
Beginner cat shelter raider (1) The most suitable breed of cat for novices - mei short

author:The shoveler of the eleventh day

American shorthair, full name American shorthair cat, is a cat native to the United States, its ancestors are the early European immigrants brought to North America cat breed, and with the British shorthair cat and European shorthair cat homogeneous. The Body of the American Shorthair cat is well-proportioned, powerful, and lively and docile. The young short-haired cat has a round head and a round brain, a soft feel and flexible limbs.

Beginner cat shelter raider (1) The most suitable breed of cat for novices - mei short

In the early United States, the American shorthair was not a family pet but a working cat, frequently helping people catch mice, until the 1960s, after careful breeding and improvement, the American shorthair cat that we can now see appeared, and later attracted people's attention at the purebred cat exhibition, the American shorthair cat is healthy and tough, and is the perfect family companion cat for almost any family.

Beginner cat shelter raider (1) The most suitable breed of cat for novices - mei short

This cat has a strong body, with a body from medium to large, with a rectangular head, a thick neck and a rounded chest. The back is straight, the limbs are well developed, and he is good at jumping. Its coat was soft, thick, but short; its skin was cold, rainproof, and contrived, as if it were a short, thick, dense coat. There are more than 30 kinds of coat colors such as white, black and markings. One of the most popular, especially in the East, is a silver-white tiger-striped cat with bright black stripes embedded in the silver-white body hair.

In terms of personality, the beauty short tolerance is strong, the resistance ability is not easy to get sick, not picky eaters, the personality is mild, obedient and cute, the appearance is also good, will not lose temper, and will not scream at home, so it is very suitable for families with children or the elderly at home, become an excellent family companion cat, the same, the united states short is also a very smart cat, for some of the required owner training is often very cooperative, and the curiosity of the short beauty is also particularly strong, always have a curious attitude to the unknown and want to explore.

Beginner cat shelter raider (1) The most suitable breed of cat for novices - mei short

If you shoveling officers want to raise a U.S. short home, you only need to regularly feed cat food every day, 2-3 months of kittens are best to feed kittens special cat food, because the U.S. short is not picky, so you only need to pay attention to the nutritional balance of the cat every day, you can add a little vitamin, lecithin, etc., the cat's body and hair are of great benefit, Xiaobian has raised two cats, a short one, a short U.S. Every week will eat some nutritional products to ensure that their body and hair supple, if it is already a cat's friends must know that cats are usually hair loss throughout the year, in the change of seasons when the amount of hair loss is more frightening, so in the supplement of nutrition at the same time can not only ensure the health of the cat, but also protect the strength of their hair, reduce a part of the amount of hair loss.

Of course, if you want to really prevent the "heavy snow fluttering" at home, you need to work hard and hard, move your industrious little hands to help your own cat owner comb 2-3 times a week, comb the hair for 30 to 45 minutes each time, when combing the hair, you need to comb along, you also need to comb backwards, remove the floating hair on the body, so that you can also ensure that your cat owner can swallow less hair when licking the hair on his body, because swallowing too much can not be discharged, it will have an impact on health. Xiaobian's own beauty short because of too much swallowed hair led to intestinal obstruction, the result went to the hospital to remove a small handful of hair to return to normal, so you shoveling officials in the process of raising cats, must be careful and patient and loving Oh.

Beginner cat shelter raider (1) The most suitable breed of cat for novices - mei short

Finally, to summarize: the beauty short is a kind of good looking, can eat, can play, has a good physical resistance, the price is appropriate, the personality is good, the difficulty of getting started is low for a variety of families of excellent family companion cats, so recently there are novice shovelers who want to raise cats, start with has been cute beauty short, it is not fragrant?