
At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

author:Yong said

The Mercedes-Benz, which was more than one hundred and fifty miles per hour, sped wildly, bent on getting rid of the several motorcycles behind him.

It's not a Hollywood cop blockbuster, it's the paparazzi tracking first-hand hot news, because the Mercedes-Benz is riding Princess Diana and her current boyfriend, Dodi, the son of a wealthy Egyptian businessman. Fayyad.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

The Mercedes drove into the tunnel under the bridge near the Alma Bridge, and then, because of its speed, it slammed into a cement pillar in the center of the tunnel.

The tragic situation of the car accident is unbearable to look at, and rescue workers cut the upper part of the car to rescue the people in the car.

At 4:00 a.m. on August 31, 1997, Diana died of massive bleeding in the chest.

Diana, who was only 36 years old, died. Prince William, 15, and Prince Harry, 13, also lost their mother, who loved them, forever.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

Legendary Princess Diana

Princess Diana is arguably one of the most legendary figures in the modern British royal family.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

Diana was born in Norfolk in 1961 as the youngest daughter of the Earl of Edward Spencer. The Spencer family is well-known in Britain, and its financial and strength are few people can match.

However, Diana's childhood was not very happy, because her parents divorced from a young age.

In 1981, at the age of twenty, Diana married Prince Charles of the British royal family, a wedding of the century that attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of people around the world. There was no developed network at that time, but more than 700 million people still followed the wedding of the century through television and other means.

The road from Buckingham Palace to the church alone was crowded with no less than 600,000 onlookers.

From God's point of view, the marriage between Diana and Charles did not come from each other's true love, but only because Prince Charles reached the age when he should be married, and Diana's family was also a door-to-door, intermarriage within the nobility, strong and powerful, and the interests in politics could be imagined. More importantly, Diana's background is clean and will not damage the "reputation" of the British royal family.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

Prince William (Duke of Cambridge) was born on 21 June 1982, and two years later Prince Harry (Duke of Sussex) was born.

A family of four, in the beginning of the period can also be regarded as a happy and harmonious. However, the good times did not last long, and in the late 1980s, the husband and wife's separate life attracted widespread attention and speculation from the outside world.

In 1992, a photograph taken by Diana alone in front of the Taj Mahal, known as the "graveyard of love," also declared that her marriage to Prince Charles was extinct.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

In an interview with the BBC in 1995, Diana admitted that her marriage to Charles had broken down and that her relationship with the British royal family had deteriorated.

"The grandeur and glamorous opulence of the royal family are all superficial, this is not a royal family full of love and compassion, I want to leave him". Diana had said this to her friends during her lifetime.

Fifteen years of marriage, seemingly inseparable, in 1996, Diana and Charles's marriage finally came to an end.

Many people will be devastated when they encounter these misfortunes, and they will always stay in the dark. But compared to many people, Diana really felt like living in two worlds.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

Diana, who suffered one misfortune after another, did not collapse. Instead, she rediscovered herself and has been showing herself in the image of the sun. And it's more elegant and stylish than ever. The path of humanitarian undertakings is also getting wider and wider.

In 1997, Diana donated all her dresses at Christie's auction in New York to raise a huge £3.4 million (nearly $30 million at the time) for AIDS and cancer charities.

Diana is very affinity and the public image is very good. Diana is not only a princess, she is an independent woman who breaks with tradition and is determined to actively pursue her career and personal goals.

She regularly visits institutions such as kindergartens, schools, and hospitals, and is particularly concerned and devoted to philanthropy (such as devoting a great deal of energy to AIDS advocacy and treatment), and is therefore highly respected and loved by the public.

Diana was also the goddess of the fashion industry at that time, and the fashion circle of the eighties of the last century can be said to be the "Diana dynasty", and every time she wore in public, it would lead the fashion boom in the world at that time. No matter what kind of clothing she wears, it will be imitated and become her unique style.

She also began to develop her own unique understanding of style and knew what was best for her.

Despite being dead for more than twenty years, Diana is still the goddess of fashion.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

Diana's funeral

Diana's funeral 25 years ago attracted more attention from the world than Diana's wedding of the century 41 years ago.

Diana's funeral was viewed by 31.5 million viewers in the UK and broadcast in 44 languages in nearly two hundred countries. The number of global viewers cannot be calculated precisely, but is estimated at around 2.5 billion.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

According to the autobiography of former British Prime Minister Blair, Prince Charles did not intend to attend the funeral of his ex-wife Diana at all, but Blair "suggested" to the Queen of England that the "fragile" side of the British royal family should be shown at this funeral, and the advantage of this is that it can continue to win the support of the British people.

Such reasons forced the royal family, as well as Prince Charles himself, to agree. However, considering that William and his brother Harry did not follow the coffin with Prince Charles, prince Charles, who had committed public anger, was very likely to be "beaten" by the people who sent off the people or even more extreme events, which would undoubtedly bring shame to the entire British royal family.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

William was reluctant to attend his mother's funeral in public, but was reluctantly agreed to attend his mother's funeral after being "kindly persuaded" by the elders of the royal family to say that it was his mother's last wish.

Therefore, William followed Diana's coffin with his father, which was essentially his father's shield.

In the face of the indifference of his father Charles to the death of his mother, and the unusual calm of his grandfather, Prince Philip, about this tragic event, Prince William had to play a scene for the dignity and decency of the so-called British royal family.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

The children of the royal family were his destiny.

Walking behind his mother's coffin is the most complicated and painful and helpless moment in Prince William's life.

"I don't understand why this kind of thing happens to me, is it that I did something wrong? And my mother had just died, and I was asked to follow the camera in front of everyone's attention, which I thought was a kind of hurt to the heart, and even now, children should not be asked to do this. ”

Facing the result of losing his mother forever, this is really an "unbearable weight in life" that he cannot face.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

Prince William at Diana's funeral had a sad expression, anxiety and anger, and even a little fierceness and hatred, anger at their father Prince Charles's infidelity to the family and dissatisfaction with their parents' broken marriage.

In his eyes and heart, his family had long been torn apart, and he had never seen the scene of his parents and husband singing with women, all he saw was the cold war and quarrels.

Which child does not want his family to be perfect, and the love of his parents, in the heart of Prince William, must have dissatisfaction with the infidelity of his father Charles in marriage, and there is an anxiety that cannot resist helplessness.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

Memories of Prince William

Years later, in memory of Diana, Prince William's tears still go on.

"Harry and I and some other cousins were playing at Balmoral Castle in Scotland that day, and we were having a good time, and my mother called from Paris, and Harry and I just wanted to end the call quickly so that we could continue to play, and I don't remember exactly what my mother said to us.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

This last call turned out to be an eternal trick. To this day, Prince William still expresses his deep regret: I will be remorseful for the rest of my life, I may not really want to call my mother at all, and the reluctance to listen to the phone at that time is just an attempt to cover up my indifference.

How short was the call with my mom, and there wasn't a day when Harry and I didn't want her to be with us.

We all have to accept it slowly: a lifetime may seem like a long time, but some people, like some places, will never go again.

In Prince William's eyes, Diana, like him, was a lively, cheerful, smiling child, a child who would sneak funny cards and delicious candy into his and his brother's socks, a child who would suddenly visit him and his brother while he and his brother were taking a bath, and then fill the bathroom with soap bubbles and bath water and leave satisfied.

Diana's motto, which diana left for him, is still mentioned from time to time years later: You can be naughty, but don't give people a handle.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

Mom went to another world, and I was still in the world. I can't reach her anymore, but every time I see her pictures and relics, I always feel at ease. Many regrets can not be made up, but there will always be such a road, my mother and I will always encounter, the road and her laughter from time to time...

After my mother left, I couldn't find her to talk to, maybe I didn't think of what I would say when I met her, let's miss each other in each other's miss.

After so many years, I have written a lot of articles about my mother, some nostalgia, some remembrance, some regret, trying to heal in the text, but without success. Because some wounds don't heal. The world has its own magic effects, but magic naturally has its maximum.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

Writing these words purely inwardly, I chose a responsibility that I knew I could not escape. These articles may seem childish, but I cherish this childishness especially, and I always have an inextricable guilt and nostalgia for my mother. I don't want myself to be emotionally dry and boring.

Most of these articles have been made public, except for a very small number of personal privacy, I actually don't like to make all private things particularly official, and I hope that some things can have a reason to exist beyond personal emotions and experiences.

There is always a little good dream in this world, but it may not be true that it is time to wake up.

We still need these dreams. Isn't it?

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped


The perfect love story of the prince and the princess only exists in fairy tale books, and the marriage of the prince and the princess in the real world has been countless, and the final ending is fragmented and chicken feathers.

It is also said that Diana's car accident was organized and premeditated, and the British royal family wanted to maintain the purity and nobility of its own blood, and did not allow half-siblings to exist with William and Prince Harry.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair described Diana as "the people's princess." In 2002, the BBC held a poll on the 100 Greatest Britons, and Princess Diana came in third, behind Winston Churchill and Issambard Kinderm Brunel.

Undoubtedly, Diana's "philanthropy" and "identity with the nature of ordinary people" are the main factors that make her appreciated and respected.

The year 2022 has passed, and twenty-five years have passed since Diana's unfortunate departure from this world.

At Diana's funeral, William was not voluntarily sent off with the coffin, and many years later, the tears of commemorating his mother could not be stopped

In the minds of many people, Diana still stands there, always there. In this most vulgar sense, Diana was certainly still alive. But like Woody Allen said: I don't want to live in people's hearts, I want to live in my apartment.

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