
The 48-year-old little rappi real person "full record", do not let go of every detail, look at the pain effect is good

author:Dr. Yuan Qiang, a plastic surgeon

Small lift surgery is mainly for moderate loose people, the incision is selected in the more hidden temporal hairline, the recovery period is relatively short, many beauty seekers are curious about the surgical process, effect, swelling and other issues, today's article is to say, the real person recorded the whole process, do not let go of every detail.

The 48-year-old little rappi real person "full record", do not let go of every detail, look at the pain effect is good

Tie braids

First, tie a small braid

Don't underestimate this step, it is not easy to tie a pigtail, to fully expose the premise of the incision, but also pay attention to everyone's sense of experience, can not be too tight.

The most important thing is that you do not need to shave your hair, protect the hair follicles as much as possible during the operation, and do not affect the growth of the hair in the later stage of the incision recovery process, so as to avoid the phenomenon of baldness.

The 48-year-old little rappi real person "full record", do not let go of every detail, look at the pain effect is good

Surgery immediately

Second, draw lines

Draw the required peeling range and degree of operation of the face in advance, such as the direction of the zygomatic fat pad lift, the surrounding danger zone, and the operation range of the mandibular margin facetite.

3. Sleep anesthesia

Sleep anesthesia is commonly known as small general anesthesia, also known as intravenous sleep anesthesia, just like the usual infusion through intravenous delivery, the experience is good, avoid the fear caused by local anesthesia, sleep is finished.

The 48-year-old little rappi real person "full record", do not let go of every detail, look at the pain effect is good

During surgery

4. During surgery

For example, her surgical plan is a small temporal pull + mandibular margin facetite, making an incision of about 4 cm or so in the temporal region, and doing a deep temporal and shallow temporal fascia along the incision to achieve deep peeling of the periosteum layer and resetting the sagging soft tissue in a young position.

At the same time, in addition to tightening, it is also very important for the mandibular margin to be tightened, and the mandibular edge line is clearer through the principle of facetite heat contraction, tightening and consolidation on the basis of tightening. (The picture below is immediately after the operation)

The 48-year-old little rappi real person "full record", do not let go of every detail, look at the pain effect is good

Surgery is immediate

5. Gauze bandage

Do not think that everything will be fine after the operation is done, pressure bandaging is very important, do not do this step of exudate accumulation, will aggravate the swelling of the face, prolong the recovery period.

6. Recovery phase

On the first day, there was a slight heat sensation on the face, wooden, not painful, and it would be a little difficult to eat with open mouths, but the overall state was not bad, especially thick bandaged off, and the face was comfortable. 2-3 days of swelling up, then to the peak of swelling, the face tension comes, do not touch the incision, it will hurt.

The 48-year-old little rappi real person "full record", do not let go of every detail, look at the pain effect is good

15 days

7 days to remove the stitches to eliminate 80%, her facial swelling is fast, 70% or 80% of the swelling face looks basically natural, of course, there is a small amount of yellowing at the jaw edge, and in a few days the state will be better.

15 days is very natural, almost can not see the swelling, the jaw margin line is clear, the apple muscle is full and firm, and the facial firmness comes out.

In short, the skinlift surgery from surgery to recovery belongs to the watching pain series, but the effect is exact, the maintenance time is long, it can be said that it is the ultimate means of anti-aging, and it is important to prepare psychologically in advance.

For more knowledge of skinlift surgery, you can also pay attention to the headline number: Plastic Surgeon Dr. Yuan Qiang!

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