
"The world's least largest, least populous" Vatican How much do you know? Vatican trivia

author:The little beast that can't be defeated 12138

1. The full name of the Vatican is "Vatican City State", the seat of the Holy See, located in the northwest corner of Rome on the Vatican Heights, with an area of 0.44 square kilometers and a permanent population of about 800 people, most of whom are clergy.

2. The Vatican was originally the center of the medieval Papal State, and after the annexation of the territory of the Pope to Italy in 1870, the Pope retired to the Vatican; in 1929, the Treaty of Rutland was signed with Italy, becoming an independent country.

3. The Vatican is the country with the smallest territory and the smallest population in the world.

"The world's least largest, least populous" Vatican How much do you know? Vatican trivia

4. The Vatican is a theocratic sovereign state with the Pope as the monarch.

5. The flag of the Vatican consists of two vertical rectangles of equal size, yellow on the side of the flagpole and white on the other side, painted with the papal emblem.

"The world's least largest, least populous" Vatican How much do you know? Vatican trivia

(6) The Vatican has neither industry nor agriculture nor natural resources, and the necessities of production and life of the people are supplied by Italy.

Revenue is mainly based on tourism, stamps, rental of real estate, bank interest on special property payments, profits from the Vatican Bank and tributes to the Pope, and donations from believers.

7. The Vatican has three economic organizations: one is the Vatican Bank, also known as the Bank for Religious Affairs, which is mainly responsible for the financial affairs of the Vatican, directly responsible to the Pope, and is supervised by the Cardinal Metropolitan Council.

"The world's least largest, least populous" Vatican How much do you know? Vatican trivia

The second is the Papal Council of the Vatican City State, which operates Vatican radio, railways, postal telecommunications and other institutions.

The third is the Roman Papal Asset Management Office, which is divided into general departments and special departments. The General Division is primarily responsible for movable and immovable property in Italy and has a net worth of nearly $2 billion. The special sector has the nature of an investment company, owning about $600 million in stocks, bonds and real estate in many countries in North America and Europe, and the Vatican has more than $10 billion in gold reserves.

8. As a sovereign state, the Vatican has its own currency, which can be used with the currency of Italy.

"The world's least largest, least populous" Vatican How much do you know? Vatican trivia

9. The Vatican has formal diplomatic relations with 183 countries and regions and has permanent observers at the United Nations, but has not established diplomatic relations with the mainland.

10. Vatican City has been inscribed on the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List, and the Vatican is the only country where all "territories" are inscribed on the List.

"The world's least largest, least populous" Vatican How much do you know? Vatican trivia

11. The Vatican is the only country in Europe that prohibits divorce.

12. The children of the Vatican were all born in Rome. (Because there is no maternity hospital in the Vatican[laugh])

13. St. Peter's Basilica is the second largest "Catholic" church in the world, designed by Michelangelo, built in 120 years to complete, and can accommodate 60,000 people.

"The world's least largest, least populous" Vatican How much do you know? Vatican trivia

14. The Vatican is the only country in the world where it can lock its own gates at night [laugh and cry].

The Vatican is the only country in the world without a barbershop, and haircuts require going abroad [a flash of inspiration].

"The world's least largest, least populous" Vatican How much do you know? Vatican trivia

15. The official languages of the Vatican are Latin and Italian, and are the only country in the world that has Latin as one of its official languages.

As a result, the only ATM in the world with a Latin interface is in the Vatican.

"The world's least largest, least populous" Vatican How much do you know? Vatican trivia

16. The Vatican, although small, has its own army, the Swiss Guard, and the Vatican Gendarmerie. The uniforms of the Swiss Guards look like they haven't changed since the Renaissance.

17. The Vatican's railway network, with only two 300-meter-long tracks and a station, is the shortest railway in the world.

"The world's least largest, least populous" Vatican How much do you know? Vatican trivia

18. Vatican residents consume an average of 54.26 liters of wine per year, making it the country with the highest per capita wine consumption in the world.

19. The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope of the Vatican's Astronomy Department is one of the largest telescopes in the world.

20. The Vatican's "Sanskrit" reads four "fàns" instead of two. (Don't read it wrong)

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