
What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

author:Dr. Lu Yan popularized science
As an important respiratory organ of the human body, the lungs are located in the two cardiovascular parts of the chest cavity, and the method of lung lobe dredging promotes the inhalation of oxygen from the outside world, exhales the carbon dioxide trapped in the body, and maintains the balance of heart and lungs and respiratory balance.

With the continuous improvement of the quality of life, the pollution phenomenon produced by the outside world is also serious, which is also the main reason for the proliferation of patients with lung inflammation in the mainland, and the pathological types are acute gastritis, chronic gastritis, pulmonary cysts, alveolar swelling.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

For the lung inflammation caused by the invasion of endogenous bacteria, it is necessary to carry out stable treatment through drugs under the guidance of doctors to avoid missing the best treatment time and transforming into lung cancer and increasing the risk of sudden death.

Just as the so-called medicine is not as good as food supplement, people with lung diseases, while taking drugs, but also to indirectly regulate the individual's diet, supplement the lack of nutrients in the body, eggs This tonic food is the first choice.

What is the effect of eating an egg a day on the lungs?

Lung health benefits from daily habits and external environmental factors, and the induction of diseases is also closely linked to the genetic genes of individuals, and people who smoke for a long time will have a risk of lung disease, which will increase by 23.9% compared with normal people.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

Most people think that eating eggs every day can not achieve the effect of nourishing the lungs and protecting the lungs, but increases the burden of human cholesterol, leads to an increase in triglyceride levels, and increases the probability of high blood lipids.

The emergence of this idea is biased thinking, the cholesterol contained in eggs is mainly saturated fatty acids, easy to digest, easy to absorb, and helps to supplement the minerals, neutral vitamins, and lecithin components needed by the human body.

The antioxidant components contained in eggs also help to improve the self-repair ability of the surface layer of the lungs, and the inner wall is discharged from the body in time with the toxin garbage and inflammatory molecules that are trapped, which plays a role in moisturizing the lungs, suppressing cough and relieving asthma.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

Eating an egg every day also helps to improve the body's immune resistance, and can completely resist the invasion of external bacteria and viruses, thereby reducing the risk of deterioration of their own disease.

What are the benefits of eating eggs every day?

1. Delay aging

Aging as an inevitable cycle of the body, is a normal physiological phenomenon, 30 years old as the first period of human aging, prone to collagen loss phenomenon, resulting in a small amount of tail lines at the corner of the eye breeding.

45 to 55 years old, as the peak stage of human aging, excess free radicals, melanin components remain on the surface of the skin, resulting in a large number of pigmentation and wrinkles.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

The method of applying chemical skin care products alone through hormone drug supplementation and chemical skin care products cannot achieve the effect of delaying aging, but also fundamentally supplement the antioxidant components and nutrients lacking in the human body.

The alkaline ingredients contained in eggs can effectively improve the antioxidant capacity of the surface layer of human skin, achieve the auxiliary effect of delaying aging, and also help to improve the individual's appearance and make the overall appearance more youthful.

2. Protect the liver

As a winning general of the body's detoxification and metabolism, once the endogenous lesion problem occurs, it will also lead to excessive toxin garbage retention, thereby increasing the risk of chronic metabolic diseases.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

And to fundamentally overcome their own liver, the first thing is to supplement the high-quality protein components lacking in the body, and the plant protein contained in tea scrambled eggs is as high as 39%, and animal protein is as high as 33.3%.

Developing the habit of eating an egg every day helps to improve the self-repair function of the liver surface layer and achieve the promotion effect of regeneration, so as to better discharge the toxin garbage and bacterial components trapped in the body.

3. Replenish qi and blood

Qi, blood, and yang qi, as necessary substances that cannot be lost in the female body, once the phenomenon of secretory disorder occurs, it will also lead to excessive accumulation of wet and cold qi in the body, aggravating their own dysmenorrhea.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

The warm ingredients contained in eggs have a certain tonic effect, which helps to protect the health of the human uterus, supplement the estrogens lacking in the human body, and achieve the physiological cycle stability, qi and blood, and the nourishing effect of yang qi ingredients.

4. Protect vision

Adolescents in the growth and development stage will inevitably have a phenomenon of vision loss due to learning, and the continuous implementation of electronic products on the market has also led to the continuous proliferation of myopia people in the mainland.

To protect vision, it is first necessary to supplement the nutritional elements lacking in the human body, for adolescents during the growth and development period and long-term for adults working on computers, the lack of laurin can be supplemented by the appropriate use of eggs.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

If you want lung health, these three things should be insisted on

1. Exercise appropriately

Just as the so-called life is endless, the exercise is not stopped, and appropriate exercise can effectively promote the speed of human blood circulation, stabilize human metabolism, improper lung function circulation or people with inflammatory diseases, and can dredge the meridians of the surface of the lungs by running and walking.

It can also be appropriately carried out chest expansion exercise, through repeated practice to promote blood circulation in the lungs, to avoid the recurrence of ischemia and hypoxia, but also to help discharge the toxin garbage and dust components left in the lungs, to achieve the effect of protecting the lungs and nourishing the lungs.

2. Eat more lung-moisturizing foods

If the function of the lungs is obstructed due to smoking, cough and asthma are more serious, it can be improved by the method of dietary therapy, although it cannot fundamentally achieve the effect of treatment, but it can dredge the blood circulation on the surface of the lungs.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

The pear sold on the market contains vitamins and dietary fiber, which are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, and after ingestion into the human body, they help to promote the speed of metabolism, and at the same time, they also visibility has achieved the effect of improving the repair of the fibrous tissue on the surface of the lungs.

You can also combine pear with rock sugar to alleviate the problem of lung dryness by cooking and boiling juice at high temperature, and achieve the effect of moisturizing the lungs, coughing and asthma.

3. Develop the habit of drinking more water

As an indispensable liquid component of the human body, once there is excessive lack of deficiency, it will also lead to dryness of the body wall, affecting the metabolism and absorption of nutrients and the unclogging of blood flow.

What is the effect of eating one egg a day on the lungs? If you want lung health, these three things to do

People whose lung function circulation is not hindered by respiratory circulation must develop the good habit of drinking more water, control the amount of water in a day to about 1800 to 2300 ml, and through the metabolic mode of urination, the inflammatory molecules and toxin garbage trapped in the surface layer of the lungs are discharged from the body in time to achieve the role of nourishing the lungs. #爱乐养生 #