
An unsent text message

author:Zhang Jiaming 586

Boys and girls are a couple. Girls love to feel the rain. When it rains, boys always hold umbrellas for girls. Most of the umbrellas covered the girls. Every time the rain wet the boy's body, he said nothing but silently looked at the girl's intoxicated face. He was very happy, and so was the girl.

One day, boys and girls go to play. The boy took the girl's hand and passed by a construction site. The girl was jumping with excitement and still had words in her mouth. The boy rarely spoke, but watched her in silence as she was happy and happy. Just as he was speaking, a small piece of rubble suddenly fell from the upper floor and hit the girl on the head. The boy hugged the girl and the girl screamed... He wanted to use his body to block the rubble. Just as he was about to land, the boy suddenly rolled over with his face down. As a result, only the girl's hand was smashed by the gravel.

The girl reacted and screamed in pain. As a result, the tears came out. She thought, the old saying, "Husband and wife are the same forest bird, and suffering sees the truth." Thinking of holding back the pain, he stood up from the boy. He ran away without looking at the boy.

At this time, the boy called the girl's name behind his back, his voice trembling, and his lips turned white. He took out his mobile phone and dialed the girl's number, but the girl did not answer, and then dialed or did not answer. He gave up several times. Just after pressing something on the phone with his finger, the blood around the boy slowly spread, the hand fell, the phone also fell into a pool of blood, and he no longer had the strength to press the send button.

The next day, when the girl learned that the boy was being rescued in the hospital, she ran to the hospital without anger. By the time she arrived at the hospital, doctors had already declared the boy dead. The cause is excessive blood loss in the lungs.

It turned out that when the boy tried to block the rubble with his body, he suddenly found a ten-centimeter steel bar standing on the ground. I jerked over, only to let the stone hit the girl's hand with all my might. Let the bars enter your lungs.

The boy's mother handed the boy's phone to the girl, and the girl looked at the text message that had not yet been sent. Honey, I'm sorry I still failed to protect you, your hand hurt...

Seeing the message the girl's tears couldn't help but gush out her eyes and run to the boy's paradise...


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