
Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in the front, charge is in the front, battle is in the front, and responsibility is in the front

author:Linying Express


In order to carry forward the spirit of labor model, in the "five. On the occasion of International Labor Day, the Linying County Federation of Trade Unions and the Linying County Rong Media Center jointly launched the "Labor Model Style" column on the Linying Rong Media Public Account to publicize and report on the labor models who are fighting on all fronts, especially those who have outstanding performance in the "3.24" anti-epidemic in Linying. Today's report on the fourteenth article - "Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in front, charge is in front, battle is in front, and responsibility is in front."

Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in the front, charge is in the front, battle is in the front, and responsibility is in the front

Zhang Peiya, male, born in 1972, from Wocheng Town, Linying County. He is currently the president of the Logistics Association, the vice chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, the general manager of Henan Yuzhong south logistics co., LTD., and the general manager of Henan Liaocheng Industrial Co., Ltd. Over the years, Zhang Peiya has been awarded the honorary titles of Model Worker of Linying County, Top Ten Youth of Linying County, and Pacesetter of Youth Entrepreneurship. Zhang Peiya is not only the vanguard of Linying County's economic construction, but also a moral model for poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation.

Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in the front, charge is in the front, battle is in the front, and responsibility is in the front

Since 2000, he has been engaged in automobile repair and automobile sales, logistics and other industries, since 2013, he has become rich without forgetting his father and fellow villagers, leading the villagers to carry forward and expand the traditional handmade vinegar process that is on the verge of being lost, declaring and registering "Henan Liaocheng Industrial Co., Ltd.", by restoring the production of traditional handmade pure grain vinegar, not only accelerating the pace of land circulation in the town, but also cultivating a leading local industry, guiding the development of regional planting structure to ecological agriculture and sightseeing agriculture. A new path has been opened for rural economic development. Lead the local people out of a road of rapid prosperity and stable prosperity.

Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in the front, charge is in the front, battle is in the front, and responsibility is in the front

In March 2022, the beautiful Linying County suddenly broke out of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and all walks of life stopped work and production, and the county pressed the pause button. His wife advised him to stay at home to fight the epidemic, Zhang Peiya said: "I am a Communist Party member, this is the moment when the people need us most, I must rush to the front line." During the epidemic prevention and control period, Zhang Peiya actively organized the workers of Liaocheng Industrial Co., Ltd. to fight for several days and nights, produced 50,000 yuan worth of Liaocheng vinegar and millet, and donated them in a timely manner to the residents of the community who were sealed at home due to the outbreak of the epidemic to support the anti-epidemic work in Linying County.

Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in the front, charge is in the front, battle is in the front, and responsibility is in the front

After the epidemic was controlled, Zhang Peiya, as the president of the Linying County Logistics Association, formulated the epidemic prevention and control plan for the resumption of work and production of the logistics and express industry in Linying County, with an emergency plan, a good personnel trajectory inspection, a health daily report filling, a variety of disinfection measures at the same time, a good job in civil air defense and physical prevention, and supervision and inspection of the implementation of epidemic prevention and control. Zhang Peiya actively reported to the main leaders of the Commerce Bureau in combination with the specific conditions of the logistics industry in our county, and organized the logistics and express industry in our county to resume work and production.

Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in the front, charge is in the front, battle is in the front, and responsibility is in the front
Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in the front, charge is in the front, battle is in the front, and responsibility is in the front

The Commerce Bureau of our county attaches great importance to and organizes research on the preparation for epidemic prevention and control in the early stage of the opening of logistics express delivery. After full research and preliminary preparations, the Linying County Bureau of Commerce, the Development and Reform Commission and other departments decided to agree to the resumption of work and production of the logistics industry in our county.

Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in the front, charge is in the front, battle is in the front, and responsibility is in the front

Zhang Peiya has always practiced the purpose of communist party members serving the people since he started his business, adhering to the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, taking poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation as his responsibility and obligation, never slacking off, and interpreting the meaning of the phrase "boundless love" with his own practical actions.

Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in the front, charge is in the front, battle is in the front, and responsibility is in the front

He donated funds to his hometown to dig wells and build roads, rescued poor students, and actively led the people in his hometown to get rich. During the SARS period and the Wenchuan earthquake, nearly 50,000 yuan was spent to comfort the staff and people in the disaster area, and actively participated in volunteer service.

Zhang Peiya: Dedication is in the front, charge is in the front, battle is in the front, and responsibility is in the front

In 2020, the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic Zhang Peiya donated tens of thousands of yuan in materials, and then Zhang Peiya stepped forward from this sudden epidemic, and his actions always demonstrated the labor model spirit of "dedication in front, charge in front, fight in front, and shoulder in front"!

Edited | Song Di

Review | Zhang Jianya

Producer | Liang Zhanjie Zhang Zhiwu

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