
Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

author:Director of Entertainment

On May 4, 2022, the famous performance artist Mr. Lan Tianye lao ushered in his 95th birthday.

The Beijing Renyi Actors Team celebrated his birthday collectively, shouting "Happy Birthday Grandpa Lan" in front of the Capital Theatre. ”

This includes Mr. Lan's beloved disciple Pu Cunxin.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

On the second day of february in the lunar calendar this year, in order to cooperate with the custom of "dragon head",

Pu Cunxin specially personally cut the hair of the teacher Lan Tianye.

When he cut his hair, Pu Cunxin looked natural and focused, as if he were the teacher's own son.

This warm scene made the host Cao Kefan "moved", and also made many netizens moved.

Pu Cunxin's respect and concern for the teacher made many people praise him.

In fact, Pu Cunxin's dedication to his family is even more admirable.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

I. From the unknown "dragon set actor" to the well-known "public lover"

Pu Cunxin, who was born in 1953, is now 69 years old.

For many young people, they may not know who Pu Cunxin is, or even have not heard of it.

However, if you go back in time to more than twenty years ago, Pu Cunxin's popularity and status in the show business circle can definitely be called "top class".

His handsome appearance and elegant temperament made him the dream lover of many women.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

In today's buzzwords, Pu Cunxin should be a proper "star second generation".

His father, Su Min (formerly known as Pu Sixun), was a famous drama director and actor in Beijing Renyi.

From the beginning of the establishment of Beijing Renyi, he began to exert enthusiasm on this hot land.

Growing up with human art, it can be described as the elder of human art.

However, when Pu Cunxin was a child, he did not intend to inherit his father's business and embark on the road of art.

Because he was physically handicapped.

When Pu Cunxin was very young, he contracted polio because he was infected with the virus.

At that time, the medical conditions were limited, and although the treatment was carried out in time, Pu Cunxin still fell disabled.

One foot's heel couldn't fall to the ground, and he walked with a limp.

Some naughty children in the neighborhood always laughed at Pu Cunxin and gave him a nickname called "Pu Lame".

Fortunately, Pu Cunxin has a good brother, and every time he is ridiculed and bullied by other children, he has inconvenient legs and feet.

It was the younger brother who stood up for him and protected him everywhere.

Because of the physical disability, the students are reluctant to play with Pu Cunxin.

Young Pu Cunxin could only watch other students running and jumping on the playground.

In his memory, his childhood playmate was only his younger brother.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

In order to allow their son to walk like other normal children, the parents inquired around and visited famous doctors.

Finally, after many surgeries, Pu Cunxin's heel could finally land on the ground.

Pu Cunxin, who had regained his health, could finally run freely and sweat on the playground like everyone else.

After becoming a hot-blooded teenager, Pu Cunxin answered the call at the end of his first year of high school and gave up his studies to "go to the mountains and go to the countryside".

In the cold and frozen northeast, living conditions are very difficult.

In order to bring a little fun to everyone's boring life, Pu Cunxin and his friends often perform some small programs.

It was also during these days that Pu Cunxin discovered his love for performance.

In 1977, Pu Cunxin was admitted to the Air Politics Repertory Theatre and began his path as an actor.

It was also here that the small soldier Pu Cunxin met the battalion-level cadre Wan Ping.

The level gap did not stop the pace of the two people's love, after falling in love for a while,

The two entered the palace of marriage and had a daughter, Pu Fang.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

In 1986, renyi director Lan Tianye was preparing a new drama "Qin Huang Father and Son", in which The role of Fu Su was selected by Pu Cunxin.

At that time, many people raised objections, believing that Pu Cunxin's performance was not mature enough and did not have fame.

However, Lan Laoli defied the crowd and insisted on giving Pu Cunxin a chance.

It was this opportunity given by the mentor Lan Tianye that made it a "pillar" on the future drama stage.

After being transferred to Beijing Renyi, Pu Cunxin's opportunities became more and more.

Under the guidance of the mentor, the acting skills have also been greatly improved.

In 1991, Pu Cunxin starred in the drama "Li Bai" directed by his father Su Min, which was the first cooperation between father and son.

Pu Cunxin has been acting for more than twenty years.

For his outstanding performance in the drama "Li Bai", Pu Cunxin won the Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

With the development of science and technology, television sets began to spread, and the film and television circle began to gradually become the mainstream.

Pu Cunxin also began to develop his career into film and television dramas.

Pu Cunxin is featured in the founding father of sitcoms, "The Story of the Editorial Department" and "I Love My Home".

In 1996, Pu Cunxin starred in the TV set "Heroes Without Regrets" in the police chief Gao Tian.

Righteous and awe-inspiring looks, down-to-earth spirit,

He succeeded in creating the image of a police chief who cared for the people and pursued justice.

Pu Cunxin also became popular because of this, becoming a new generation of popular students.

Subsequently, Pu Cunxin starred in the urban romance drama "Coming and Going",

Kang Weiye, played by him, is mature and stable, funny and humorous, personable, coupled with a handsome appearance, has fascinated thousands of women.

Pu Cunxin was also known as the "public lover" and "young woman killer".

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

Second, successive bad news crushed the originally happy family

With the rise of popularity, Pu Cunxin's films are increasing.

Unfortunately, his career is rising steadily, but his family has suffered great changes.

Pu Cunxin, who was filming one day, received a call from his wife.

Wan Ping on the other end of the phone anxiously asked him to hurry home.

An ominous premonition instantly surged into Pu Cunxin's heart, and he hurriedly asked his wife if there was an accident at home.

The wife on the other end of the phone did not elaborate, only said to let him come home and then say it, and repeatedly told him to come back quickly.

Pu Cunxin, who put down the phone, did not dare to delay for a moment, and after taking a leave of absence with the crew, he took the car home.

Along the way, Pu Cunxin's heart went up and down, and he silently assumed in his mind that all kinds of bad things happened.

However, he never expected that what happened to the family was that his brother was gone.

The sudden death of his brother caught everyone off guard, and the whole family fell into grief.

For the sister-in-law, the top pillar of the family has fallen, the child is not yet an adult, and the orphans and widows will rely on whom to go in the future.

For parents, the grief of the white-haired people sending the black-haired people is something that ordinary people can bear.

During that time, the whole family was immersed in grief and could not extricate themselves.

His father, Su Min, fell ill directly because he could not bear the pain of losing his son.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

Recalling the care that my brother took care of himself when he was a child, recalling that not long ago the brothers still talked about wine,

Pu Cunxin's heart was also like a knife.

But after all, life still has to go on, and the pain caused to the family by the death of his brother must be helped to heal.

Elderly parents have long been unable to accept the death of their son,

The mother washed her face with tears all day and held her brother's photo album to look back and forth.

My father often fell into contemplation, did not say a word, and sometimes his eyes turned red as he sat.

Seeing his parents so sad, the pain in Pu Cunxin's heart was one more point.

To help parents come out of the grief of their brother's death,

Pu Cunxin gave up his career and pushed away all the film contracts,

I put all my thoughts on the family, spending all day with my parents and taking care of my sick father.

The community where the two elderly people live is the old-fashioned community of the past, there is no elevator, and the sick father is very difficult to go up and down the stairs.

Pu Cunxin also wanted to change his parents to a house with an elevator, but considering that his parents lived here for decades,

Surrounded by old neighbors, the new environment of the second old to adapt again, Pu Cunxin dispelled the idea.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

It was inconvenient for his father to go up and down the stairs, so Pu Cunxin carried his father up and down the stairs.

At that time, Pu Cunxin was already more than fifty years old.

In order to let his father recover as soon as possible, as long as the weather is good, Pu Cunxin will carry his father downstairs.

Breathe in the fresh air and move your legs and feet by the way.

Under the careful guidance and meticulous care of Pu Cunxin, the parents gradually came out of their sadness, and his father's condition began to improve.

Pu Cunxin, who was busy taking care of his parents, also did not neglect his brother's small family.

After the death of his brother, Pu Cunxin consciously took on the responsibility of taking care of his brother's widow and children.

Every weekend, Pu Cunxin would take his brother's children out to play,

Strive to let the child not lack fatherly love after losing the father.

On weekdays, Pu Cunxin will often call his sister-in-law to care about the situation of the child and understand the recent situation of the mother and son.

From time to time, he also bought some things for his children and subsidized the mother and son financially.

He would also often send his wife to his sister-in-law's house to see if they had any difficulties and needed help.

Do your best to help your brother take care of his family.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

Over time, the family finally slowly accepted the reality of their brother's death, and life began to get back on track.

In order to take care of his family more conveniently, Pu Cunxin adjusted his life plan and shifted the focus of his career to drama.

Only occasionally shoot TV series, cameo some small roles, and have been addicted to drama.

Parents are here, not far away.

Go to the field to shoot a movie, go for a few months, who will bear the burden of the family.

It is precisely for this reason that Pu Cunxin had to give up the screen.

But it's gold, and it shines wherever it is.

Pu Cunxin, who focused his work on drama, soon became the golden sign of human art.

Soon after, he was also appointed as the vice president of Beijing Renyi.

Just when everything was starting to get on track, bad luck struck the house again.

Pu Cunxin, who was rehearsing a play in the theater on this day, received a call from home again.

His mother was on the other side of the phone anxiously telling him to hurry home.

This scene was too familiar to Pu Cunxin, and this time he did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately rushed home.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

On the phone, his mother told him that his father was not in a good condition.

Pu Cunxin, who was in a mess in his heart, returned home and picked up his father and rushed to the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor told Pu Cunxin that his father was seriously ill and must be hospitalized immediately.

As early as many years ago, Su Min had already suffered from diabetes and high blood pressure.

As we age, organ function begins to deteriorate, and many complications begin to follow.

After Pu Cunxin heard the doctor's diagnosis, he immediately registered his father for admission.

Then he asked his wife to bring some necessities to their father and son, and he stayed in the hospital with his father.

The time when Su Min was hospitalized should be the last warm time between father and son.

Although Su Min was seriously ill in bed, his filial son was waiting at the bedside, and his heart was very comforting.

At this time, Pu Cunxin was more than sixty years old, looking at the white hair of his son's sideburns,

Su Min couldn't help but feel a thousand emotions in his heart, and the son in front of him had begun to grow old at some point.

Father and son have endless conversations every day, and they reminisce about the bits and pieces of the past together.

Talk about art together and imagine the future of human art.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

Although Su Min's condition was under control, his condition was still not optimistic, and his physical condition was deteriorating.

In 2016, the 90-year-old Su Min passed away in his sleep.

Pu Cunxin told the outside world that his father walked peacefully.

As for the family affairs, the story between him and his father, he did not want to talk about it.

Until Father's Day three years later, Pu Cunxin wrote a letter to his father,

Only then did he tell the public about his feelings with his father.

Like many boys, Pu Cunxin has always regarded his father as his idol and model.

I have always longed to be recognized by my father and become my father's pride.

Therefore, he continues to work hard in renyi, hoping not to embarrass his father and continue his father's career.

For Pu Cunxin's performance on the stage, many people praised him for having a temperament that is as light as a chrysanthemum.

Su Min said that it was due to good family style.

This sentence is enough to show that Su Min has always been teaching Pu Cunxin by example.

It is also this kind of education that takes himself as an example that makes his father's image in Pu Cunxin's heart even higher.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

3. Resign as the dean of the Renyi for the sake of his mother

After experiencing the pain of losing her son in old age, Pu Cunxin's mother once again ushered in another parting of life and death.

Her wife, who had walked hand in hand for most of her life, left her alone to continue to face the sadness of the death of her loved ones.

She was no longer able to bear these griefs, and the heavy blow completely crushed her.

There was no more laughter in her life, but instead endless sadness.

Gradually, Pu Cunxin noticed that something was wrong with her mother.

The mother, who was once cheerful, is now often emotional because of a small matter, and sometimes cries for no reason.

Moreover, the mother's memory is significantly reduced, and her reaction power has begun to decline rapidly.

Before retiring, her mother worked as a bank executive and was a shrewd and capable professional woman.

Nowadays, her mother's various abnormal behaviors have made Pu Cunxin realize the seriousness of the matter.

He took his mother to the hospital, but was told by the doctor that her mother was suffering from cognitive impairment.

For people of the mother's age, small stimuli can trigger the disease.

If treatment is not intervened in time, the rate of aggravation will be very fast.

In addition to medication, family companionship is just as important as care.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

After learning that her mother suffered from cognitive impairment, Pu Cunxin's siblings realized that it would be dangerous for their mother to continue to live alone.

Someone has to look after it 24 hours a day.

As the eldest in the family, the sister took the initiative to take on the responsibility of taking care of her mother.

She moved to her mother's house, so that Pu Cunxin could work with peace of mind, and the family did not have to worry, there she was.

Unfortunately, my sister is also older, and many things are not enough.

Taking care of my mother may seem easy, but it is actually very tiring.

The sick mother often has insomnia, does not sleep at night and moves at home, and the sister has to stay up late with her mother.

My sister suffers from high blood pressure, and not sleeping well at night causes her blood pressure to skyrocket, and the medication can't control it at all.

After only two weeks, my sister's health turned red and she was admitted to the hospital.

At this point, Pu Cunxin said that he would not let his sister take care of his mother anymore, and after consulting with his wife, they moved into her mother's house together.

In order to have more time to spend with his mother, Pu Cunxin resigned as vice president of Beijing Renyi.

At that time, many people advised Pu Cunxin to simply find a nanny to take care of his mother.

But Pu Cunxin was unwilling, and her mother was suffering from a psychological disease.

If she were to be handed over to a stranger, her mother's condition would surely get worse and worse.

In order to prevent his mother's condition from deteriorating, Pu Cunxin insisted on taking care of her mother personally.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

A mother with cognitive impairment, like a child of several years, does not know the level of danger of many things.

She sometimes turns on the faucet and forgets about it as soon as she turns around.

She sometimes quietly turned on the gas in the kitchen and put an empty pot on it.

Worst of all, the mother would sneak out the door.

Several times, the mother did not tell the family, so she opened the door and left, only to find out when Pu Cunxin heard the door knock.

One night, Pu Cunxin, who was sleeping, heard a knock at the door,

When he got up and went to his mother's room to take a look, he found that his mother had quietly gone out again.

By the time he got dressed and chased downstairs, his mother was long gone.

Pu Cunxin could only search around with his wife continuously, and eventually found his mother in a small garden nearby.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

When Pu Cunxin asked her mother what she was doing, she said she would buy breakfast for her son.

This scene is very similar to the scene where Su Daqiang went missing in "All Is Good",

Pu Cunxin's feelings in his heart were the same as Su Mingyu's at that time.

Heartbroken, he could not bear to blame his mother, and coaxed her back home.

By the time my mother had fallen to sleep, it was already dawn.

Afraid that something similar would happen again, Pu Cunxin set up a single bed in his mother's bedroom.

I slept next to my mother every night.

When his mother couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, he would chat with her and tell her stories.

Then, during the day, he cooked for his mother in a different way and took her downstairs for a walk.

Long-term lack of sleep and physical exhaustion have also lit up the red light for Pu Cunxin's health.

Pu Cunxin, who was cooking in the kitchen one day, suddenly felt that his eyes were dark, and then he lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he found his wife shouting at him anxiously.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

After the daughter and son-in-law learned that Pu Cunxin was tired and sick, she insisted that Pu Cunxin go home to recuperate, and they were responsible for taking care of her grandmother.

At that time, Pu Cunxin's granddaughter was still young, and her daughter had to take care of the children, and the work of caring for her mother at night could only fall on her son-in-law.

Thinking that his son-in-law would have to work during the day and be on duty at night, Pu Cunxin was very unbearable.

So he hired a nanny who took care of his mother with his wife during the day and slept with her at night.

As a result, the nanny had just arrived a few days ago, and she was dismissed by Pu Cunxin.

It turned out that the nanny slept deeply at night, and she couldn't hear her mother when she got up.

At night, when my mother went to the toilet, she accidentally slipped and fell several bruises on her body.

Looking at the injuries on his mother's body, Pu Cunxin was very distressed, and directly dismissed the nanny and continued to take care of his mother personally.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

After all, taking care of the elderly is a protracted battle, and it is simply not possible without a good physique.

Pu Cunxin therefore began to exercise, and also implemented a shift system with his wife.

At night he was responsible for taking care of his mother, and his wife rested well.

During the day the wife is responsible for cooking, and he is responsible for catching up on sleep.

In order to help his mother recover, Pu Cunxin taught his mother like a child, and also took his little granddaughter's literacy card.

When walking downstairs, Pu Cunxin would constantly introduce his mother to his old neighbors and tell interesting stories about everyone over the years.

The Emperor did not live up to his painstaking heart, and with the efforts of Pu Cunxin, his mother's illness miraculously improved.

In the chat with Pu Cunxin, the mother could occasionally recall some things in the past, and her thinking became clear.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

Pu Cunxin is now 69 years old, but he still insists on personally taking care of his mother's diet and living.

This filial piety made people feel touched, but Pu Cunxin felt that it was nothing.

His parents raised him with painstaking efforts, and now that his parents are old, he should take care of his parents, and there is nothing to praise.

It is this attitude that makes everyone feel that he is worthy of the four words of "virtue and art".

In his career, Pu Cunxin has a rigorous and serious attitude, and silently contributes his strength to the cause of drama.

Don't chase fame and fortune, don't cater to the entertainment market for the sake of film remuneration and popularity.

He once laughed at himself for not having any drama to act now, film and television works without his job, and no one wants to watch what he plays.

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

Many netizens feel sad for his old actor.

However, do these netizens know that the drama starring Pu Cunxin is difficult to find.

In the family, Pu Cunxin always puts his family first, for the sake of his family,

He chose to take the lead in the red and voluntarily gave up his position as vice president of Beijing Renyi.

Pu Cunxin's heart is as quiet as water, which is created by the good family style created by his father.

Now Pu Cunxin is also personally creating a good family style for his children,

And such a him, the future will be more and more happy and happy!

Pu Cunxin: My family has passed away one after another, and now that I am 69 years old, I dare not grow old and take care of my old mother

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