
The tongue is thick and has tooth marks, what is the problem? Teach you to see the tongue to discern health

author:Zhilu Pharmacy

The tongue is a window of good health, and different parts of the tongue represent different organs. Chinese medicine to see a doctor, pay attention to looking, smelling, asking, cutting, looking first, of which tongue diagnosis is very important.

Usually, a healthy tongue is reddish in color, has countless nipples and hairs on the surface, is thin white, and moist. However, when the body has a condition, it will cause changes in the tongue moss and tongue microenvironment, resulting in changes in the appearance of the tongue.

Healthy colored tongue

The tongue is thick and has tooth marks, what is the problem? Teach you to see the tongue to discern health

It is pink, moist on the surface, moderately wet and dry, and the tongue is thin and white and uniform.

If there are tooth marks around the tongue and are very pronounced, and the tongue moss is thick, this tongue image may indicate a phlegm wet constitution.

Tooth marks tongue

The tongue is thick and has tooth marks, what is the problem? Teach you to see the tongue to discern health

Phlegm wetness in Traditional Chinese medicine mainly refers to when the human organs are dysfunctional, it is easy to cause disorders in the transport of qi, blood, and liquid, and the water is wet and stopped, and the wetness is gathered into phlegm. It is often manifested as body shape obesity, abdominal fatness, chest tightness, phlegm, easy drowsiness, and unpleasant weight. With the great abundance of diet and the reduction of physical labor, more and more people with phlegm wet constitution are most commonly found in fat people.

How to distinguish the wet constitution of sputum?

The tongue is thick and has tooth marks, what is the problem? Teach you to see the tongue to discern health

There are many characteristics in real life that we can refer to.

In general, people with phlegm wet constitution common manifestations are: easy to sleep, lazy, drowsy, weight as wrapped, face less blood, often blue in white, usually afraid of cold, cold hands and feet, easy to sweat, lack of energy, sleep more.

Physical characteristics: most people with phlegm wet constitution are obese, the abdomen is fat and soft, the facial skin is more oily, and the eye bubbles are slightly floating.

In terms of adaptability to the external environment: people with phlegm wet constitution should not be in a cold and humid environment, resistant to summer and not winter. Susceptible diseases: hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, hypertension, diabetes.

Sputum wet physique conditioning method

The tongue is thick and has tooth marks, what is the problem? Teach you to see the tongue to discern health

Chinese medicine believes that the conditioning principle of phlegm wet physique is to lose weight, artificially increase the amount of exercise, eat and drink less, and excrete more. The treatment method of Chinese medicine is to strengthen the spleen and dampness, dissolve phlegm and discharge turbidity, and generally can be nourished by diet, living, exercise and even acupuncture points.

In terms of diet, try to avoid fatty and sweet and cold sour fruits, quit drinking, and most avoid overeating and eating too fast. Often eat moist and spleen foods, such as japonica rice, millet, coix kernels, corn and other cereal foods; beef, rabbit, snails, quail and other meat foods; winter melon, white radish, mung bean sprouts, celery and other vegetable foods; hawthorn, bayberry, betel nut, olive and other fruit foods. Eat less for dinner and don't eat late-night snacks.

In terms of environmental living, it should be done "away from moisture, loose clothing", and the fabric is mainly cotton, linen, silk and other breathable and wet natural fibers, which is conducive to the evaporation of sweat and the removal of moisture in the body. Dry the water in time after sweating, raining, and bathing.

People with phlegm wet constitution should carry out outdoor activities in a cool place; exercise is mainly based on whole-body exercise, strengthening physical fitness, improving spleen and stomach function, in order to discharge moisture and circulate qi and blood. When exercising, you need to take care to avoid a wet and cold environment.

Tongue moss appears in these colors, also pay attention to it!

White moss

In addition to being seen in normal and disease-free people, white moss is more common in mild diseases, the initial stage of illness and the recovery period of the disease. Early or local lesions of the disease, local lesions that do not affect the whole body, such as adolescent goiter, trauma, tinea pedis, plum nuclear qi, early breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc.

Yellow moss

Pathologically, yellow lichen is mostly associated with inflammatory infections. Cold fever If you see this tongue moss, it can be accompanied by dry mouth, sore throat, cough and yellow sputum, which is called wind fever cold in Chinese medicine. Yellow moss appears in the shortest 2 days of fever, so fever is also closely related to yellow moss. During treatment, cooling drugs should be the mainstay, avoid stimulating spicy foods and tonics, so as not to add fuel to the fire.

Gray black moss

It is mainly caused by the proliferation and blackening of the filamentous papilla of the tongue. The color of black moss can vary in shades such as brownish black, gray black, scorched black, and pitch black. If this moss appears, it must have a long period of illness and a more complex and serious disease.

In patients with black lichen, half of the cases are caused by various inflammatory infections, including pneumonia, pyelonephritis, etc.; central nervous system dysfunction can also cause black lichen; some critically ill patients, various advanced cancers have appeared black lichen, which is a manifestation of the extreme stage of the disease.

Of course, black moss is not necessarily seriously ill, do not pay attention to oral hygiene and do not often brush teeth, help the growth of mold and tongue papillary stratum corneum is too long, the formation of black moss. In people who smoke regularly, smoke or chemicals in tobacco irritate the papillary and can also induce black moss. Often eating Chinese medicine will also lead to black moss, that is, the drug precipitation staining, after stopping the drug will get better.