
The three-volt day is approaching, no matter how busy you are, you must remember to eat these 3 dishes, refreshing and appetizing, and spend the summer smoothly

author:Happy food notes

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Introduction: The three volt days are approaching, no matter how busy you are, you must remember to eat these 3 dishes, refreshing and appetizing, and spend the summer smoothly!

I believe that everyone also knows that every year to the current season, the weather is getting hotter and drier, but the temperature difference between day and night is still very large, at this time many people are still in a dry mouth, poor appetite, and a bad state of a situation, then, Xiaobian suggests that you must eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits at the moment, black fresh meat on the line.

The three-volt day is approaching, no matter how busy you are, you must remember to eat these 3 dishes, refreshing and appetizing, and spend the summer smoothly

Because such ingredients contain a large number of nutrients, including dietary fiber, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron minerals, amino acids and trace elements, can help us improve appetite, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhance immunity, supplement the nutrition and water required by the body, can play a certain tonic effect. In the current season, Xiaobian is very recommended that you eat some ingredients with high nutritional value, like some ingredients with high calcium content and potassium content, we should eat more, because the weather is getting hotter and hotter, so eating such ingredients can help us stop sweating, remove moisture, enhance appetite, and also be able to strengthen the spleen and stomach. So today Xiaobian also shared with you 3 kinds of appetizers that are especially suitable for eating at the moment.

The three-volt day is approaching, no matter how busy you are, you must remember to eat these 3 dishes, refreshing and appetizing, and spend the summer smoothly

The first course refers to loofah egg soup.

Speaking of this dish, I believe that everyone is also very familiar, because loofah it is very common in this season, and eat friends should be more, loofah itself is rich in a lot of calcium, potassium, as well as a lot of dietary fiber and vitamins, can help us stop sweating, get rid of moisture, but also can appetize and relieve hunger, whether it is used for stewing soup or for stir-frying, it is very delicious.

The three-volt day is approaching, no matter how busy you are, you must remember to eat these 3 dishes, refreshing and appetizing, and spend the summer smoothly

The second dish refers to artemisia annua.

When it comes to Artemisia annua, everyone should also be more familiar, especially when you often go to the hot pot restaurant to eat hot pot, or go to eat spicy hot and buffet, basically there will be the existence of these artemisia. Artemisia annua is a very original natural green food, rich in a large number of vitamins and dietary fiber, but also contains a lot of potassium and calcium, which can help us to appetize and relieve hunger, but also play a role in clearing heat and relieving heat. Therefore, if you encounter Artemisia annua, you can buy some appropriately and put it at home to eat, and there are more ways to eat Artemisia annua, and it can also be used to wrap buns and dumplings, which are very delicious.

The three-volt day is approaching, no matter how busy you are, you must remember to eat these 3 dishes, refreshing and appetizing, and spend the summer smoothly

The third ingredient refers to chicken.

When it comes to chicken, everyone should be very familiar with it, chicken is a common meat product in our life, it is rich in a lot of high-quality protein and a variety of minerals, as well as a lot of carbohydrates and water, eat more on the body is also very beneficial, and chicken eating method is also more, whether it is directly used to fry to eat, stir-fry to eat, stew to eat, or are very delicious, so you can go to the market to buy some chicken to eat.

The three-volt day is approaching, no matter how busy you are, you must remember to eat these 3 dishes, refreshing and appetizing, and spend the summer smoothly

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