
This combination is excellent, a creation is very powerful, a face value explosion, a smoke voice, thailand this girl is also very powerful [tear running] [tear running] before the dance of the group is really beautiful in the fans

author:Elf album


在迷你开口之前,我一直觉得梦幻担当是个非主流的名字,毕竟谁能想到他的口哨能吹的这么好。据说当时全团正在准备首张数字单曲的录音,队长田小娟准备让您录音的时候听到了她无意间在吹口哨,觉得这个声音非常合适,于是让他现场按照旋律吹一次,于是参与了这惊艳的口哨声导入部分。从此以后,田小娟就解锁了泰国队友的正确使用方式。在女团竞演节目里,Mini在安踏开头的泰语吟唱被称为入将现场的风险。此后,拉里的英文面板是他红衣癫狂,现场pad追中的川上富江也是他。和林丽硬朗的外表相反,明年的音色慵懒中带着一点点甜,在她口中,连泰语歌都没了往日的别扭,变得清新可爱了起来。I will live tonight let me sign thank you lets fight till dawn and mantle in the front will approach shot master those PIN PIN PIN PIN Ning,出圈的不止是小颗粒这个名号,能从练习生的层层选拔中出道,他自有他过人的实力在。

This combination is excellent, a creation is very powerful, a face value explosion, a smoke voice, thailand this girl is also very powerful [tear running] [tear running] before the dance of the group is really beautiful in the fans
This combination is excellent, a creation is very powerful, a face value explosion, a smoke voice, thailand this girl is also very powerful [tear running] [tear running] before the dance of the group is really beautiful in the fans
This combination is excellent, a creation is very powerful, a face value explosion, a smoke voice, thailand this girl is also very powerful [tear running] [tear running] before the dance of the group is really beautiful in the fans
This combination is excellent, a creation is very powerful, a face value explosion, a smoke voice, thailand this girl is also very powerful [tear running] [tear running] before the dance of the group is really beautiful in the fans

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