
The top 5 predators of the ancient ocean, the strongest bite force can reach 20 tons, surpassing the Tyrannosaurus Rex

author:Small fish that love to explore

The Earth's oceans are full of many top predators, however, with the passage of time, many species have disappeared into the long river of history, and in this episode we will take a look at the 4 top predators in the ancient oceans.

Odd shrimp

One of the largest animals of the Cambrian Period, the odd shrimp was a very active carnivore, and the fiercest predator in the ocean 530 million years ago was the odd shrimp.

The top 5 predators of the ancient ocean, the strongest bite force can reach 20 tons, surpassing the Tyrannosaurus Rex

The odd shrimp has a pair of giant eyes with a handle, and the giant forelimbs can launch unexpected attacks on prey.

The top 5 predators of the ancient ocean, the strongest bite force can reach 20 tons, surpassing the Tyrannosaurus Rex

The odd shrimp was an expert swimmer with a mouth diameter of 25 centimeters and could capture most of the large creatures in the ocean at that time.

The odd shrimp went extinct about 440 million years ago, and the race survived less than 100 million years ago, and the reason for its extinction is still a mystery.

Dunn's Fish

The Dunn's fish is a paleontologist living in the Devonian Period, which weighs up to 4 tons and is between 8 and 10 meters long, and according to the research of archaeologists and zoologists, the Dunn's fish was in a top predator at that time in a position of supremacy on the seabed.

The top 5 predators of the ancient ocean, the strongest bite force can reach 20 tons, surpassing the Tyrannosaurus Rex

The head and neck of the Dunn's fish are covered with thick and very hard exoskeletons, and the Dunn's fish can shred and crush any creature like a sickle.

The strongest bite force among extant species is the American crocodile, which can bite at 963 kg, while the Dunn's fish has a bite force of 5300 kg.

Corner stone

Hornstone is a giant cephalopod that lived in the Ordovician period, and its body length can reach up to 9 meters.

The top 5 predators of the ancient ocean, the strongest bite force can reach 20 tons, surpassing the Tyrannosaurus Rex

Horned stones are the top predators living in the deep sea, with rounded horns, and they may not be able to move their bodies in shallow seas, and biologists speculate that the horns feed on broad-winged horseshoe crabs.

The center of the face of the horn stone has very sharp antennae that can be used to pierce the hard shell of food.

The top 5 predators of the ancient ocean, the strongest bite force can reach 20 tons, surpassing the Tyrannosaurus Rex


Canglong was the top predator in the Mesozoic ocean, and the adult canglong could reach 15 meters in size, lived in the late Cretaceous period, and was distributed in all major oceans of the world.

The top 5 predators of the ancient ocean, the strongest bite force can reach 20 tons, surpassing the Tyrannosaurus Rex

The Dragon is a medium-sized predator with both speed and endurance, and its diet includes golden kitchen sharks, turtles and flake dragons.

The top 5 predators of the ancient ocean, the strongest bite force can reach 20 tons, surpassing the Tyrannosaurus Rex


Megalodons are one of the largest predators ever found, as well as the largest fish.

Megalodon sharks are around 18 to 20 meters long and weigh between 50 and 70 tons.

The top 5 predators of the ancient ocean, the strongest bite force can reach 20 tons, surpassing the Tyrannosaurus Rex

Megalodon shark is the largest bite force animal in the history of the earth, its bite force reached 20 tons, oral bite force far exceeded the Tyrannosaurus rex, so megalodon shark is praised by many paleontologists as the most powerful creature in the history of the earth.

The top 5 predators of the ancient ocean, the strongest bite force can reach 20 tons, surpassing the Tyrannosaurus Rex

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