
#Tribute to the Ordinary You #62-year-old foreigner obsessed with the Great Wall, picking up garbage for the Great Wall for 22 years and organizing volunteers. Foreigners have been picking up garbage on the Great Wall for 22 years, only because they have longed for the Great Wall since childhood

{"info":{"title":{"content":"#致敬平凡的你#62岁老外痴迷长城,为长城捡22年垃圾,并组织志愿者。外国人在长城捡垃圾22年,只因从小就对长城无比向往","en":"#Tribute to the Ordinary You #62-year-old foreigner obsessed with the Great Wall, picking up garbage for the Great Wall for 22 years and organizing volunteers. Foreigners have been picking up garbage on the Great Wall for 22 years, only because they have longed for the Great Wall since childhood"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}

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