
The age difference between 66-year-old Duras and 27-year-old Andrea, 39 years old, are they in love?

author:And listen to the wind 80

"I like you, what a great thing!"

The age difference between 66-year-old Duras and 27-year-old Andrea, 39 years old, are they in love?

Jan Andrea was not yet 27 years old, a young college student who had just graduated from the philosophy department, and Duras was a 66-year-old woman.

That day, duras, as a director, sat down with the audience in Goneville, France, and she met jan Andrea for the first time. Little did she know that the young lad had already had a crush on her. After the symposium, he followed her to the parking lot, stopped her and asked, "Do you have a lover?" "What's the speed at which you're driving?" Young Andrea thought he was unreasonable and disorderly and did not get a response. Unexpectedly, Duras, who was known for his bad temper, smiled slightly: "Lover, I don't have any now; the speed can reach 140!" She flew away, leaving him to stand in a daze for a long time.

It didn't take long for Duras to receive a letter from Jan, who looked at it and smiled faintly and ignored it, for her rule was never to reply. But letters came like snowflakes, almost once a day, sometimes several a day. These letters are so beautifully written that even though Duras is already a well-known writer and screenwriter, he is still attracted by the beautiful words in the letters, and even the girlish feelings that have been buried in the depths of his heart have also been stirred up.

A few months later, they finally met. She stood nervously on the balcony looking down, and a handsome young man came from a distance and approached her life from then on.

The age difference of 39 years makes their love seem so irrational and doomed to not be favored. However, love should be pure, it should have nothing to do with age, no appearance, no birth, it only needs the fit of the soul.

Of course, there will also be quarrels and contradictions that all lovers have. In her later years, Duras was an alcoholic and grumpy, and she raised Jan Andrea at home like a male favorite, buying designer clothes and giving him money. Jan Andrea helped Duras type, helped her with her housework, and accompanied her inseparably. Duras was also very possessive, and she restricted his socialization and forbade him to look at men, let alone women. Jan's mother went to Paris, and Jan had to secretly meet. As soon as Jando left, Duras would fidget and jump like thunder. Still, the two lived together for 16 years. Is it love? At least like love.

In particular, in his later years, Duras was bedridden, and Jan still did not abandon it. He took care of her diet, wiped her body, fed her food and laundry... Accompanied Duras through the last 16 years of his life until the moment when his breathing stopped: March 3, 1996. Before Duras died, he left Jan a note: Jan, farewell forever, I'm gone. Embrace you. I love you. Please forgive me for everything.

If I wasn't a writer, I would be a prostitute.

The age difference between 66-year-old Duras and 27-year-old Andrea, 39 years old, are they in love?

Duras was born in April 1914 in Saigon, Vietnam. It was a turbulent time, and Duras's childhood was also full of humiliation and suffering. When she was very young, her father abandoned her mother, who took her and her two older brothers to live hard. Her family has since had only misfortune, poverty and endless quarrels. To make matters worse, her mother preferred sons to daughters, so Duras's childhood was filled with misery and despair. Duras' lifelong hunger for lust may have been influenced by this unloving environment. Her family, her childhood experiences, laid the groundwork for her later alcoholism and indulgence.

Love for me, not skin kiss, not a vegetable and a meal, it is an immortal desire, is a heroic dream in a tired life. And my dream is to die with you.

The age difference between 66-year-old Duras and 27-year-old Andrea, 39 years old, are they in love?

At the age of 16, Duras met a Chinese man, Li Yuntai, who became her first and lifelong lover. Li Yuntai was a clumsy boy with a weak body and a disability of will. Duras was initially attracted to Lee Yun-tae's dokin, and at that time he should not have really loved him, and lust was completely out of profit and sexual desire. She just wants to use her flesh for a chance to escape poverty.

She did it, and with the financial support of Li Yuntai, Duras returned to France and found her true self. She studied law, mathematics, and political science at the University of Paris, and aspired to become a novelist.

In 1939, she married Robert Anterm, a good friend of her former lover. In 1942, she met Diony Mascolo and fell in love with him at first sight. Strangely, she introduced Diony Mascolo to her husband. Over the next few years, she lived with two men. Of course, this deformed love will not last long after all, and soon Duras finally divorced, and both men left her.

The age difference between 66-year-old Duras and 27-year-old Andrea, 39 years old, are they in love?

Duras's unbridled temperament has caused many prejudices and misunderstandings, believing that Duras's works represent the world of adulteresses and sluts. In fact, on the contrary, the pursuit of absolute love is the most important theme in Duras's literary works. Trapped by love, Duras never gave up his quest for absolute love. Duras's concept of love is unique, her love can illuminate people's spirit and senses, and can maximize self-assertion. She said: "If a woman only has sex with one man in her life, it's because she doesn't like sex. But it is more important and meaningful to have a love story than to go to bed forty-five times. She added: "The way to deal with men is to have to love them very, very much, or they will become unbearable." I love men, I only love men. I can have 50 men at a time. Love does not exist, there is only passion between men and women, and it is absolutely inappropriate, even pitiful, to find comfort in love, but she also believes that if there is no love in life, there is no place in the heart, there is no place to expect, it is unimaginable. ”

Duras, after all, became a great writer, playwright, and director, and she became famous with The Against the Pacific, and her representative works such as Hiroshima Love and Lover were circulated in the world. She also had a wide influence in China, and her writings became a must-read classic for petty bourgeoisie.

If you love, love deeply, until the day you can no longer love.

The age difference between 66-year-old Duras and 27-year-old Andrea, 39 years old, are they in love?

Duras is legendary. Not to mention her achievements in literary history. It only says that she lives freely in the world.

Be brave to love, desperately to live. She is the most transparent woman I know. With a unique style, they even immersed themselves in her work as if it were the Bible.

"I was old, and one day, in the hall of a public place, a man came up to me. He introduced himself and he said to me, 'I know you and will always remember you.' At that time, you were still very young, and everyone said you were beautiful, and now, I am here to tell you, for me, I think you are more beautiful now than when you were younger, when you were a young woman, and I love your battered face more than you did then. ’”

I also like her love for Young, which I think is the pure, beautiful love of the world. Jan shook Duras's hand, tears of affection, and bid farewell to his lover. After Jan's death, his friends buried him and Duras together, and they were together forever in heaven.

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