
King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

author:Sit on a landscape day

Foodies save the world, it's no joke. With this delicious mouth of their own, human beings can really resolve the original ecological crisis and turn the tide!

King crab is a high-end ingredient that everyone likes, and it is very expensive. Everyone knows that Norway is rich in king crabs, but they don't know that king crabs were not originally Norwegian species, they were invaded in the past. Norway also thought of many ways to deal with this foreign visitor, and finally used the road of gastronomy to defeat the biological invasion.

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

King crab is a world-class ingredient that has never been short of diners

To know the history of king crabs as food, we need to know: What kind of animal is king crab? Where was its original home? Why is it still expensive to flood? What kind of damage will the invasion of king crabs cause to the ecology? Do you know how terrible the invasion of king crabs around the world will have? Every time people eat one, they are saving the world!

What is king crab?

As soon as you hear the name, you know that the king crab is not an ordinary animal, after all, the name with a little "king" and "emperor" is not an idle person, such as the king cobra, one of the most poisonous snakes in the world; the emperor penguin, the largest penguin in existence. This king crab is even more cattle, and directly occupies two words in one breath!

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

King crabs look like giant spiders

Although the name has "crab", the king crab is not an orthodox crab genetically speaking, it belongs to the genus of stone crabs in the family Stone Crab family, the scientific name is Kamchatka stone crab, called king crab because of its huge size, its feet are straight, can reach 1.8 meters. The most intuitive difference between king crab and crab is that except for the frontmost pliers, it only has 6 legs, and it does not walk horizontally, king crab can walk up and down, left and right.

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

Look at this big long leg

King crab is also a crab as its name, can grow to more than ten kilograms, wearing armor on the seabed walking, wherever "no grass grows", mollusks, crustaceans, echinoderms, vertebrates, can be eaten, it does not refuse. If there is not enough food, then eat the same kind, anyway, it is not afraid of prion. According to zoologists, king crabs live within a radius of 150 meters, and almost no other species can be found.

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

King crabs are the top predators

What's more, the king crab can not only eat, it is also particularly raw, a king crab couple can give birth to tens of thousands of eggs at a time, the hatching rate is about 20%, that is to say, the unhatched eggs are the first meal of these small crabs, compared to those animals that hatch to find their own food, the children of the king crab are ahead of the first step. What is honorable! What is an emperor!

Fortunately, nature is fair, so that the king crab can only have 4 years to participate in breeding in its lifetime, otherwise it is unimaginable that if their life expectancy of more than 30 years is taken to give birth, the world may be its king crab family!

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

The proliferation of king crabs is also related to their reproductive ability

At present, the number of king crabs in the world is conservatively estimated at more than 10 million, and Norway is the world's largest producer of king crabs, but it is not the home of king crabs. So where did king crabs come from?

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

Norwegian town

Where is the king crab's hometown?

Native to the Sea of Japan, the Bering Strait and Alaska, king crabs live at a depth of 850 meters, inhabit the ocean floor, and prefer to be cold, but not too cold. Generally speaking, its temperature range is 2 to 5 degrees Celsius, and the minimum limit is 1.4 degrees, so the harsh living conditions may have been in its hometown for a lifetime.

After World War II, because all countries are in the stage of material scarcity, in order to ensure people's quality of life, countries have increased the development of marine fisheries, and king crabs have also been served on the human table. King crabs are loved by people in Japan and the Soviet Far East because of their large size, meat, good taste and high protein content. In order to be able to breed king crabs on a large scale, the Soviet Union caught a batch of them and transported them to the Arctic Ocean, hoping to breed hardy king crabs.

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

King crab is made into a delicacy

The effect was not ideal, the king crab was basically cold to death by the waters of the Arctic Ocean, and there were 7 left. The Soviet Union's cultivation program failed, so the 7 were abandoned in the waters close to Norway. Who could have predicted that these 7 king crabs invaded the norwegian sea and increased to 50 million in just 30 years!

The king crab's sweeping feeding method swept away the Norwegian seabed, and the original underwater ecology of Norway was destroyed. Norway has put a lot of effort into killing crabs, and the results are not ideal. At this time, the world set off a wave of eating king crabs, and norwegians directly sold these king crabs as commodities, but they did not expect the income to be very good. So Norway started the king crab business, and gradually, the king crab, which was originally an invasive species, became a business card of the Norwegian fishing industry.

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

King crabs are caught for sale

Why is king crab so expensive?

This is because the cost of catching king crab is high and the risks are high. Because it inhabits the bottom of the sea and crawls on its own, it is impossible to fish with ordinary nets. The king crab's long legs are not white, when it feels dangerous, it will crawl quickly on the bottom of the sea, and its flexibility is far more than that of ordinary crabs, after all, it can run up and down and left and right.

To catch king crabs, fishermen must dive, and the waters in Norwegian waters are cold and bone-chilling, and if you are not careful, fishermen will have accidents. According to Norwegian statistics every year, one in every 7 fishermen who catch king crab dies. In order to prevent people from asking for money and not dying, Norway stipulates that it is necessary to obtain a professional license to participate in the fishing of king crabs. So there are not many people in this world who are qualified to fish.

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

Fishing for king crabs is a dangerous job

It is precisely because fishing is so arduous, even if the Norwegian king crab has been flooded, but the price of king crab on the market has remained high. And the Norwegians can't catch up with the speed of king crab fertility. However, the king crab is not the most serious in Norway, after all, norwegians can still find a way to catch it. When scientists saw king crabs off the coast of Antarctica, an ominous premonition welled up in their minds.

During a scientific expedition, scientists found that more than 1 million king crabs live on the bottom of the Sea in antarctic waters, and it is reasonable to say that they do not appear in such a cold place, so how did they come about? What kind of disasters will it bring to Antarctica?

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

King crabs began their march to the South Pole

What kind of damage will the invasion of king crabs cause to the ecology?

Although the king crab is a cold-water crab, the original living environment is not below zero, why is the current king crab so cold-resistant, and they have run to the South Pole? This has to mention the King Crab farming plan of the Soviet Union that year. In the 1960s, the Soviet Union introduced king crabs in the hope of breeding cold-resistant individuals. Breeding takes place in the Arctic Ocean, and of course most of the king crabs are not carried. But remember those 7 discarded king crabs?

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

The Arctic Ocean is very cold

Yes, the 7 survivors are actually cold-resistant individuals, and after entering the norwegian seas, after a series of later choices, the offspring are almost all cold-resistant physiques. Since the Norwegian king crab grows well in the invading environment, the original king crab's home, the Sea of Japan and Alaska, chose to introduce Norwegian crab seedlings. This wave of exports to domestic sales has caused cold-resistant descendants to blossom and scatter in the world.

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

King crabs are now all cold-resistant little masters

Scientists speculate that the king crabs in Antarctica may have been accidentally brought to Antarctica by scientific expedition ships, and since most of the world's king crabs are now descendants of Norwegian breeds, they can withstand temperatures that could not have been tolerated. Antarctica does not have any threatening predators, and king crabs continue to exert their eatable and raw characteristics here, and soon set up camp in new places.

If they continue to go deeper into the Antarctic waters, then the entire Antarctic bottom ecology will be completely destroyed by king crabs. The only thing that can cure it is the Antarctic seal, but unfortunately the seal can't dive so deep. And humans can't catch The King Crab in Antarctica, because diving here is far more dangerous than anywhere else in the world.

King crabs invade the world, but they are still expensive, and every time they eat one, they are "saving" the world

Adorable seals in Antarctica

It can be seen that king crab is a very destructive and terrible species, and it is difficult to catch, which leads to its current flooding, invading the world and destroying ecosystems everywhere. Therefore, every time a foodie eats a king crab, it is "eliminating harm for the people" and protecting the ecology of the earth. Although humans have extinct some species because of their mouths, eating king crab this time should still be encouraged!

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