
The 4-year-old girl did not urinate for 3 days and went to the hospital to check and found that her kidney function had failed

author:Great River Health News

"The child's kidney function has failed!" At the Henan Provincial Children's Hospital, the doctor looked at the results of The Examination of Pan Pan (pseudonym).

"My girlfriend is only 4 years old, how can it be?"

The 4-year-old girl did not urinate for 3 days and went to the hospital to check and found that her kidney function had failed

The 4-year-old girl who lives in Luoyang has not urinated for 3 days, and on the 3rd day, the child also had chest tightness, shortness of breath, irritability and headache, etc. The parents of Panpan saw that the child was so uncomfortable, and hurriedly dialed the 120 emergency number...

The 4-year-old girl did not urinate for 3 days and went to the hospital to check and found that her kidney function had failed

Pan Pan was taken to the intensive care unit of Henan Provincial Children's Hospital for rescue, and after examination, the doctor found that the child had acute renal failure. Asking the medical history learned that the child had a lung infection some time ago, and when the local treatment of pneumonia was found, the child's blood pressure was somewhat high, but at that time, the parents of the pan were bent on curing the child's pneumonia, and did not pay too much attention to the problem of the child's hypertension.

In order to find out the cause, under the advice of Interventional Medicine & Hemangiomast Hu Jing, the child had an enhanced CT scan of the kidney, and the scan found that the blood vessel at the beginning of the bilateral renal artery on the side of the river was somewhat narrowed.

The 4-year-old girl did not urinate for 3 days and went to the hospital to check and found that her kidney function had failed

Renal CT enhancement scan and schematic of renal artery stenosis

The original 5mm blood vessel is now only 1.4mm in the narrowest place, and this is the culprit that causes the child's blood pressure to rise and kidney failure!

Popular science time

Renal artery stenosis refers to the stenosis of the main trunk or branch of the renal artery, which is a renal vascular disease caused by a variety of etiologies, and is clinically mainly manifested as renovascular hypertension or ischemic nephropathy.

Renal artery stenosis in children is usually caused by muscle fiber dysplasia or multiple aortic arteritis, mostly in girls.

As long as the renal artery stenosis or blockage is relieved in time, and the diseased blood vessels are re-unblocked, hypertension can be cured and renal function can be reversed.

The 4-year-old girl did not urinate for 3 days and went to the hospital to check and found that her kidney function had failed

The cause is found, and the next step is treatment. Faye Wong and Jing Hu, doctors from the Department of Interventional Medicine & Vascular Oncology, performed a glomerular balloon dilation plasty for Panpan, "stretching out" her narrowed arterial vessels.

Due to the timely discovery and the dialysis of the internal medicine intensive care unit for the first time, the child's operation was very smooth and the postoperative recovery was relatively fast. Within a few days, the amount of urine in the panpan changed from the original almost no urine (10ml) to the current 200ml, and then to 1000ml, and on the third day after the operation, the child was transferred to the general ward and discharged a week later. After three months of review, everything was normal, and this time the child's parents were completely relieved.

Source: Henan Children's Hospital