
This morning I found this weed in the leek forest, and I couldn't help but be dazzled! What kind of herb is this? When I was in the first grade of elementary school, my uncle's thumb was bitten by a poisonous snake, and his entire leg was broken

author:Sea solution Q&A

This morning I found this weed in the leek forest, and I couldn't help but be dazzled! What kind of herb is this? When I was in the first grade of elementary school, my uncle's thumb was bitten by a poisonous snake, and his whole leg was swollen, and he paid for a well-known local snake bite person.

It was a middle-aged man, and after he saw his uncle's wound, he asked about the snake's appearance, and then he left, saying that he was going to go to the toilet and wait for it.

I was standing next to me and heard someone whisper that he had gone to pick herbs, and my curiosity was ignited at once, and I sneaked up on it.

I usually go to the vegetable field to cut wild vegetables for the pigs to eat, and I am quite familiar with the terrain and know how to avoid the man's sight. I crept through the grass and bushes, managed to hide myself, and found that the man had pulled out this grass.

He plucked a large handful, then washed it in the ditch, found two large stones, washed the big stones first, and then used the stones to beat the herbs into a paste, and gave them to my uncle to apply to the wounds, which could be applied for three days at a time. He would come back in three days and collect the money again.

At that time, I felt like a thief, and I didn't dare to nibble, didn't dare to tell the adults what herbs I knew, and let the man take a lot of money from my uncle. After about half a month, Uncle Da's snake bite finally healed.

Can this herb really cure venomous snake bites? Do any friends know? #头号周刊 #

This morning I found this weed in the leek forest, and I couldn't help but be dazzled! What kind of herb is this? When I was in the first grade of elementary school, my uncle's thumb was bitten by a poisonous snake, and his entire leg was broken
This morning I found this weed in the leek forest, and I couldn't help but be dazzled! What kind of herb is this? When I was in the first grade of elementary school, my uncle's thumb was bitten by a poisonous snake, and his entire leg was broken
This morning I found this weed in the leek forest, and I couldn't help but be dazzled! What kind of herb is this? When I was in the first grade of elementary school, my uncle's thumb was bitten by a poisonous snake, and his entire leg was broken

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