
As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

author:Dr. Cheng Fangfang

Chinese culture is broad and profound, not only leaving behind a lot of cultural treasures, but also leaving a lot of word of mouth.

For example, the old people often say "sleep three nights, life is thinner than paper", many people often hear the elderly around them chanting this sentence, but they do not understand what it means. #爱乐养生 #

So which three senses are these three senses? Let's analyze it in detail.

As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

"Sleep is the best tonic for the human body", people have 1/3 of their lives spent from sleep, so it is very important for the human body to ensure high-quality and sufficient sleep to maintain the normal functioning of the human body.

For the ancients, they also understood the importance of sleep to the human body, and only by sleeping well can they live a long life, so they also left some philosophies about sleep, such as this saying.

- "First Awakening" inverted consciousness

The ancients often said: "do not sleep upside down sleep", in fact, this is also more understandable, that is, sleep irregularity, upside down black and white, in fact, for the human body also has a certain sleep law, the so-called: sunrise and work, sunset and rest.

Working during the day and sleeping at night, this is also a normal physiological phenomenon of people, and the human body will secrete melatonin with the change of day and night, so as to ensure high-quality adequate sleep.

As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

However, if you say that you stay up late at night and sleep during the day, it is easy to cause the body not to secrete melatonin, not only do not sleep well, but the body's endocrine system will also be disordered.

Moreover, the toxins inside the human body are generally discharged from the evening, and ensuring high-quality and adequate sleep can promote the repair and detoxification of various organs and maintain normal functional operation.

If you often sleep upside down, it will also affect the organs, but also will accelerate the speed of aging and increase the risk of disease, so in life, try to change this behavior habit is better.

As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

- "Second sleep" sleep

Nowadays, more and more young people often have the habit of sleeping late, but often sleeping late can easily have a certain impact on the body, and going to bed early and getting up early is also the root of the human body.

Because often sleeping late can easily lead to the body's biological clock is disrupted, and will also miss the time of breakfast, so that it will affect the normal function of the stomach and intestines, and when it comes to lunch, it will also eat a lot, which will increase the burden on the stomach and stomach and increase the risk of disease.

And if you often sleep late, the body will sleep more and more tired, affecting the normal functioning of the human body, endangering personal health, so in the usual time or try to change this behavior habit.

As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

- "Third Sleep" Sleep After Meals

Many people usually have the habit of sleeping after meals, because after eating, there is often a problem of drowsiness, which is also because the blood needs to enter the intestines after meals to help digest and absorb, and at this time the body will have the problem of fatigue and fatigue.

If you sleep at this time, it is easy to lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain, increase the risk of stroke, and also affect the normal digestion and absorption of the stomach and intestines, affecting personal health.

Therefore, when after meals, it is best not to rush to sleep, you can take a proper walk, so that you can promote gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, you can also avoid the problem of insufficient blood supply, maintain normal functional operation, it is best to take a nap half an hour after meals.

As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

Therefore, sleep and our life expectancy are also closely related, if you sleep badly, it will easily affect personal health, but also reduce your own resistance and immunity, enhance the risk of disease, so we must also pay attention to ensuring high-quality and adequate sleep.

Staying up late for a long time and sleeping poorly, what impact will it have on the body?

1. Overweight and obesity

Staying up late for a long time and sleeping poorly will also reduce its own metabolic rate, resulting in toxin accumulation, endocrine imbalance in the body, lean hormones can not be secreted normally, can not help the body to break down fat, and will also cause fat accumulation and obesity.

Second, increase the risk of cancer

Staying up late for a long time affects the normal operation of various organs, and endocrine disorders reduce their own immunity, which can also lead to the body becoming weak and increasing the risk of cancer.

3. Liver damage

Staying up late for a long time affects the normal repair and detoxification of various organs, especially the liver, which will also cause damage to liver cells, seriously affect the discharge of toxins, increase the burden on the liver, and lead to a high incidence of liver disease.

As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

4. Skin damage

Staying up late for a long time can easily damage the skin, causing the skin to become dull and dull, affecting the discharge of melanin in the body, and will also lead to the problem of long spots and acne, accelerating the aging process.

5. Heart disease

Staying up late often can easily be accompanied by the problem of heart disease, because staying up late for a long time, lack of sleep, resulting in an increase in blood pressure, will also increase the burden on the heart, and serious may also induce the risk of sudden death.

Sixth, memory, attention loss

Staying up late for a long time can also affect brain function, which will be accompanied by memory loss and lack of concentration.

7. Gastrointestinal dysfunction

Staying up late for a long time affects the normal operation of various organs, gastrointestinal function can not be affected by a certain rest, and normal digestion and absorption induce gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis, gastric ulcers, etc.

As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

Therefore, staying up late for a long time, poor sleep, the damage to the body is also relatively large, we must pay attention to timely correction, and if you harm sleep in life, you can also start through diet.

Long-term poor sleep, drink 2 more teas, good dreams come naturally

1. Lily tea

In fact, for some people with long-term insomnia and dreams, you can also insist on drinking some lily tea before going to bed, like lilies have the effect of clearing the lungs and moisturizing the lungs, and can also help play a role in beauty and skin care, and delay the speed of aging.

At the same time, it can also play a role in regulating sleep, helping to calm the mind, improving the situation of sleep and dreams, so that your good dreams come naturally and take care of your personal health.

As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

2: Soak the sour dates in water

If you have long-term insomnia, the impact on the body is indeed relatively large, so before going to bed, you can drink some sour jujube kernel soaking water, which is rich in saponins, organic acids and other nutrients.

It can help play a calming role, improve the quality of sleep, alleviate the problem of insomnia and dreams, so people who have long-term poor sleep, insist on drinking some sour jujube kernel tea, so that you can sleep peacefully all night.

As the saying goes: "A person sleeps three nights, and his life is thinner than paper", which three sleeps? It is not superstition, it is good to know early

What other tips do you know about regulating sleep? You can share it in the comments below.