Changsha, which is also a round trip along the Xiang River.

The Fu River, the mother river of Ningxiang, flows with life, history, culture and civilization.

For thousands of years, the land of Chuchu, the fragrance of books is overflowing, and the humanities are gathered.

To explore the source of the shuishui culture, I think it is better to start from the source of the river and start from the Tang Dynasty monk more than a thousand years ago!


On August 15, the eighth year of Tang Yuanhe (813), a middle-aged monk stood at the edge of the water in the town of Huangcai. He set out from Baizhang Mountain in Jiangxi, the wind and food camped, the wind and rain, crossed the Xiang River, and then went up the water along the Xiang River from Jinggang, and when he arrived here, he was surrounded by mountains on three sides, and he thought that going up further should be his destination, the source of the River, the Dahu Mountain, and he was indeed a little tired. Outside the town, a farmhouse was in the middle of nowhere, and it was getting late, and the host family invited him to stay here for one night.

A bright moon hangs high, you can hear the bustling bustle of the streets of the ancient town, and the farmer owners also go to the streets to see the liveliness. He didn't have the heart to see the lively scene of the Mid-Autumn Festival, he just thought of rushing to the mountains early the next day, what place would greet him?

Under the moonlight, not far away from the water flowing calmly, it is also known as the Huangmu River, the timber of the Dashu Mountain is transported out of this river, it meanders from the west of the Dashu Mountain, it seems to run too fast, too tired, to the Huangma Charcoal River and the confluence of the water of the Huangmu River, just want to have a good rest, in the Huangwu Town Qingyang Village from north to south happy flow.

He took out of his jacket the nautilus that his father had given him when he left his hometown, and it seemed that there was still the residual temperature of his father, and there was a phrase written by Master Fachang of Jianshan Temple in cinnabar, "Snail has bees flying.". He remembered his father's ding-dong and his master's instructions from Master Huaihai Zen.

His dharma name was Lingyou, and he was 43 years old.


Dongchong Town, Xiapu County, Fujian Province, is a fishermen's town surrounded by the sea on three sides, with the vast Sandu Harbor in the west and the choppy Taiwan Strait in the east. The ancients praised its verses: "The sunset is not low, and the waves are snowy." ”

The village of Shibatang in Dongchong Town is inhabited by fishermen who have lived on fishing in the East China Sea for generations. In the first month of the sixth year of the Tang Dynasty (771), after the Spring Festival, everyone had not yet gone to sea, on this day, only to see an auspicious cloud hovering on the roof of the fisherman Zhao family for an hour, and then saw a cloud in the shape of a Buddha fall into the Zhao family, and the auspicious cloud disappeared.

After a while, everyone heard that the Zhao family's wife gave birth to a boy, but it was very strange, she had not heard the baby's crying, and the family thought it was a mute, mixed feelings. The first month is also called The First Month, and the family named the child "Yuan Shun", hoping that he would grow up smoothly and smoothly.

Yuan Shun grew up to eight years old, although he was able to call out his father and mother, it proved that he was not a mute, but he was not good at words, liked to be alone, often sat on the coast in front of the village and quietly stared at the sea, staying like a stone statue, and the villagers gave him a nickname "stone boy".

The Zhao family fished for a living, the family was poor, shi tong grew up to ten years old, could not send him to study, and was often bullied by the village naughty boys. Shi Tong's maternal grandmother, Huang Shi, was the abbot of The Dicshui Nunnery in Houshan, Shiba Tang, and was an old nun of Huifen Dexin. She thought her grandson had Buddha-nature, and she said to her daughter and son-in-law, "I take my child into the nunnery and teach him to learn the Buddhist scriptures." The grandmother gave the child the Dharma name "Lingyou" and taught him to learn literature and calligraphy and teach Buddhist scriptures. Under the careful teaching of his grandmother and nuns, Lingyou's knowledge grew day by day. One day, my grandmother ordered Lingyou to write a couplet for Dishui'an, and Lingyou meditated for a moment, and then chanted a couplet: "Dripping water is an temple, dripping water droplets; the sea is accompanied, the sea is big." "Unanimously praised by all the nuns.

When Lingyou was fifteen years old, on the recommendation of his grandmother, he went to the Qingtan Temple 20 miles away from his hometown, and before leaving, his father gave him a Nautilus in the East China Sea, and said: "Child, no matter how far you go in the future, you must remember that you are the children of the fishermen, the fishermen watch the sea year after year, the rough sea, taught the fishermen to survive only by fighting, the breadth and depth of the sea, but also taught our fishermen the truth of the sea. "This nautilus accompanies Lingyou for a lifetime.

After spending several years of walking life at Qingtan Temple, the abbot at the time, Master Yunjing, believed that Lingyou had a Mahayana root vessel Buddha species and that it was not appropriate to stay at Qingtan Temple for a long time, and recommended him to the abbot of Jianshan Temple in Donghuafeng, Xiapu County.

Master Fa Chang was so fond of Lingyou that he let him enter the Tibetan Scripture Cabinet to read the huayan sutra, and later built another stone house at the back door of Jianshan Temple, allowing Lingyou to meditate and meditate. Cold and summer, this sitting is three years, never left the stone house, meditated on the stone slab, miraculously left his cross-legged and quiet figure.

In the sixth year of Tang Zhenyuan (790), the abbot of Fa chang recommended the twenty-year-old Lingyou to the Yibin monk of Longxing Temple in Hangzhou, and before leaving, Master Fachang deliberately wrote the four characters of "snail with bee fly" on the nautilus that Lingyou carried with him.

The Yibin monk was a disciple of the Jian Zhen monk of Daming Temple in Yangzhou, who was proficient in the precepts of the Great and Small Multiplication and was very famous. After just three years of study at Longxing Temple, Lingyou can recite the classics of the Great and Small Sutras and the Nanshan Vinaya, and has his own unique understanding. The Yibin monk had a premonition in his heart: a person who has such an epiphany of the Heaven and Earth Dharma, who can leisurely swim in the Great and Small Multiplication Laws in a short period of time, will definitely be a figure of the Kaizong Founding Sect in the future.

In the ninth year of Tang Zhenyuan (793), Lingyou went to the Baizhang Mountain Temple in Fengxin County, Jiangxi To see Master Huaihai. Huaihai was also a native of Fujian, and when the two of them saw each other, Huaihai accepted Lingyou as a disciple and arranged for him to be the head of the study, and took the "Hundred Zhangqing Rules" he formulated as a lesson for participating in the study.

One day, Zen Master Huaihai wanted to test Lingyou's opinion of the Baizhang Qinggui, and said to Lingyou who was standing next to him, "You go to the stove and see if there is any fire in it?" ”

Lingyu paused for a moment and then said, "There is no fire." ”

Huai Hai stood up, dialed it himself, dialed it deep in the furnace, found Mars, and pointed it out to him: "You said there was no fire, what is it?" ”

Lingyou suddenly realized that Master used the lotus in the furnace as a metaphor for the spiritual fire that man possesses, that is, Buddha-nature, and told him to reflect on himself and return to his roots. Huaihai further taught him: "The Buddhist scriptures say that to know Buddha-nature, you must look at the timing and causes, and once the opportunity comes, you will suddenly wake up to the fact that your own things are not learned from others, you must rely on your own epiphany. ”

Lingyou held the position of canon under the Hyakujō Gate, a position in charge of the affairs of the public fasting, from twenty-three to forty-three years old, for twenty years.

There was a toutuo surnamed Sima who traveled from Hunan to Baizhangshan in Jiangxi. This head knows astronomy, geography, fate, yin and yang, like to explore the world's famous mountains, one day, he came to the Huangmu River, after drinking the river water, he felt that there was a green lotus fragrance, suspected that there must be a famous mountain resort here, so he traced the source, has been finding the source of the water, and sure enough, found this mountain unusual. He said to Master Huaihai, "I found a mountain in Hunan called Mt. Ōfu, which is a dojo that can accommodate fifteen hundred people. ”

Huaihai asked, "Can the old monk go?" ”

Touto said, "Mt. Fu is a mountain of plump flesh, with endless changes, and the master is a monk with a bone, and if he goes, the disciples will not exceed a thousand." ”

This Sima Touto is also really a straight man, and does not give Baizhang Huaihai face, the meaning of his words is: Monk, your blessing is not so big, your figure is thin, and you can't afford to pick up the burden of opening up the earth, if you have to pick it, it is at most a thousand pounds, and you can't complete the burden of fifteen hundred pounds.

Huai Hai asked again, "Among my disciples, is there anyone who can go?" ”

Sima Touto was good at looking at faces and said, "I'll know it when I look at it." ”

Master Huaihai was also a wise man, and the first person to call was the first disciple, Master Hualin Shanjue, who, after all, paid attention to the order of the elderly and young, and asked the head, "How is this person?" ”

Touto told him to cough loudly, then walked a few steps to see. Hua Lin did as he was told, but Sima Touto shook his head repeatedly. Then a few more people were called out, but Sima Touto still shook his head and said, "No."

At this time, a middle-aged monk was passing by and glanced inward, and Sima Touto suddenly stopped him and asked him to take a look. The middle-aged monk had just taken a few steps when the head said, "This man is the master of the mountain." This person is Lingyou.

That night, Huaihai summoned Lingyou in his bedroom and said to him, "My cause of enlightenment is only here, and Mt. Fushan is a treasure of feng shui, and when you go there, you must carry forward our Zen Buddhism and spread the world's people who study Buddhism." ”

The eldest disciple, Hua Lin Shanjue, was on the side, a little unhappy. He said unconvincedly, "Master, I am the first disciple of Mount Baizhang, Lingyou is just a pawn, how can he hold it, and I should not?" ”

HuaiHai said, "If you can answer my question in public, I will hand over the position of abbot of the mountain to you." Immediately, he pointed to a clean bottle (the bottle of water in ancient times) and asked Chang Lin: "If you can't call it a clean bottle, then what do you call it?" ”

"Can't it be called a wooden hammer?" Chang Lin replied, meaning, you can also call it a stake. Chang Lin's answer is actually very good, the realm is also very good, and it contains a deep Zen artistic conception.

Huaihai neither affirmed nor denied, but only asked Lingyou the same question.

Lingyou kicked down the bottle, said nothing, and flew away.

Huaihai smiled and said to Chang Lin, "First, you lost a mountain to someone else." ”

The realm of "kicking" and "walking" of Lingyou is not trivial. Zen Buddhism emphasizes "not standing words, pointing directly to the human heart", and must be "no thought", "no mind", "no thought".

In the mind of Master Huaihai Zen, the eldest disciple Chang Lin's persistent struggle for the position of abbot was no longer in line with Zen Buddhism's original intentions, and he had already lost a layer. But in order to make him lose convincingly, he was tested with another question. And Lingyou didn't say a word, kicked the bottle and left, clean and neat, don't ask the result, no matter what, this is the real put down, reached the highest state of Zen Buddhism of "no thought", "no mind", "no thought", of course, the best person to go to the mountain to open the sect.

Column 丨Jiang Feng: The Ancestor of the Founding Mountain - The Shore of the Water (1)


The next morning, the weather was clear and the autumn was high.

Lingyou went up against the water from the Huangmu River, the water surface became narrower and narrower, slowly becoming a stream, and the mountain was getting higher and higher, the trees were luxuriant, the desert was deserted, and from time to time there were apes, and tigers and wolves could be heard howling.

When you get to the water source, you can only see a number of peaks, there is a main peak, standing in the clouds, surrounded by thousands of peaks, such as a servant, this is what posterity said "a thousand mountains and ten thousand mountains towards the mountain, people to the mountain do not see the mountain" Pilu Peak.

Lingyou couldn't help but sigh, Dashu Mountain is really a fairyland on earth, a treasure land of feng shui. Later generations have poems as proof:

Ōfu 100,000 feet, on the same level as the floating clouds.

The mountain does not change, and the clouds fly east and west.

There is wind in the clouds to the mountains, and there is rain in the clouds to the mountains.

The wind and rain are not regular, and the clouds are as promised.

Lingyou built a hut under this mountain as a place of practice.

Although occasionally a woodcutter passed by and gave a corn or sweet potato, most of the time, it was difficult to see a person, and Lingyou could only collect wild fruits and vegetables to live, accompanied by apes, so it passed for seven years in loneliness and boredom.

Lingyou thought, "My original intention of abbot this mountain was to preach through pudu sentient beings, but what is the use of living here, isolated from the world, and alone?" ”

Discouraged for a moment, I wanted to abandon the mountain and go somewhere else. He went down the mountain to the edge of the mountain pass, only to see snakes and tigers staggering on the road, and the jackals were in the way, blocking his way down the mountain. Lingyou secretly cried bitterly in his heart, whether his life would be left in the mountain.

Lingyou shouted, "Ru and other beasts, don't block my way, if I have a relationship with this mountain, you will scatter, I will stay, and if I have no connection with this mountain, let you eat it." ”

As soon as the words fell, the snakes and tigers scattered.

It's not that my lingyou want to stay in The Mountain, nor is it that my Lingyou wants to preach the sutra and propagate the Dharma here, but that the Mountain is related to the Buddha, to me, and even the snakes and tigers are staying with me, so why don't the people here come to listen to me spread the Fa?

Reiyu returns to the small nunnery where he used to live, takes out the nautilus that his father gave him, remembers his father's ding-dong, and continues to wait for karma.

After less than a year of this, Master Huaihai sent his disciple Lazy Zen Master to lead several monks from Mount Baizhang to assist Lingyou.

The lazy monk said to his brother Lingyou, "I have come to serve as a pawn for my brother, and when the number of monks living on this mountain reaches five hundred, no matter what the situation is, I will no longer be a pawn, please let me go down the mountain." Lingyou agreed.

Since then, the residents of yamashita have gradually learned that there are monks living in the mountain, so they have come to work together to build a temple, which has led to the Ying Zen Temple.

Later, people built a stone bridge in the place where Lingyou changed his mind and named it "Huixin Bridge".


The monks cultivated the land and went down the mountain to teach the Dharma, and the mountain gradually became lively.

In 828, the twenty-one-year-old Hui Huan came to The Mountain and worshiped Lingyou as his teacher.

Hui, commonly surnamed Ye, a native of Shaoguan, Guangdong, when he was fifteen years old, wanted to become a monk, his parents did not agree, and when he was eighteen (825), he cut off his left ring finger and little finger to clarify his ambition to become a monk, and his parents had to let him go to Shaoguan Nanhua Temple to become a monk, and later to Mount Fu and become a proud disciple of Lingyou.

However, the good times did not last long, and in the first year of Tang Huichang (841), Tang Wuzong Li Yan ascended the throne, deeply hated Buddhism, closed monasteries, killed monks, and in just six years, more than 4,600 temples were destroyed throughout the country, and more than 260,000 monks and nuns returned to the world. The Ying Zen Monastery on Mount Fu was also unable to escape this disaster, and Lingyou and his disciples stayed behind and hid in the folk.

In the sixth year of Huichang (846), Emperor Wuzong died, and Emperor Xuanzong of Tang succeeded to the throne, lifting the ban on Buddhism. Pei Xiu, who was observing the history of Hunan at the time, found Lingyou from the countryside, personally shaved his hair, and escorted him to the monastery.

In the third year of Da Zhong (849), Pei Xiu also asked Emperor Xuanzong of Tang to give the temple the name "Miyin Zen Temple".

On the day of the arrival of the Holy Will, under the peak of Pilu, there were only countless bees, covering the sky and the sun, coming and going.

Lingyou once again took out the nautilus that his father had given him, and saw that master Fa Chang wrote in cinnabar above, "The snail has bees flying." He thought about it. "Secret Seal Zen Temple" and "Snails have bees flying", in the darkness, it seems that there is a foreshadowing.

"One day without doing, one day without eating", Lingyou kept in mind the spirit of the combination of agriculture and Zen advocated by Huaihai Zen master, led the monks to open up more than 3700 acres of land, monks from all over the world came to visit, soon as more than 1500 people, The mountain became the largest zen dojo, and its scale even exceeded the Baizhang Mountain in Huaihai.

At one time, there were many monks, and the monastery was built more, requiring a lot of wood. At that time, people were sent to Mount Emei in Sichuan to purchase, and the owner of a large manor under Mount Emei was charitable and charitable, and when he heard that it was the wood needed to repair the temple, he agreed to give away all the trees that did not have top seeds in the mountain. It is strange to say that the night was very windy, and all the trees in the mountain were blown off by the fierce wind, and the owner of the village could not regret it. And Mount Emei has a Yin River that leads directly to the Mountain, and there is a wooden well under the mountain, and the timber is continuously transported from the Yin River to the Mountain, and is transported out of the Wooden Well. When the temple was built, I asked the major if I wanted wood? The major said, enough is enough, don't do it. The last piece of wood was suddenly stuck in the wellhead, could not enter, could not get out, and is still blocked at the wellhead. Later generations have poems as proof:

Distinguish the ancient wood leaning on the Jiao Palace, who believes in the mountain and Shu Tong.

Kiss longtan Fang Guangche, leaving a pillar of emptiness for a long time.

At this time, Lingyou was already seventy-nine years old. At that time, Shangshu of the Hubu Department, Li Jingrang of xiangzhou thorn history, and Cui Shen, the observer of Hunan, all had great admiration for the Lingyou Zen master and were also very concerned about the Buddhist holy places of Dahu Mountain, and at Li Jingrang's suggestion, twenty miles south of the Miyin Temple, halfway up the mountainside of The Shangyu Mountain, they established a retreat for the cultivation of the Lingyou Zen master, and played the role of Emperor Tang

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