
Xifeng Yanglongsi Town: There are many inconveniences for the disabled to apply for certificates, and the people's police warmly help each other to warm people's hearts

author:Qianzhong big vision

"Thank you for your help, you are worthy of being a good policeman in the hearts of the people!"

On September 7, Chen Mou, a villager in Pingshan Village, Yanglongsi Town, Xifeng County, had just collected fingerprint information, and some stuttered to the police at the police station to express their gratitude one after another.

Xifeng Yanglongsi Town: There are many inconveniences for the disabled to apply for certificates, and the people's police warmly help each other to warm people's hearts

Chen Mou, who is disabled, is 40 years old and has paralyzed lower limbs and cannot walk. A few days ago, because I wanted to use my ID card, I found that the ID card I applied for for the first time could not be found. On September 7, Chen Mou went to the Yanglongsi police station to collect fingerprints to replace his IDENTITY card under his mother's care.

Xifeng Yanglongsi Town: There are many inconveniences for the disabled to apply for certificates, and the people's police warmly help each other to warm people's hearts

Chen mou and his mother had just arrived at the door of the police station, and the police found them. The two policemen immediately took the wheelchair pushed by Chen's mother and carefully carried him into the police station. Knowing that his ID card was accidentally lost some time ago, he specially rushed to replace the resident ID card, but after the procedures were not clear, the police immediately "contracted" all the matters of the replacement ID card, helped him to the household registration room, helped him register and fill out forms, take photos, collect fingerprint information and other certificate handling matters. After the formalities were completed, the warm-hearted police sent the mother and son back home.

Xifeng Yanglongsi Town: There are many inconveniences for the disabled to apply for certificates, and the people's police warmly help each other to warm people's hearts

"You guys are so enthusiastic, thank you! Thank you! Seeing that the police were so enthusiastic, Chen's mother praised the public security police one after another.

"In special cases like Chen, after fifteen working days, after the ID card is processed, we will personally send it to the door, so as not to make them run back and forth, which is inconvenient." Tan Wenyi, an instructor at the Yanglong Division police station, said.

Since the education and rectification of the political and legal contingent was carried out, the YanglongSi police station has adhered to the purpose of serving the people, continuously transformed the learning results into practical actions, actively carried out the activity of 'I do practical things for the masses', and continuously improved the sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses. (Zou Kaiyun, New Media Center for Politics and Law)

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