
Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

author:Armor nurse
Wine is grain essence, the more you drink the younger, wine as one of the world's three major functional drinks, deeply concerned by many people, now many people have the habit of drinking, especially those who need to work to socialize men, almost every meal can not leave the wine, wine can relieve a thousand worries, wine and sterilization effect, is a healthy drink.

Moderate drinking is good for health, but if long-term large amounts of alcoholism fail to control the amount of alcohol, it will also increase the burden and pressure of visceral tissues, damage to physical health, under normal circumstances, adult men should be controlled at about 25 grams a day, adult women a day of alcohol consumption control at about 15 grams, small drinking, drink hurt, please reasonably control the amount of alcohol.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

When drinking, I have to mention that the appetizer, peanut rice as a common appetizer, has the title of "longevity fruit", peanut rice cooking methods are many, no matter which way to choose peanut rice will give people a unique taste bud experience, many drinkers often will peanut rice as an appetizer to eat.

Some time ago, the Internet rumored that you can't eat peanut rice when drinking, can't you really eat peanut rice when drinking?

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking?

Peanut rice as a common nut food, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine diet therapy, peanut rice is flat and sweet, into the spleen and stomach meridian, appropriate eating peanut rice, can play a healthy spleen and stomach effect, effectively alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort, treatment of nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea and other gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms.

Peanut rice can also play a role in moisturizing the lungs and dissolving phlegm, because peanut rice can also enter the lung meridian, can effectively improve the cough cough sputum hemoptysis symptoms, appropriate eating peanut rice, but also play a role in cough and asthma.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Most of the fat in peanut rice is unsaturated fatty acids, which are easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, eating peanut rice can play a role in moisturizing laxative effect, promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion to accelerate the excretion of feces, and effectively improving constipation.

Peanut rice contains more nutrients, including fatty acids and amino acids, as well as trace elements needed by the body, eating peanut rice can supplement a variety of nutrients, but also play a role in disease prevention and anti-virus effect, improve the body's immune function.

It is recorded in the ancient book "Benjing Fengyuan" that the long-lived fruit is produced in northern Fujian, indicating that the area where peanuts were first planted in the mainland should be Fujian, so Fujian people are the most capable of eating peanuts.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Due to the unique taste and high nutritional value of peanut rice, it is deeply concerned by many people, fried peanut rice, old vinegar peanuts, are deeply loved by drinkers.

The reason why it is not recommended to eat peanut rice when drinking alcohol is not because peanut rice and alcohol will have a chemical reaction, but because peanut rice is easy to produce gas, and eating too much will occupy more space in the stomach, affecting the ability of the stomach to digest and absorb alcohol.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

For people with poor spleen and stomach function, often peanut rice as a wine dish to eat, peanut rice and alcohol combined, will produce greater stimulation to the stomach and intestines, is not conducive to the recovery of the disease, but also induce abdominal pain and diarrhea and other symptoms, peanut rice shell is relatively hard, not easy to chew, a large amount of intake of peanut rice will also increase the amount of oil in the body, induce cardiovascular disease.

In summary, why is it not recommended to eat peanuts when drinking, and what do you think about it?

Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Type 1: Carrots

Carrots are also known as "liver champion", eat more carrots, can play a role in repairing damaged liver cells, improve liver regeneration function, carrots contain a lot of carotene, if you eat a lot of carotene when drinking, it is easy to produce liver toxins, induce liver disease, is not conducive to liver detoxification, detoxification will also increase the burden and pressure of the body.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Type 2: Cool powder and cool skin

The common appetizers on the wine table are also indispensable to cold skin cold powder. Cool skin cold powder in the production process will add alum, alum is an astringent effect, if you drink wine and then eat cold skin cold powder, it will make the blood circulation speed decrease, alcohol in the stomach and blood stay time longer, so that the body absorbs more alcohol, easy to get drunk.

In addition, after alcohol enters the body, it needs the liver to increase horsepower for detoxification and detoxification, and alum also needs the liver to detoxify, which invisibly increases the workload of the liver and easily leads to liver damage.

Type 3: Sashimi

Raw and cold seafood that has not been sterilized will bring irritation to the stomach and intestines, causing indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and may be present in it, and may also affect the body's absorption of vitamins, resulting in vitamin deficiency caused by long-term consumption.

What needs to be known is that more than 60 ° C can destroy thiamine enzymes, it is recommended that everyone eat seafood food, as high as possible to heat to more than 60 ° C, it is possible to eliminate the bacteria and viruses in it.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Type 4: Persimmons

Autumn and winter is a good time for persimmons to be listed, the taste is soft and sticky and full of flavor, especially in the middle of the persimmons there are two crisp fruits, crisp taste, which has captured the appetite of many people.

However, here we should remind everyone not to eat persimmons when drinking, persimmons as a cold fruit, or in the stomach and intestines digestion and gastric juice produce chemical reactions, precipitated into insoluble in water precipitate substances, can not be excreted from the body.

Type 5: Seafood

Seafood has high nutritional value, delicious taste, and contains a variety of nutrients, such as protein and calcium needed by the human body. In daily life, many people can also supplement the nutrients needed by the body by eating seafood.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Perhaps in the hot summer, many young people like to eat seafood and drink beer, and they think this diet is very comfortable. If they don't eat seafood, it's not suitable for drinking and eating.

Due to the relatively high purine content in most seafood, uric acid forms after entering the body, resulting in an increase in uric acid. If taken with alcoholic beverages, purine substances will be difficult to metabolize and excrete smoothly.

How is alcohol consumption calculated?

The standard formula for calculating the amount of alcohol consumed by adults is:

Maximum daily alcohol ÷% alcohol content% ÷0.8 (alcohol density) = daily alcohol consumption in adults.

Calculated as an adult male: Assuming that the alcohol consumption is 50 °, that is, 50%, then 25 grams of alcohol is equivalent to drinking 25÷50% of this wine÷ 0.8 = 62.5 ml.

According to the authoritative medical journal The Lancet, which compares the harmfulness and addiction of common controlled drugs, the physiological harm and dependence caused by alcohol to the body are more serious than some drugs.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Excessive drinking has a very large impact on the body, alcohol has long been listed as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization, long-term large amounts of alcoholism will induce: oral cancer, esophageal cancer, throat cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer and other malignant tumor diseases, increasing the burden and pressure on the liver.

It is understood that long-term large number of alcoholics, the probability of liver cirrhosis is 50% of non-drinkers, for health considerations, please quit drinking as soon as possible, it is really impossible to escape the liquor store, please control the amount of alcohol, do not drink too much.

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