
Three presidents rarely have the same frame, South Korea opened the "Yoon Seok Yue era", and the future governance is full of difficulties

author:History of Elephant Viewing

According to the Global Network, at 10 a.m. local time, the inauguration ceremony of the 20th President of South Korea was held in the National Assembly Hall of Yeouido, Seoul. The victorious president and conservative Yoon Seok-yue was officially sworn in, and from this moment on, it marked the end of the "Moon Jae-in era" and the beginning of the "Yoon Seok-yue era".

The inauguration ceremony of Yoon Seok-yue has not only aroused widespread concern among the South Korean people, but also attracted the attention of the international community, and the three countries of China, the United States and Japan have sent high-level delegations to attend the inauguration ceremony of the new President of South Korea, for example, the United States sent a high-level delegation headed by vice president Harris's husband, and Japan sent foreign minister Lin Fangzheng. It is worth noting that at Yin Xiyue's inauguration ceremony, some details attracted widespread attention from the outside world.

Three presidents rarely have the same frame, South Korea opened the "Yoon Seok Yue era", and the future governance is full of difficulties

Park Geun-hye was invited to attend the presidential inauguration ceremony

At the inauguration ceremony of the South Korean president held on May 10, Yoon Seok-yue specially invited former President Park Geun-hye, who had previously been pardoned by Moon Jae-in, to participate in the inauguration ceremony, at which Yoon Seok-yue and his wife had a brief greeting with Park Geun-hye at the venue, and according to the video footage of the scene, Park Geun-hye wearing a mask showed a peaceful smile.

In fact, the relationship between Yoon Seok-wook and Park Geun-hye can be described as a twist and turn, in 2017, when Moon Jae-in took office, Yoon Seok-wook was appointed as the supreme prosecutor of Seoul City, responsible for hearing a series of cases such as Park Geun-hye's bribery, dereliction of duty, and cron-hye interference in politics, and finally Yoon Seok-wook personally sentenced Park Geun-hye to prison. For This move of Yoon Seok-wook, Park Geun-hye later mentioned in her new book that the court did not give her any chance to defend herself at that time, everything seemed to be designed as if it had been designed, and her own attendance was just a formality. If you analyze this plot carefully, you will find that Park Geun-hye was full of various resentments towards Yoon Seok-wook at that time.

In addition to sending Park Geun-hye to prison, Yoon Seok-wook tried Park Geun-hye's predecessor Lee Myung-bak, and in this way, he himself became a key figure in South Korean history who sent two presidents to prison, but at that time, there were also Korean media reports that Yoon Seok-wook was only the executor, and the decision behind the incident was President Moon Jae-in.

Three presidents rarely have the same frame, South Korea opened the "Yoon Seok Yue era", and the future governance is full of difficulties

Later, when Yoon Seok-wook joined South Korea's conservative camp, the National Power Party, his attitude towards Park Geun-hye changed, and during the campaign, Yoon Seok-wook publicly issued a statement that if he won the election, he would pardon Park Geun-hye, but history did not leave him this opportunity, and Moon Jae-in preemptively completed the amnesty. However, before Park Geun-hye received amnesty, she said that she herself had let go of her resentment, and there were many interpretations in the outside world, including Park Geun-hye herself letting go of her resentment towards Yoon Seok-wook.

After Park Geun-hye was granted amnesty, Yoon Seok-wook visited the former president at her residence, and this time invited Park Geun-hye to attend the presidential inauguration. At the inauguration ceremony, in addition to Yoon Seok-wook, Yoon Seok-wook's wife Kim Hyun-hee also had a greeting with Park Geun-hye, after in the course of Yoon Seok-wook's campaign, Kim Jian-hee had publicly mentioned Park Geun-hye's imprisonment incident, which was recorded and published, causing an uproar in South Korean political circles. After Yoon Seok-wook bids farewell to Moon Jae-in, Yoon Seok-wook turns around and walks over to Park Geun-hye to say goodbye.

If you observe a series of grudges between Yoon Seok-wook and Park Geun-hye, you will find that Yoon Seok-yue can be said to have completed a 180-degree turn. In fact, it is not surprising that Yoon Seok-wook's National Power Party originally came from the Big National Party and the New National Party of the Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye eras, but the South Korean conservative camp has been constantly reorganizing after the political scandal of Park Geun-hye's cronies interfering in politics was exposed. Although Park Geun-hye has left the political arena, she has always had a strong influence in the Korean political arena, especially within the conservative camp, especially as the socio-economic crisis in South Korea has deepened in recent years, and the number of people who miss the era of her father Park Chung-hee has been increasing, so for Yoon Seok-yue, whether it is the previous campaign or the future administration, it needs the support of Park Geun-hye's family, if you look closely at this 2022 South Korean presidential election, you will find that Yoon Seok-wook won the election with less than 1% of the winning rate. So unity within the conservative camp is very important to him.

Three presidents rarely have the same frame, South Korea opened the "Yoon Seok Yue era", and the future governance is full of difficulties

Yoon Seok-yue bids farewell to Moon Jae-in

Yoon Seok-wook and Moon Jae-in can be described as "old acquaintances", in 2019, he was promoted by Moon Jae-in to south Korea's attorney general, but in 2020, due to disagreements with Moon Jae-in's government on judicial reform and some judicial investigations of people around Moon Jae-in, which eventually triggered contradictions, Yoon Seok-yue hung up the crown and went away, throwing himself into the conservative camp and participating in the presidential election. During the campaign, Yoon Seok-wook criticized the internal affairs of the Moon jae-in period from time to time, and even openly stated that "if he comes to power, he will liquidate the shortcomings of the Moon jae-in government", which triggered a strong response from Moon Jae-in.

At this inauguration ceremony, Moon Jae-in and his wife were specially invited to attend, and after the inauguration ceremony, Yoon Seok-yue himself personally opened the way for Moon Jae-in and his wife to bid them farewell, and when Moon Jae-in and his wife left by car, Yoon Seok-yue also bowed deeply to them. Perhaps this is a thank you to Moon for his contribution to Korean society over the past five years. From this heartwarming detail, it is hard to imagine Yoon Seok-wook's political reckoning of Moon in the future.

Three presidents rarely have the same frame, South Korea opened the "Yoon Seok Yue era", and the future governance is full of difficulties

In fact, Moon Jae-in completed an important reform of the South Korean procuratorial organs before leaving office, the special investigation power was separated from the public prosecution power, and most of the rights of the South Korean procuratorial organs were deprived, so some media commented that Moon Jae-in's move was intended to break the "Blue House curse". Moreover, there are many problems faced by Yoon Seok-yue after taking office, and the liquidation of the Moon Jae-in government is not comparable to the economic, security, and social issues currently facing South Korea.

It is worth noting that this time Moon Jae-in and Park Geun-hye also had a rare same frame, at Yoon Seok-yue's inauguration ceremony, Park Geun-hye just sat behind Moon Jae-in and his wife, very close, but unfortunately, the two former presidents did not have any communication. It has to be said that the feud between Park Geun-hye, Moon Jae-in and the three can be said to have run through the entire Moon Jae-in era.

Three presidents rarely have the same frame, South Korea opened the "Yoon Seok Yue era", and the future governance is full of difficulties

Yin Xiyue's road to govern will be very difficult

At present, the "Yin Xiyue era" has begun, but the domestic problems he faces are very serious. During Moon's past five years in power, house prices in Seoul, South Korea, have increased exponentially, and according to statistics, a large number of residents have moved from Seoul to live in other cities in South Korea. In addition, the new crown epidemic in South Korea, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the serious economic downturn are testing Yoon Seok-yue, the most serious of which is the division of South Korean social groups. In the 2022 South Korean presidential election, the gap between Yoon Seok-wook and Lee Jae-myung is less than 1%, a figure that clearly illustrates the rift in South Korean society, and in his inaugural speech, Yoon Seok-yue also mentioned these issues, saying that it will stimulate economic growth, bridge deep political differences and narrow the gap, and promote income equality.

In addition, the current South Korean parliament is controlled by the liberal camp of Moon Jae-in and Lee Jae-myung, which also poses an important challenge to yoon Seok-wook's future administration. South Korean political commentator Choi Jin said in an interview that among South Korean presidents elected since the late 1980s, the challenges Yoon Seok-yue at the beginning of his presidency are the most difficult and unfavorable.

Three presidents rarely have the same frame, South Korea opened the "Yoon Seok Yue era", and the future governance is full of difficulties

At present, south Korea's expectations for Yoon Seok-yue's administration are not high. Less than 60 percent of respondents expect him to do well during his presidency, a figure that is unusually low compared to his predecessors, when Moon's expectations were 80 percent, according to the survey. According to a survey released by Gallup South Korea last week, his approval rating as president-elect was 41 percent, compared to 45 percent for then-President Moon Jae-in. I have to say that Yin Xiyue's future road to governance will be extremely difficult.

Japan was not mentioned in the inaugural speech

Yoon Has long been considered a "pro-Japanese" position in South Korea, which ranges from the traditional policy of the South Korean conservative camp to japan-friendly policies and Yoon Seok-yue's remarks during the campaign, such as his own repeated accusations against the Moon jae-in administration's policy toward Japan and the importance of Tokyo in its foreign strategy. For this reason, Japan has shown great importance to Yin Xiyue's victory and inauguration.

But in his inaugural speech, Yoon didn't mention Japan, drawing widespread attention, with some experts saying that given the deep differences between the two countries over sensitive historical issues, such as South Korean labor and comfort women during World War II, Yoon could end up in the same policy dilemma as Moon Jae-in.

Three presidents rarely have the same frame, South Korea opened the "Yoon Seok Yue era", and the future governance is full of difficulties

In addition, Yoon Seok-yue himself did not choose to work in the Blue House, but moved to seoul's Yongsan-gu National Defense Building, from May 10, the Blue House officially reopened to the public after 74 years, it also ended the "presidential palace era", perhaps this also marked a new stage in South Korean politics.

At present, South Korea has officially entered the "Yoon Seok Yue era", but the future governance road is long and arduous, in the past long time, Korean society has accumulated many problems, for Yoon Seok Yue, the real challenge has just begun.

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